The Science is Settled

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So, jc, you were thinking there was some sort of correlation between clouds and warming? That's been explored pretty thoroughly and hasn't brought up much. There were those folks at CERN who decided they'd found other ways to make clouds and it might be of help to the modelers, but it doesn't refute AGW. It doesn't even put a wee dent in it.

So, what were you thinking?
not sure what you're referencing, this is off topic so I choose to decline comment here.

I assumed you were attempting to show that the science wasn't settled and thus WERE on-topic.

So what was the purpose of your query about older records of cloud cover?
So, jc, you were thinking there was some sort of correlation between clouds and warming? That's been explored pretty thoroughly and hasn't brought up much. There were those folks at CERN who decided they'd found other ways to make clouds and it might be of help to the modelers, but it doesn't refute AGW. It doesn't even put a wee dent in it.

So, what were you thinking?
not sure what you're referencing, this is off topic so I choose to decline comment here.

I assumed you were attempting to show that the science wasn't settled and thus WERE on-topic.

So what was the purpose of your query about older records of cloud cover?
What post are you quoting me from?
Here is global precipitation back to 1900


That's not a chart of atmospheric water vapor
Nobody cares about the CO2!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
the science is settled, though there is no experimental evidence that CO2 does anything other than absorb. Nothing about it causing an increase in any temperature set. I still challenge my warmer friends in here to produce the one that actually does show it.

Here for some laughs:

Look at the experiment in this link. Funny 1 degree cooler. ooops,,,,,


Arrest everyone that doesn't agree.
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Surely you have sufficient intellect to realize the absurdity of claiming CO2 only absorbs IR but does not emit it.

However, I have learned from you. I have learned that there's no point in attempting to educate you, apparently on anything. You believe what you want to believe and your mind is as closed to alternatives as it could possibly be.

I'll be curious what you think a decade or two from now when temperatures are even higher, more ice has melted and the seas have risen even further. But I'm not going to hang with you till then.
Surely you have sufficient intellect to realize the absurdity of claiming CO2 only absorbs IR but does not emit it.

However, I have learned from you. I have learned that there's no point in attempting to educate you, apparently on anything. You believe what you want to believe and your mind is as closed to alternatives as it could possibly be.

I'll be curious what you think a decade or two from now when temperatures are even higher, more ice has melted and the seas have risen even further. But I'm not going to hang with you till then.
Funny boo, read what I posted again and then come on back.
Surely you have sufficient intellect to realize the absurdity of claiming CO2 only absorbs IR but does not emit it.

However, I have learned from you. I have learned that there's no point in attempting to educate you, apparently on anything. You believe what you want to believe and your mind is as closed to alternatives as it could possibly be.

I'll be curious what you think a decade or two from now when temperatures are even higher, more ice has melted and the seas have risen even further. But I'm not going to hang with you till then.

I agree, it's pointless.
He has the scientific comprehension of a 3rd grader.
Surely you have sufficient intellect to realize the absurdity of claiming CO2 only absorbs IR but does not emit it.

However, I have learned from you. I have learned that there's no point in attempting to educate you, apparently on anything. You believe what you want to believe and your mind is as closed to alternatives as it could possibly be.

I'll be curious what you think a decade or two from now when temperatures are even higher, more ice has melted and the seas have risen even further. But I'm not going to hang with you till then.

I agree, it's pointless.
He has the scientific comprehension of a 3rd grader.
Stick to the topic asshole,
Surely you have sufficient intellect to realize the absurdity of claiming CO2 only absorbs IR but does not emit it.

However, I have learned from you. I have learned that there's no point in attempting to educate you, apparently on anything. You believe what you want to believe and your mind is as closed to alternatives as it could possibly be.

I'll be curious what you think a decade or two from now when temperatures are even higher, more ice has melted and the seas have risen even further. But I'm not going to hang with you till then.

I agree, it's pointless.
He has the scientific comprehension of a 3rd grader.
Stick to the topic asshole,

Your ignorance of science is the current topic.
We all start out ignorant. It's his refusal to educate himself that's the problem.
It's worse than that. He admitted he agreed with some of the physics, but when he realized the slippery slope that put him on, he suddenly, with no scientific reasoning, backtracked.

Except for not wanting to waste trillions on "green energy", he's as bad as some of the fraudsters on your side.
Stupid people are parrots. Everyone parroting, not thinking, supports the fraud. Others who think notice that in the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, and wonder how CO2 caused both when it was constant for both....

Every moonbat on the planet loves is cashing in on the manmade global warming scam.

A senior Iranian cleric from Isfahan, Iran, said “immorality” among young Iranian women, stemming from dressing “improperly,” is resulting in climate change and causing the rivers and dams in Iran to run dry.

During his weekly Friday sermon, Imam Seyyed Youssef Tabatabi-nejad said, “My office has received photos of women next to the dry Zayandeh-rud River pictured as if they are in Europe.” Tabatabi-nejad added, “It is these sorts of acts that cause the river to dry up even further,” according to the Iranian Student News Agency.

What is a Moonbat? Jerry Brown is called Governor Moonbeam and I know what a Seabat is.

He added that “improper veiling” also contributed to this unnatural phenomenon. Just last month, the Iranian regime arrested eight Instagram models for “promoting immoral and un-Islamic culture and promiscuity” by appearing on the social media platform without wearing the mandatory hijab, a head covering that is often required under Islamic Sharia law.

The Islamic cleric’s comments arrive at a time when the regime is increasing its crackdown on youth for espousing Western values through their social media accounts and attire.

Tabatabi-nejad also called for Iran’s morality police to crack down on this “improper veiling” and urged Iran’s parliamentary Hezbollahi forces to “carry out operations to root out vice” in these women. (Iran’s Hezbollahi forces were created at the founding of the Iranian revolution to help the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in his quest to consolidate power. In their current capacity, they act as a sort of morality police force and an extension of the regime.)

Keep reading…
Stupid people are parrots. Everyone parroting, not thinking, supports the fraud. Others who think notice that in the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed, and wonder how CO2 caused both when it was constant for both....


Greenland froze while North America thawed, and wonder how CO2 caused both when it was constant for both....

Who claimed CO2 caused both?
I mean except for some moron here.
The warmers claim CO2 causes climate change. The question about NA thawing while Greenland froze proves CO2 had nothing to do with either. So what did cause NA to thaw while Greenland froze at the same time??:?
You dumb fuck, you have never presented evidence that that happened. And scientists have presented evidence that it did not. Go ahead, keep repeating it like the idiot you are, demonstrate to the whole world your ignorance.
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