The Second American Revolution coming......

The Second American Revolution coming......

No, it's not, broomstick cowboy.

So if you want to kill your neighbors because you don't like the way they look or act, you're just going to have to do it on your own.

you white trash alamist crack me up, tell me what they are saying again at the truckstop you work at.
there should be a revelution of going to college, these malitia/Klan/trailer trash Obama haters need to be schooled on this thing called globalization.
Unemployment is not going back down to 5% any time soon. Ohh, it already is if you have a 4yr degree. But by all means get your militia boys worked up.
The Second American Revolution coming......

No, it's not, broomstick cowboy.

So if you want to kill your neighbors because you don't like the way they look or act, you're just going to have to do it on your own.

I'm a little bit surprised at such a blithe response coming from you Edi. Do you really believe the mood of the country is so far removed from the possibility right now that the question doesn't even merit consideration?

If so, I wish I was as assured about that fact as you. I would point out that at the time of the American Revolution only about 33% of the colonists were for separation from England and roughly an equal amount were Tories. If we take this as precedent for where a tipping point might be, what do you believe the percentages are now? Perhaps, more to the point what do you suppose the percentages might be if there is frustration at the ballot box in November. For my part, I don't see a decent into violence unless the people's will is frustrated in November and this crazy headlong leap into Socialism (of whatever character) continues.
ohh never mind you went to a community college to study trees.
your a smart guy, get back to whipping up your moron friends.
there should be a revelution of going to college, these malitia/Klan/trailer trash Obama haters need to be schooled on this thing called globalization.
Unemployment is not going back down to 5% any time soon. Ohh, it already is if you have a 4yr degree. But by all means get your militia boys worked up.

Hey TS, you really need to spell your words correctly if you are going to bash people for being uneducated. Otherwise, you really look like an undereducated oaf yourself.

First the preposition thing, now this. It's really very embarrassing.
I was going to slam him on the community college thing, but in retrospect I bet he's proud of that.
tech-esc fuck you spelling/grammar nazi
I was going to slam him on the community college thing, but in retrospect I bet he's proud of that.
tech-esc fuck you spelling/grammar nazi

That's Esq to you, as in Esquire.

Now, little boy, have you never been taught that people in glass houses ought not throw rocks? Where were you educated? Joe's college and grill? Is that where you learned to construct sentences so poorly and where they passed you even if you spelled your words incorrectly. I think you have a lot of work to do on yourself before you go beating others up on their skills.
blow me esquire, attack my ideas not my spelling you fool
I have and MBA and ACCT degrees, don't need or worry too much for english majors opinions on my grammar.
blow me esquire, attack my ideas not my spelling you fool
I have and MBA and ACCT degrees, don't need or worry too much for english majors opinions on my grammar.

Joe's College and Grill is now handing out MBAs? How interesting.

Nice guess, little boy, not that it matters much now, being so far in the past, but I have a double major in Political Science and Business Management and a Double Minor in History and Military Science. I also hold a Juris Doctor degree.

English is capitalized by the way. If you used Firefox with the spelling add-in enabled, it would save you from a number of these embarrassing errors.

As far as your ideas, I didn't notice you had anything of note to add. You seem to just like to attack others for their lack of education. How do you like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

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