The Same FBI That Brought You 'Obama-Russia-Gate' Now Says Hackers Have Access To Every State's Election Process


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...just in time to de-legitimize a Trump win on election day, splitting the nation and sending us into Civil War.

Forget the fact that Obama and his DHS attempted to hack state election processes in 2016 and FAILED to do so - they were busted trying to do so.

Forget this is the same FBI who was the 'train' during the Russian-Hoax Coup Attempt with Obama as the 'Engineer'.

Forget this is the same FBI who 'permanently lost' some of their files, only to have independent experts stepping into 'find' them in less than a day....

Forget this is the same FBI exposed as committing FISA Court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' for decades...

Forget thi sis the same FBI STILL slow-walking / hiding criminal evidence against the FBI.....


"The FBI and DHS claimed hackers have gained access to US elections systems nationwide.

It is unclear who the so-called hackers are; the FBI labeled them as “advanced persistent threat actors” or APT.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said there is no evidence elections data was hacked and that “it does not appear these targets are being selected because of their proximity to elections information.”

They are laying the grounds for claiming Trump's win is not 'legitimate' come November.

Our intelligence agencies want continued foreign occupation and endless do many at the pentagon....and they are still trying to get rid of Trump because he is ending the nonsense and bringing our troops home.....and look at the side the left is on.....amazing....
The FBI doesn't even have access to Hillary's 30,00 emails. How would they know something like that?

Oh wait...I figured it out:

Guy on internet discussion board: "I am the greatest hacker in the world. I can hack anything!!!"

FBI Agent reading thread: "I'm a great hacker too. Let's get together and hack something.

Guy on internet discussion board: "Like what"?

FBI Agent reading thread: "How about some election systems?"

Guy on internet discussion board: "I don't know if I want to do that."

FBI Agent reading thread: "Come on man, it'll be fun."

Guy on internet discussion board: "Well......ok."

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...just in time to de-legitimize a Trump win on election day, splitting the nation and sending us into Civil War.

Forget the fact that Obama and his DHS attempted to hack state election processes in 2016 and FAILED to do so - they were busted trying to do so.

Forget this is the same FBI who was the 'train' during the Russian-Hoax Coup Attempt with Obama as the 'Engineer'.

Forget this is the same FBI who 'permanently lost' some of their files, only to have independent experts stepping into 'find' them in less than a day....

Forget this is the same FBI exposed as committing FISA Court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' for decades...

Forget thi sis the same FBI STILL slow-walking / hiding criminal evidence against the FBI.....


"The FBI and DHS claimed hackers have gained access to US elections systems nationwide.

It is unclear who the so-called hackers are; the FBI labeled them as “advanced persistent threat actors” or APT.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said there is no evidence elections data was hacked and that “it does not appear these targets are being selected because of their proximity to elections information.”

They are laying the grounds for claiming Trump's win is not 'legitimate' come November.

They are trying to have the elections declared invalid so Pelosi becomes queen. It isn't about getting Biden or the hoe in--------nobody even among the dems likes them.
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...just in time to de-legitimize a Trump win on election day, splitting the nation and sending us into Civil War.

That's EXACTLY what the filth is doing!

With the fake polls saying biden is setting up the scenario that "Trump cheated" when he wins.

It'll be burning, looting, and murder on a scale we have never seen.

Thanks democrats!!!
...just in time to de-legitimize a Trump win on election day, splitting the nation and sending us into Civil War.

Forget the fact that Obama and his DHS attempted to hack state election processes in 2016 and FAILED to do so - they were busted trying to do so.

Forget this is the same FBI who was the 'train' during the Russian-Hoax Coup Attempt with Obama as the 'Engineer'.

Forget this is the same FBI who 'permanently lost' some of their files, only to have independent experts stepping into 'find' them in less than a day....

Forget this is the same FBI exposed as committing FISA Court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' for decades...

Forget thi sis the same FBI STILL slow-walking / hiding criminal evidence against the FBI.....


"The FBI and DHS claimed hackers have gained access to US elections systems nationwide.

