The rioting goes beyond the economic and physical destruction of buildings, it is terror against the community


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
There are not so subtle and pertinent differences between these riots and general crime. If two guys rob a bank, they get the cash and disappear. Nobody expects it will continue or those in the community (unless they are at the bank) have their lives at stake.

Even when such robberies occur as long as their isn't violence or damage done, few are concerned the next day. People say "wow, I can't believe this happened here" and then they grab their morning coffee and crank up their car stereos.

Mob looting, burning obstacles, attacking citizens and police is different, it's domestic terrorism. Communities have to hide in their homes anticipating being outnumbered by gangs of looters, businesses have to worry about their investment, the lives of their families (especially if they live above the business), their churches being burned to the ground and statues being torn down. They don't feel comfortable going out to grab milk and bread, or picking up a pizza for their families. They fear for their safety and know they are usually alone if it occurs as police are overwhelmed.

Compounding this, the terror is anticipated by citizens, not unlike an abusive spouse coming through your door screaming about the bad day they've had and you fear their response. Unlike the bank robbers in which police would be called and information collected, this is done in such a broad and organized way, that it makes it impossible to deal with it all and communities, mainly poor or middle class; are left to fend for themselves.

Trump can support free speech, peaceful protests and accountability for the police who killed George Floyd while also demanding investigations into ANTIFA, the organizers and criminal activities that occur during the rioting. He has to wisely do both and control the narrative from those who will paint him as a dictator, or, someone who doesn't care about police abuse. Put the pressure on governors and mayors to defend their states and cities, if they fail, he has given them and the rioters fair warning.
Since the beginning or time despots have used the civil unrest they cause as an excuse to consolidate power unto themselves. If Trump tries to get all fascist on America then you aint' seen nothing yet.
There are not so subtle and pertinent differences between these riots and general crime. If two guys rob a bank, they get the cash and disappear. Nobody expects it will continue or those in the community (unless they are at the bank) have their lives at stake.

Even when such robberies occur as long as their isn't violence or damage done, few are concerned the next day. People say "wow, I can't believe this happened here" and then they grab their morning coffee and crank up their car stereos.

Mob looting, burning obstacles, attacking citizens and police is different, it's domestic terrorism. Communities have to hide in their homes anticipating being outnumbered by gangs of looters, businesses have to worry about their investment, the lives of their families (especially if they live above the business), their churches being burned to the ground and statues being torn down. They don't feel comfortable going out to grab milk and bread, or picking up a pizza for their families. They fear for their safety and know they are usually alone if it occurs as police are overwhelmed.

Compounding this, the terror is anticipated by citizens, not unlike an abusive spouse coming through your door screaming about the bad day they've had and you fear their response. Unlike the bank robbers in which police would be called and information collected, this is done in such a broad and organized way, that it makes it impossible to deal with it all and communities, mainly poor or middle class; are left to fend for themselves.

Trump can support free speech, peaceful protests and accountability for the police who killed George Floyd while also demanding investigations into ANTIFA, the organizers and criminal activities that occur during the rioting. He has to wisely do both and control the narrative from those who will paint him as a dictator, or, someone who doesn't care about police abuse. Put the pressure on governors and mayors to defend their states and cities, if they fail, he has given them and the rioters fair warning.

The time for investigations into the root cause of the nationwide riots has passed. The time has come to gather intelligence for precision target strike packages. Without swift, decisive and overwhelming show of direct action force America will collapse from within, if not during or as a result of the current crisis then at time in the future fast approaching.
Since the beginning or time despots have used the civil unrest they cause as an excuse to consolidate power unto themselves. If Trump tries to get all fascist on America then you aint' seen nothing yet.

He doesn't need to get fascist, he just has to keep applying pressure of governors and mayors and take charge if needed, while letting everyone know "you were given fair warning, we need to defend citizens". He has to combine political tact with defending of citizens rights (on all sides). Everything must be viewed through the prism of the election in 2020, it's why Biden is going to the funeral of George Floyd tomorrow. Politics.

I don't think the military is needed except in extreme cases, but certainly the National Guard can do the job, along with attention from media when someone loses a life or business in any riots.
Since the beginning or time despots have used the civil unrest they cause as an excuse to consolidate power unto themselves. If Trump tries to get all fascist on America then you aint' seen nothing yet.

He doesn't need to get fascist, he just has to keep applying pressure of governors and mayors and take charge if needed, while letting everyone know "you were given fair warning, we need to defend citizens". He has to combine political tact with defending of citizens rights (on all sides). Everything must be viewed through the prism of the election in 2020, it's why Biden is going to the funeral of George Floyd tomorrow. Politics.

I don't think the military is needed except in extreme cases, but certainly the National Guard can do the job, along with attention from media when someone loses a life or business in any riots.
He does not need to get fascist but he will do it anyway if he gets it in his head that it will get him reelected and you will back him all the way.
Since the beginning or time despots have used the civil unrest they cause as an excuse to consolidate power unto themselves. If Trump tries to get all fascist on America then you aint' seen nothing yet.

He doesn't need to get fascist, he just has to keep applying pressure of governors and mayors and take charge if needed, while letting everyone know "you were given fair warning, we need to defend citizens". He has to combine political tact with defending of citizens rights (on all sides). Everything must be viewed through the prism of the election in 2020, it's why Biden is going to the funeral of George Floyd tomorrow. Politics.

I don't think the military is needed except in extreme cases, but certainly the National Guard can do the job, along with attention from media when someone loses a life or business in any riots.
He does not need to get fascist but he will do it anyway if he gets it in his head that it will get him reelected and you will back him all the way.

Its not fascist to call in the national guard to man check points and take pressure off the police.The police are suffering casualties. How long do you think they can sustain this and try to keep their composure and remain as restrained as they have?
Whatever he does that seems tough on the rioters, you will call it being fascist I'm sure. If anything, Trump is simply Telling governors THEY need to get on the ball with the National guard so the Feds dont have to. That is not fascist.
let em destroy every balck and latino owned businesses
Theyve been destroyed by the hundreds

For racial justice !:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The fight to end opression carries on :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The sympathy for Floyd at this point is zero. He was a criminal. Many die every day, why is he so special?

The joggers have now killed many good, decent Americans who did nothing wrong except for having the wrong skin color. This is where my empathy is at today.

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