The Right To Bear Arms

So nothing of substance; just you being mad that you can't call black people the N-word anymore, you can't call women "sugar tits", or gay people the f-word.

Fuck you.
Na, I’m a libertarian I really don’t care about social issues in general. I’m a one issue voter…

Like I said, there is nothing that you can think of that you're prohibited from doing by the government. Not one single thing. So it's more about feelings with you. You feel that your freedoms are being curtailed but you can't articulate what those freedoms actually are.

So you posture and call yourself a "libertarian", which is hilarious because "libertarians" end up being the most government-dependent people there are.
The thing is, I am self-employed have been for 20+ years I’ve been debt free for about the same time. I have never purchased insurance, I homeschool my kids, I hunt and grow my own food, but I also realize I have no real freedom in this country, And my kids are going to live in an Orwellian state most likely.
That’s why I am a one issue voter, I can do nothing to change the direction of this country. It has been lost for over a century… The cancer of socialism has won.
The funny thing is progressive put all their chips into socialism, socialism is a 100% failure 100% of the time long term in the history of the planet. LOL

If I ever meet one, I will tell them what you said. But I happen to be a Progressive Conservative. We are a strange lot. We want to view new ideas but we also want our Government to stop the runaway spending it has done in the past. From the looks of things, it's going to accelerate dramatically thank to you Right Wing Nut Jobs that seem to believe that our Grand Children will fix the problem so you won't. Since you Right Wing Nutjobs can't figure a way out of it, maybe a few new ideas or Progressive Ideas are in order.

We CAN'T figure a way out of it? We keep giving you common-sense solutions, and you keep screaming like stuck pigs and refusing to even try them and demanding that what we need is even more of the "progressive" ideas that are clearly progressing toward nothing but making our children into clay pigeons in shooting-gallery schools.

So once again, you owe us a detailed explanation of 1) how we are not ALREADY implementing your ideas, 2) why they are failing miserably, and 3) why their failure means we need even more. Oh, and 4) how you can POSSIBLY think anyone is to blame for those dead kids aside from the shooter, and YOU.

You have yet to give a workable solution. Not one single workable solution. Now, give my your solution. I already gave you mine and it coincides with millions that are headed that direction. Including the Students (that survived, anyway) from the most recent mass school shooting. The genie is out of the bottle now. Too bad it didn't come out of the bottle 25 years ago.

Yes, I do accept some responsibility for those murder children. Maybe I could have tried harder to get my message across it might have made a difference. Meanwhile, you allowed the legal sales to an individual that had every intention of using the Mass Murder Weapon of Choice on the children. You have done nothing to prevent it and prevented others from coming up with a workable solution to prevent it. That makes you complicit in those murders of children, baby killer.
just because you wet your panties over people owning an AR 15-please don't project your proclivities upon the rest of us

I can't believe that people get their panties wet when they DISARM their fellow countrymen. Sad.

I want to disarm those that have the highest body counts in mass murders. Simple as that and it can be done. It can't be done until we educate the public about how to do it. I know how to do it but you seem to keep going with the standard NRA Boilerplate. The NRA should be listed as a terrorist organization.

You don't want to disarm those committing mass murders. You want to disarm EVERYONE, in the hopes that the mass murderers will cooperate, as well. It's painfully obvious that you're really just hoping you can somehow pass enough laws to erase the invention of guns entirely.
If you love guns so much why don't you go to Syria and have fun over there. Why you need guns in the city ?

Um, just off the top of my head, because criminals in cities have guns?

And from where do they get those guns? From straw purchasers who traffic the guns to the cities from lazy and lax gun law states. It's called an "iron pipeline".
The right to bear arms, sure, but nobody said anything about bullets.
What you are seeing is fewer people willing to admit to anonymous pollsters that they own guns...especially after several newspapers decided to publish the names and addresses of gun owners .........

But...isn't knowing who has a gun and who doesn't a deterrent?

Don't gun owners want people to know they have guns?

How are they to deter criminals if the criminals don't know they're armed?

Or is it a personal wish fulfillment that your gun ownership is kept a secret so you have justification to shoot someone?

Seems to me that advertising you have a gun only makes it that much more likely someone will break into your house or car when you're not around and steal the gun, like they do with as many as 600,000 guns a year.

No, dumb shit. As usual, you have no idea what's reality OR what other people are actually saying.

We keep telling you the deterrent is in knowing there are armed people out there, and NOT knowing who they are. Knowing who is and isn't armed is just another way of saying, "Choosing your first targets".

Gun owners typically don't think it's any of your business what they do and don't own.

Have you considered having "fucking moron" tattooed on your forehead to save everyone a lot of time?
I am a proponent for CCWs not Open Carry. The idea is to not let the bad guy know who is and who isn't armed. Makes em real nervous.