It is unclear who the so-called hackers are; the FBI labeled them as “advanced persistent threat actors” or APT.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said there is no evidence elections data was hacked and that “it does not appear these targets are being selected because of their proximity to elections information.”

They are laying the grounds for claiming Trump's win is not 'legitimate' come November.

I knew there be another conspiracy story right quick as soon as Obamagate blew up.
The thing about any so-called second civil war is no civilian staffed military corps are being formed and our active duty military has been infested and subjected to Critical Race Theory mind conditioning. That leaves the police, who are tools of their political masters and random groups of Trump supporters who may or may not be in communication with each other. I hate to say it but at this point BLM and Antifa are more organized. And that's precisely why me and mine shall be away from civilization during the election proper. Live to fight another day and all that. Unless of course some kind of pro-Trump draft is held and thousands of his supporters organize. Oh, wait . . . radical leftist corporate tyrants control all social media and cell service providers. Looks like It'll be quite lonely on my newly purchased satellite phone.
The thing about any so-called second civil war is no civilian staffed military corps are being formed and our active duty military has been infested and subjected to Critical Race Theory mind conditioning. That leaves the police, who are tools of their political masters and random groups of Trump supporters who may or may not be in communication with each other. I hate to say it but at this point BLM and Antifa are more organized. And that's precisely why me and mine shall be away from civilization during the election proper. Live to fight another day and all that. Unless of course some kind of pro-Trump draft is held and thousands of his supporters organize. Oh, wait . . . radical leftist corporate tyrants control all social media and cell service providers. Looks like It'll be quite lonely on my newly purchased satellite phone.
Haven't spontaneous rallies / crowds of thousands taught you anything? There is a host of Americans who have seen who the Democrats are - Constitutional and Civil Rights impressively violating, illegally spying on EVERYONE, using the IRS against them...telling Americans how many of their family members can get together...controlling when they can go to church, telling them they can't sing....attempting to control every aspect of their lives....

There will be no need for a 'draft'...Trump or no Trump, Americans do NOT want every aspect of their lives controlled.
The thing about any so-called second civil war is no civilian staffed military corps are being formed and our active duty military has been infested and subjected to Critical Race Theory mind conditioning. That leaves the police, who are tools of their political masters and random groups of Trump supporters who may or may not be in communication with each other. I hate to say it but at this point BLM and Antifa are more organized. And that's precisely why me and mine shall be away from civilization during the election proper. Live to fight another day and all that. Unless of course some kind of pro-Trump draft is held and thousands of his supporters organize. Oh, wait . . . radical leftist corporate tyrants control all social media and cell service providers. Looks like It'll be quite lonely on my newly purchased satellite phone.
Haven't spontaneous rallies / crowds of thousands taught you anything? There is a host of Americans who have seen who the Democrats are - Constitutional and Civil Rights impressively violating, illegally spying on EVERYONE, using the IRS against them...telling Americans how many of their family members can get together...controlling when they can go to church, telling them they can't sing....attempting to control every aspect of their lives....

There will be no need for a 'draft'...Trump or no Trump, Americans do NOT want every aspect of their lives controlled.

Respectfully, I strongly disagree. I just retired from the US Army. All I am trying to convey here is the need for organization. Yes, hundreds of millions of good, Christian, law abiding Americans are armed. But I am telling you, being armed to the teeth will do us no good unless we are organized and commanded or command at every level. Simply running into the street and popping off rounds won't win anyone anything. Command and control is required. A reliable, secure communication network is required. A transportation corps. Supply chains. An intelligence gathering and analysis corps. Every branch required by an actual army will be needed by any resistance to leftist tyranny.
The thing about any so-called second civil war is no civilian staffed military corps are being formed and our active duty military has been infested and subjected to Critical Race Theory mind conditioning. That leaves the police, who are tools of their political masters and random groups of Trump supporters who may or may not be in communication with each other. I hate to say it but at this point BLM and Antifa are more organized. And that's precisely why me and mine shall be away from civilization during the election proper. Live to fight another day and all that. Unless of course some kind of pro-Trump draft is held and thousands of his supporters organize. Oh, wait . . . radical leftist corporate tyrants control all social media and cell service providers. Looks like It'll be quite lonely on my newly purchased satellite phone.
Haven't spontaneous rallies / crowds of thousands taught you anything? There is a host of Americans who have seen who the Democrats are - Constitutional and Civil Rights impressively violating, illegally spying on EVERYONE, using the IRS against them...telling Americans how many of their family members can get together...controlling when they can go to church, telling them they can't sing....attempting to control every aspect of their lives....

