The Right To Bear Arms

It is silly to restrict firearms at all because not only do you depend on guns to defend you from gangs, mafia, psychos, rapists, etc., but you depend on guns to defend you from foreign threats as well.
But the problem is that if you don't want to have to be responsible for actually doing it yourself, you prefer to make others do it, even though by irresponsibly evading your personal duty, you risk this country being turned into a police state by corrupt politicians.

Clearly the founders instead wanted each and every able bodied person to do their part in defense, so that no corrupt mercenary police force or military could ever threaten our democratic republic. And you would throw that all away.
corrupt politicians are already in place...police state? please....they are recording and spying on everything you say or do, and you give them your hard earned money you like it or not. They harass you when they feel like it at airports, etc....They put a clown as president, and pass legislations and tax reforms to serve those that put them on those seats in the first place.
The common sense approach is why have we had gun shootings in schools only within the last 23 years? We have had guns for a lot longer than that, yet the school shootings are now increasing in frequency. The shootings are the symptoms of a much bigger issue and banning guns like Issa wants, will not change anything, the problem will still be there.
Is not just school shootings my friend, Americans have been shooting each other since day one.

Again, this is a symptom and you don't want to address it, that's fine but until you cure the disease will persist, gun or no gun.

Guns....people here when they lose it, they pick a gun and shoot. Other societies where guns are within reach, they fight, they use non lethal stuff till they cool down, arrested or stopped. Some rough areas I've been to overseas, fights left and right and there was always a saying if it guns were available like in the US lot of people would lose their lives.
Banning guns for sure it was stop all murders, but it will lower it dramatically, ther will be less mass shootings if any.

Like I said, I never have been in a fist fight but I don't see the correlation between a fist fight and shooting anyone. Not all fist fights in this country end in gun fights and I would be hard pressed to say even 1% of fist fights will end in a gun fight.
Guns empower people to inflict a big damage into those they wanna harm. That's why in America we have more deaths per capita from gun violence and violence in general compared to most gun free countries.[/QUAre going to
You are correct they over the last 59 years the idea of banning guns is more unlikely than likely as the numbers are trending against banning guns altogether.
Things will change, the fabric of America will change. It's a small world and rapidly changing.

Good luck with your delusional belief that EVENTUALLY, you're going to convince the majority of Americans that they really don't want all that troublesome freedom.

Oh, wait, I forgot. Your plan is to overwhelm actual Americans with an invasion of illegal immigrants.
And by the way if it wasn't for migration I don't think you would be here....millions of natives wouldn't be massacred, and millions of blacks wouldn't being enslaved. And thousands of Americans wouldn't have to die from gun violence every year....Just imagine if your ancestor from a country like Austria, Belgium or any other country where gun violence is very minimal and kids don't get massacred in schools, where they should be learning and having fun.

So in Britain they removed the guns and the murder rate went up, how does that make us safer? The same happened in Australia, it went down the first year but then trended up, people found other ways to kill.

We have had massive immigration since the 60's and the number of people opposing a gun ban has risen. So far your idea doesn't match the evidence that has been compiled.

Why don't you want to cure the problem? All you want to do is fix the symptom of a much bigger issue in this country.
A graph is better than a thousand word.


You really don’t want to talk about the issues, you are taking the easy way out, divert and deflect.
Good luck with your delusional belief that EVENTUALLY, you're going to convince the majority of Americans that they really don't want all that troublesome freedom.

Oh, wait, I forgot. Your plan is to overwhelm actual Americans with an invasion of illegal immigrants.
You gotta respect the will of the for now there is nothing one can do. But there will come time, where the 2nd amendment will be abolished I can assure you of that.
Your life doesn't depend on a gun, you can live without it....this isn't the wild wide west era.

You are correct there and that is why we as a nation will not ban guns.

You may want to stop being so paranoid. I have a pretty good idea I own more guns than you. And I am absolutely confident that none of the guns I own will be outlawed. You see, I have hunting guns. Not human killing guns.
In my humble but correct opinion, assault weapons are not needed or usfull for hunting, as compared to the alternatives.

How am I paranoid? I have no issue with you having guns. I have no doubt that you also have more guns than I do because I don’t own a gun and don’t plan on it.

Repealing the 2nd Amendment will never happen as Issa is claiming it will.
Never say Never....not long ago blacks were slaves, not long ago women couldn't vote, things do change.

And they still may change, but it will be a lot longer than your idea of 20 year change and you realize that.
If you have lots and lots of bricks and either shoot them from cannons or drop them from bombers. Much like a small bullet can't kill without the gun.
I swear sometimes I just I can most gun lovers overseas and show thrm how it's possible to live without guns, and prevent mass killings. The US looks like it's in constant war...thousands die from gun violence...what a shame for this country.

