The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.


The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables
Exactly. That's what blacks keep telling them and it is certainly what these black republicans are doing.
Senator Tim Scott from S Carolina is one of the new black conservatives.

He calls Republicans on the hate rhetoric and pushes new conservatism
One day, the Black vote may be split right down the middle, like the White vote already is, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

Collectively, they're still suffering from a bad case of Herd Instinct when it comes to politics, and they're nowhere near ready to abandon that lemming behavior.
One day, the Black vote may be split right down the middle, like the White vote already is, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.
The black voter votes for the candidate from the party that best represents the interest of black people. When both parties candidates equally represent the concerns of black people, the black vote will reflect that.
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables

I'll get killed for saying this, but if behavior needs to change, then eventually the 'victim' will have to change. Is that rhetoic or a basic truth? Empathy and understanding, I understand, but telling people they can't survive without the government is hardly an impetus for change. The 'Uncle Toms' appear to be correct.
One day, the Black vote may be split right down the middle, like the White vote already is, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.
The black voter votes for the candidate from the party that best represents the interest of black people. When both parties candidates equally represent the concerns of black people, the black vote will reflect that.
LIke I said... herd instinct... if Whites voted the same way, minorities would never see sunlight... politically speaking.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.
One day, the Black vote may be split right down the middle, like the White vote already is, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

Collectively, they're still suffering from a bad case of Herd Instinct when it comes to politics, and they're nowhere near ready to abandon that lemming behavior.
What have Republicans offered black communities other than prisons ?
One day, the Black vote may be split right down the middle, like the White vote already is, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.
The black voter votes for the candidate from the party that best represents the interest of black people. When both parties candidates equally represent the concerns of black people, the black vote will reflect that.
LIke I said... herd instinct... if Whites voted the same way, minorities would never see sunlight... politically speaking.
Herd instinct my ass. Current right wing policies do not reflect our concerns. If the majority of whites faced the same thing as blacks, they would do the same thing. In fact that's why trump is president.
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables
Exactly. That's what blacks keep telling them and it is certainly what these black republicans are doing.

Wouldn't it make more sense to burn the Republican Party down and start over with a party which wasn't cobbled together on a foundation of racism? The Ronald Reagan coalition welcomed Dixiecrats and racists of all stripes because Reagan was smart enough that he couldn't win without them. He pitted rural whites against urban black, declaring ketchup a vegetable for school lunches and railed against inner city "welfare queens" popping out babies to increase their income.

Republicans have betrayed everything that conservatives stand for: expanding the size of government, not shrinking it; running huge, fiscally irresponsible deficits. Their fiscal policies have now crashed the economy during three of the last four times they've held the White House, and the Reagan tax code created the biggest transfer of wealth in world history - all of it upward.

The whole party is toxic to minorities, women, religious minorities and gays. Even mainstream Christians are poorly served by Republicans. If you're not a straight white male, Repubicans have nothing for you. Even worse, they'll see your membership as a validation of their toxic white male agenda.
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables

I'll get killed for saying this, but if behavior needs to change, then eventually the 'victim' will have to change. Is that rhetoic or a basic truth? Empathy and understanding, I understand, but telling people they can't survive without the government is hardly an impetus for change. The 'Uncle Toms' appear to be correct.

You will get killed for saying that because whites have depended on the government since the government started. This victim shit is gaslighting that whites use and the uncle toms are helping whites push that false narrative.
...What have Republicans offered black communities other than prisons ?
Why should they offer them anything at all?

Democrats are no better in their treatment of Blacks... they're just more subtle about it than their Republican counterparts.

" Vote Democrat !!! Come out and vote !!! We need you !!! Strength in numbers !!! "

And then the inner-city urban-plantation Black Folk vote Democrat just like they were told to do.

Once the Dems win, they go on their way, and ignore the Black folk for another four years, until they need 'em again at the polls.

Oh, Dems will "offer" ( lure / bribe ) Blacks a few more goodies, but that just increases the Terrible Dependency in the long run.

One need look no further than any large-scale city controlled for decades by Democrats to know the profound truth of that observation.
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Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables
Exactly. That's what blacks keep telling them and it is certainly what these black republicans are doing.

Wouldn't it make more sense to burn the Republican Party down and start over with a party which wasn't cobbled together on a foundation of racism? The Ronald Reagan coalition welcomed Dixiecrats and racists of all stripes because Reagan was smart enough that he couldn't win without them. He pitted rural whites against urban black, declaring ketchup a vegetable for school lunches and railed against inner city "welfare queens" popping out babies to increase their income.

Republicans have betrayed everything that conservatives stand for: expanding the size of government, not shrinking it; running huge, fiscally irresponsible deficits. Their fiscal policies have now crashed the economy during three of the last four times they've held the White House, and the Reagan tax code created the biggest transfer of wealth in world history - all of it upward.

The whole party is toxic to minorities, women, religious minorities and gays. Even mainstream Christians are poorly served by Republicans. If you're not a straight white male, Repubicans have nothing for you. Even worse, they'll see your membership as a validation of their toxic white male agenda.
You make sense and I think that the black conservatives could be the ones that burn down the current republican party.

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