There will be no need for a 'draft'...Trump or no Trump, Americans do NOT want every aspect of their lives controlled.

Respectfully, I strongly disagree. I just retired from the US Army. All I am trying to convey here is the need for organization. Yes, hundreds of millions of good, Christian, law abiding Americans are armed. But I am telling you, being armed to the teeth will do us no good unless we are organized and commanded or command at every level. Simply running into the street and popping off rounds won't win anyone anything. Command and control is required. A reliable, secure communication network is required. A transportation corps. Supply chains. An intelligence gathering and analysis corps. Every branch required by an actual army will be needed by any resistance to leftist tyranny.
30 year vet here & I agree with your point on organization. My point was NO ONE WILL HAVE TO BE DRAFTED to go against the Nancy Pelosi's, John Brennans, & Deep State DC swamp creatures if, God forbid, there is civil war. They are called the 'minority' for a reason.
The thing about any so-called second civil war is no civilian staffed military corps are being formed and our active duty military has been infested and subjected to Critical Race Theory mind conditioning. That leaves the police, who are tools of their political masters and random groups of Trump supporters who may or may not be in communication with each other. I hate to say it but at this point BLM and Antifa are more organized. And that's precisely why me and mine shall be away from civilization during the election proper. Live to fight another day and all that. Unless of course some kind of pro-Trump draft is held and thousands of his supporters organize. Oh, wait . . . radical leftist corporate tyrants control all social media and cell service providers. Looks like It'll be quite lonely on my newly purchased satellite phone.
Haven't spontaneous rallies / crowds of thousands taught you anything? There is a host of Americans who have seen who the Democrats are - Constitutional and Civil Rights impressively violating, illegally spying on EVERYONE, using the IRS against them...telling Americans how many of their family members can get together...controlling when they can go to church, telling them they can't sing....attempting to control every aspect of their lives....

There will be no need for a 'draft'...Trump or no Trump, Americans do NOT want every aspect of their lives controlled.

Respectfully, I strongly disagree. I just retired from the US Army. All I am trying to convey here is the need for organization. Yes, hundreds of millions of good, Christian, law abiding Americans are armed. But I am telling you, being armed to the teeth will do us no good unless we are organized and commanded or command at every level. Simply running into the street and popping off rounds won't win anyone anything. Command and control is required. A reliable, secure communication network is required. A transportation corps. Supply chains. An intelligence gathering and analysis corps. Every branch required by an actual army will be needed by any resistance to leftist tyranny.
30 year vet here & I agree with your point on organization. My point was NO ONE WILL HAVE TO BE DRAFTED to go against the Nancy Pelosi's, John Brennans, & Deep State DC swamp creatures if, God forbid, there is civil war. They are called the 'minority' for a reason.

Thanks. I see your point. An all volunteer force.
I wish Trump would fire Wray and the entire 7th floor of the FBI....

Yeah you'd like it if the Russians could pull off the same shit they did last election, or worse.

Why are American citizens opposing the efforts of the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA to stop Russian interference in American elections? One would think you'd be in favour of any and all efforts to protect your elections. Especially since you're all going batshit crazy over the dangers of mail-in ballots.
I wish Trump would fire Wray and the entire 7th floor of the FBI....

Yeah you'd like it if the Russians could pull off the same shit they did last election, or worse.

Why are American citizens opposing the efforts of the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA to stop Russian interference in American elections? One would think you'd be in favour of any and all efforts to protect your elections. Especially since you're all going batshit crazy over the dangers of mail-in ballots.
Oh jeeze...Russia again??? when will you libs learn....if you keep trying things that don't work over and over again it is a mental disability....
Its like using the claw side of a hammer and finding it won't sink a nail but you keep on trying......but go for will only make Trumps victory bigger....

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