I've seen how "it's possible to live without guns". As I recall, it resulted in being assaulted by a guy who was a budding serial killer, and convinced me that being unarmed was a stupid idea for a woman in a world of men who can overpower me.

So what've you got to top that?

So you walk around with your pistol at all times? you take a shower with it? you drive around with it in parking lots? you sleep with it? if Anything would happen to you, you won't have time to react. And by the way the US has 300 millions weapons or so available and guess what we have one of the highest numbers of rape per capita. Why is that?

Why would I shower with it? Only a dumbass puts a gun in water.

And "You wouldn't have time to react" is the stupidest argument I've heard so far this week. Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't, but I'd have a damn sight better chance than I would with my bare hands. Moron.

Highest number of rapes per capita? Off the top of my head, I'm going to say that has a lot more to do with the millions of penises in the US, not guns. Would you like to ban THOSE next?
Ok wonder woman...calm down.

I just heard you say, "I've been called on my bullshit. Quick, deflect!"
You are correct they over the last 59 years the idea of banning guns is more unlikely than likely as the numbers are trending against banning guns altogether.
Things will change, the fabric of America will change. It's a small world and rapidly changing.

Good luck with your delusional belief that EVENTUALLY, you're going to convince the majority of Americans that they really don't want all that troublesome freedom.

Oh, wait, I forgot. Your plan is to overwhelm actual Americans with an invasion of illegal immigrants.
You gotta respect the will of the for now there is nothing one can do. But there will come time, where the 2nd amendment will be abolished I can assure you of that.
Your life doesn't depend on a gun, you can live without it....this isn't the wild wide west era.

Given that YOU are the one pushing for something the majority keeps telling you it doesn't want, I'd say ONE of us needs to respect their will, anyway.

And no, "there is nothing one can do" is the song of someone whose major agenda is to have more deaths with which to panic people into subjugation, rather than protecting people from harm. There are lots of things we can do, and you're obviously just going to sit there arguing with all of it and making excuses why we have to give you your way.
I've lived in a gun free society and I live in a an infested gun violence society. The difference is the availability of guns if we ban them....We will see a decrease of gun deaths....simple.
You are keeping guns now, but if the majority's will shifts to banning and abolishing the second you have to comply.

Yes, we'll just pass a law requiring that all the guns magically vanish. That'll fix things.
You are correct they over the last 59 years the idea of banning guns is more unlikely than likely as the numbers are trending against banning guns altogether.
Things will change, the fabric of America will change. It's a small world and rapidly changing.

Good luck with your delusional belief that EVENTUALLY, you're going to convince the majority of Americans that they really don't want all that troublesome freedom.

Oh, wait, I forgot. Your plan is to overwhelm actual Americans with an invasion of illegal immigrants.
And by the way if it wasn't for migration I don't think you would be here....millions of natives wouldn't be massacred, and millions of blacks wouldn't being enslaved. And thousands of Americans wouldn't have to die from gun violence every year....Just imagine if your ancestor from a country like Austria, Belgium or any other country where gun violence is very minimal and kids don't get massacred in schools, where they should be learning and having fun.

Blah blah blah. Yes, my ancestors immigrated here hundreds of years ago. Unlike you, THEY actually liked what America was and what it stood for, and they wanted to become part of it, rather than wanting to sneer at it and immediately start changing it to mirror the place they left. But then, my ancestors were a lot smarter than you are.
Hundreds of years ago? Pleaaaase.

What, you didn't bother to learn American history before you barged into our country to "helpfully" redesign it for us? People have, in fact, been immigrating to America since the 1600s or so, and most of their descendants have continued to live here. So yeah, there are any number of people in this country who aren't Johnny-Come-Latelies like you and whose families have lived here for over a century.
I want American kids to grow up safe like I did in a gun free country.
Yeah...your country was SO great you promptly ran to the U.S. and made this your home. :laugh:
Who told you i left for good? :)

If you're going back, could you please get on with it already? Fucking tourists.
Nope I'm American I can stay when I want to and leave when I want to. Heck I'll come just to vote and go back ;)

Clearly, you have no concept of what being an American is, if you think it's an option you can pick up and drop at will, like HBO on your cable package.
The common sense approach is why have we had gun shootings in schools only within the last 23 years? We have had guns for a lot longer than that, yet the school shootings are now increasing in frequency. The shootings are the symptoms of a much bigger issue and banning guns like Issa wants, will not change anything, the problem will still be there.
Is not just school shootings my friend, Americans have been shooting each other since day one.

Again, this is a symptom and you don't want to address it, that's fine but until you cure the disease will persist, gun or no gun.

Guns....people here when they lose it, they pick a gun and shoot. Other societies where guns are within reach, they fight, they use non lethal stuff till they cool down, arrested or stopped. Some rough areas I've been to overseas, fights left and right and there was always a saying if it guns were available like in the US lot of people would lose their lives.
Banning guns for sure it was stop all murders, but it will lower it dramatically, ther will be less mass shootings if any.

