the riots in Minneapolis will continue .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
even though the offending officer has rightly and justly been arrested the riots will continue . and the reason is the left is using its 2 main communist political terrorist groups to stir up violence again ! they are using antifa and blm to cause chaos and destruction in order to divide the country and are willing to burn down a city to cause racial division ! why are they doing this ? its very very simple ....they are doing this because of the upcoming election ! the left is terrified that Trump may peel off 12 to 15 % of the black vote ! so even though the officer has been arrested the riots will continue ! and just how will riots help dems ? its very very simple as the president criticizes the rioters the left will accuse him of racism and try to link the discord to him ! they will place blame on the president for the carnage ! ....just give time ..... the evil left never lets a crisis go to waist !
Outside of Mn. too!

I feel like I fell into a Hot-Tub-Time-Machine; the 60's are returning but this time with a pandemic thrown into the mix.
and now protesters are holding up signs saying arrest all 4 cops ! where were those sign last night ? yep the leftist leaders have their fingerprints all over the riots .

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