Does it? How many "bad guys with guns" have CCW's actually stopped vs. how many guns are stolen every year from "responsible gun owners"? Because as many as 600,000 guns are stolen from "responsible gun owners" every year. That includes people with CCW.

But if I were a Bad Guy, the armed robbery where there is a good chance everyone lives turn a different direction if I see someone in there wearing a gun.

Or they just shoot the guy wearing the gun first, then go about the armed robbery. How is a CCW supposed to protect you when your back is turned to the bad guy and he shoots you, unawares? Like I said, this is about personal wish fulfillment; your life is so utterly meaningless and without note that you have to fantasize about being in a situation where you can be a hero. That says that you don't think very highly of yourself right now, that you need this personal wish fulfillment to give your life meaning. And more likely than not, your gun will get stolen than you'll ever have the chance to be the hero you want to be.

The Proud Gun Owner will be the first to get it

So I notice all these "No true Scotsman" tactics being employed to abdicate responsibility for gun violence. It must be wicked nice to be able to say after the fact that some person wasn't a "responsible gun owner", after they lose their gun or have it stolen. Everyone seems like a "responsible gun owner" until they're not. Which makes it a squishy, moveable target that you can wiggle around within the parameters based on how your argument is faring. In other words, a cop out.

. And since I just went from an Robber to a Murderer, I go into a "No Witness left behind" way of thinking. If I get into a situation that requires me to pull a weapon I have already decided to shoot after reviewing all the legalities that one has to learn to get a CCW. I don't pull it and say, "Freeze Dirtbag". I pull it and kill the SOB. Then I take out the Mag, empty the shells out of it, leave the gun on the counter with the slide locked open and step away from it while waiting to be handcuffed and taken to jail. Even if I were saving many lives and it's can be proven. AS far as I can see, most that open carry shouldn't be trusted with a toaster much less a gun. (here comes the shrieking from the ones that disagree).

Like I said, personal wish fulfillment to fill the void of emptiness and meaninglessness of your life. The only way you can give your life purpose is to act like a vigilante. That says quite a bit about your mental state; maybe you have a mental illness that would otherwise disqualify you from owning a gun. As a "responsible gun owner", have you been tested for mental illness? Often times, mentally ill people don't know or think they're mentally ill, so they go without a diagnosis and end up "snapping" later. Then everyone hems and haws over how mental illness is to blame, yet as a "responsible gun owner" you didn't act responsibly to get yourself evaluated by a mental health professional. So the cycle just continues.

I happen to be Retired Military. This means I will shoot if it's necessary. And if it's necessary, I don't shoot to wound. If it hasn't become a life threatening situation, the weapon stays hidden and the Robbery does on with the high probability that no one dies that day. My mental state is not in question. Yours has become an issue. Now step slowly away from that toaster before you hurt someone.
No, dumb shit. As usual, you have no idea what's reality OR what other people are actually saying.

Here's what your people are saying; that it's not "responsible gun owners" who are to blame for gun deaths. That laws don't work. That getting shot is an inevitability. Tell me what "reality" is to you...because it seems to me like you imagine things, then think what you imagine is real because you imagined it.

We keep telling you the deterrent is in knowing there are armed people out there, and NOT knowing who they are. Knowing who is and isn't armed is just another way of saying, "Choosing your first targets".

Simply knowing armed people are out there isn't a deterrent. In fact, it's an invitation to thieves who want to steal guns and either sell them or use them. As many as 600,000 guns are stolen every year from people just like you. Most of those people don't even report the gun was stolen. Then the gun finds its way into the hands of criminals or terrorists, all because you weren't the "responsible gun owner" you claimed to be. When the number of guns stolen gets to 0, then you can pretend like guns protect you. Until that time comes, you are more likely to have your gun stolen than you are to ever use it to defend yourself or your family.

Gun owners typically don't think it's any of your business what they do and don't own.

Well, the problem is that gun owners don't seem capable of being responsible enough to prevent their guns from being stolen. So once they can display that they are capable of that, then we can talk about how much safer they make society. Because right now, they don't thanks to "responsible gun owners" who can't account for their lost and/or stolen guns.

Have you considered having "fucking moron" tattooed on your forehead to save everyone a lot of time?

Maybe you should tattoo "Useful Idiot" across yours since all you're doing is bolstering profits of gun companies who don't give a shit about you or your safety.
No, dumb shit. As usual, you have no idea what's reality OR what other people are actually saying.

Here's what your people are saying; that it's not "responsible gun owners" who are to blame for gun deaths. That laws don't work. That getting shot is an inevitability. Tell me what "reality" is to you...because it seems to me like you imagine things, then think what you imagine is real because you imagined it.