Like I said, I never have been in a fist fight but I don't see the correlation between a fist fight and shooting anyone. Not all fist fights in this country end in gun fights and I would be hard pressed to say even 1% of fist fights will end in a gun fight.
Guns empower people to inflict a big damage into those they wanna harm. That's why in America we have more deaths per capita from gun violence and violence in general compared to most gun free countries.

Guns are tools, like any other man-made, inanimate object. They can be used for good or for ill; it's up to the user. If you're hearing dark whispers of mayhem and bloodshed every time you're around a gun, that's actually on you, not the gun.
I want American kids to grow up safe like I did in a gun free country.
Yeah...your country was SO great you promptly ran to the U.S. and made this your home. :laugh:
Who told you i left for good? :)
The fact that you left at all tells me everything I need to know. I’ve never left the U.S. (even temporarily) and I never will.
Who cares if you live or stay? do a DNA check you'll see that you are from different places....we as humans we constantly migrate. Open your mind, get rid of your paranoia and go enjoy life.

Well, apparently YOU care, since you feel the need to keep telling us how you wander in and out of other people's countries, no doubt because they keep asking you to get the hell out and stop annoying them.
I want American kids to grow up safe like I did in a gun free country.
Yeah...your country was SO great you promptly ran to the U.S. and made this your home. :laugh:
Who told you i left for good? :)

If you're going back, could you please get on with it already? Fucking tourists.
Nope I'm American I can stay when I want to and leave when I want to. Heck I'll come just to vote and go back ;)
Again...the fact that you fled your own country to come here says everything. If your “gun free” country was so great - you’d still be there, snowflake.
Guns are tools, like any other man-made, inanimate object.

That is exactly what the Russian Spetznaz (the equivalent of the U.S. Navy Seals) teaches. They teach their operators: “man is the only weapon...everything else is just a tool”. And then they proceed to teach them how to kill with anything that is available to them.
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You are a pure example of the ignorant dumb american....have you ever left your county?
And you are the epitome of the immature, idealist, subservient foreigner. Cecilie1200 provides link after link after link proving you are dead-wrong and your only idiotic response is to call her “ignorant”.

So let me get this straight - she’s “ignorant” for knowing the facts and sharing them with you? Every time the left loses an argument they get all pissed off and scream “you are ignorant”. So juvenile.
I want American kids to grow up safe like I did in a gun free country.
Yeah...your country was SO great you promptly ran to the U.S. and made this your home. :laugh:
Who told you i left for good? :)
The fact that you left at all tells me everything I need to know. I’ve never left the U.S. (even temporarily) and I never will.
....we as humans we constantly migrate.
Except that nobody “migrates” from a better place to a worse place, dumb ass. People “migrate” from shit-holes to paradises. That’s what you did. Except now you’re trying to take the paradise and turn it back into the shit-hole that you ran from.
So in Britain they removed the guns and the murder rate went up, how does that make us safer? The same happened in Australia, it went down the first year but then trended up, people found other ways to kill.
A graph is better than a thousand word.
And facts are better than a billion graphs. Now stop being a left-wing coward and address @Papageorgio’s questions head on. How does removing firearms make us safer when the murder rates went up in England and in Australia after they did that?
Open your mind, get rid of your paranoia and go enjoy life.
Says the paranoid freak who is scared stupid of inanimate objects such as firearms...

One of the reasons I have a gun is so that I CAN go and enjoy life, without having to worry about rapists, muggers, car-jackers . . .

Or is Miss "America so scary and violent" NOW telling us that that was a lie?
Open your mind, get rid of your paranoia and go enjoy life.
Says the paranoid freak who is scared stupid of inanimate objects such as firearms...

One of the reasons I have a gun is so that I CAN go and enjoy life, without having to worry about rapists, muggers, car-jackers . . .

Or is Miss "America so scary and violent" NOW telling us that that was a lie?

So, you are saying that part of your pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is helped by owning a gun. Mine is the opposite and I’m really don’t care for them, however I don’t force my will on you and you don’t force your will on me. Both differing opinions, both are correct for each of us.

Not sure why some inn the left want to force others to live like they do because of their irrational fears. They need to educate themselves with facts and not fears, it would lead to better solutions and answers.
Why does the left always support what fails to be effective or successful?
Over the course of the January call, which lasted more than 13 minutes, the tipster warned the F.B.I. that Mr. Cruz had been adrift since his mother’s death in November. She said that Mr. Cruz had “the mental capacity of a 12 to a 14 year old.” The tipster provided four Instagram accounts for Mr. Cruz, which she said showed photos of sliced up animals and the firearms he had amassed.
So to recap - the left wants to give more power and control to the government that failed to act to protect the children and take away citizens right to defend themselves.

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