We keep telling you the deterrent is in knowing there are armed people out there, and NOT knowing who they are. Knowing who is and isn't armed is just another way of saying, "Choosing your first targets".

Simply knowing armed people are out there isn't a deterrent. In fact, it's an invitation to thieves who want to steal guns and either sell them or use them. As many as 600,000 guns are stolen every year from people just like you. Most of those people don't even report the gun was stolen. Then the gun finds its way into the hands of criminals or terrorists, all because you weren't the "responsible gun owner" you claimed to be. When the number of guns stolen gets to 0, then you can pretend like guns protect you. Until that time comes, you are more likely to have your gun stolen than you are to ever use it to defend yourself or your family.

Gun owners typically don't think it's any of your business what they do and don't own.

Well, the problem is that gun owners don't seem capable of being responsible enough to prevent their guns from being stolen. So once they can display that they are capable of that, then we can talk about how much safer they make society. Because right now, they don't thanks to "responsible gun owners" who can't account for their lost and/or stolen guns.

Have you considered having "fucking moron" tattooed on your forehead to save everyone a lot of time?

Maybe you should tattoo "Useful Idiot" across yours since all you're doing is bolstering profits of gun companies who don't give a shit about you or your safety.

Mr. Twerp:

It is NOT the responsibility of gun owners to police other gun owners.

If a gun owner misuses his/her weapon then its up to the police to arrest, indict and incarcerate the guilty individual.

People kill people firearms cannot... No one was made by An AR to kill anybody else.
Gun free zones are killing fields waiting to happen. And firearms have nothing to do with it

So you make it easy for any nutcase to purchase an AR and use it as it was intended for. So just accept the reasonability that you are contributing to those mass shooting of children. Now, that make you a real man doesn't it. And that is the real reason you slaver at the AR when you see it.

just because you wet your panties over people owning an AR 15-please don't project your proclivities upon the rest of us

I can't believe that people get their panties wet when they DISARM their fellow countrymen. Sad.

I want to disarm those that have the highest body counts in mass murders. Simple as that and it can be done. It can't be done until we educate the public about how to do it. I know how to do it but you seem to keep going with the standard NRA Boilerplate. The NRA should be listed as a terrorist organization.

You and your ilk want to circumvent the Constitution and use violence or the threat of violence to abolish - amend - our right to bear arms. You , stupid son of a bitch, are the terrorist.


Listen up, Baby Killer. Yes, you have the right and everything I have stated does not take away that right. Hell, you can own a Mah Duce Legally as well as long as you do the proper paperwork and apply for the license and pay the 200 bucks. So, it's you that are the killer of children by not doing a damned thing other than gum yer jaws about how everyone else is going to take your precious guns. And doing nothing is contributing to the Mass Shootings. Doing something wrong is many times better than doing nothing. Or as said in the Military, even a bad plan is better than no plan at all.
I happen to be Retired Military. This means I will shoot if it's necessary. And if it's necessary, I don't shoot to wound. If it hasn't become a life threatening situation, the weapon stays hidden and the Robbery does on with the high probability that no one dies that day. My mental state is not in question. Yours has become an issue. Now step slowly away from that toaster before you hurt someone.

Your mental state is not in question, huh? So you've gone through a mental health evaluation? How do you know your mental health is good if you've never been checked out?

This is why blaming mental illness for gun violence is stupid; most mentally ill people don't think or know that they're ill, so they go without a diagnosis and end up snapping later on.
So once again, you owe us a detailed explanation of 1) how we are not ALREADY implementing your ideas, 2) why they are failing miserably, and 3) why their failure means we need even more. Oh, and 4) how you can POSSIBLY think anyone is to blame for those dead kids aside from the shooter, and YOU.

Because guns are widely and readily and easily available, duh.

Well, you got the "duh" part correct.
Simple. The AR uses a completely different mechanism for it's bolt and action. It's faster, much faster. The Mini-14 is an older design from the M-14 and M-1. Now, that is the answer, you Terrorist Baby Killer.

You need to move on and stop this absurd support of the AR or they just might lump your Mini-14 in with it when (notice the word when) change the law to protect our children. Are you willing to have to pay 200 bucks and register not only you but your weapon on a national database? Can you even pass a national database search?

So keep pushing, there, Baby Killer.

It's not faster. Both rifles can only fire as fast as the trigger can be pulled. You have not substantiated these claims with any actual data .

You're too fucking stupid to see that the AR is just a plain old semiautomatic rifle with some extra plastic doodads

And no I will not register my firearms since it's none of anyone's business what I own.

Yeah, but see, leftists are terrified of all semi-automatic weapons, because it has "automatic" in the name, and they therefore assume we're talking about machine guns.

Wrong answer, fruitcake. What is has the highest body count for a weapon in the mass shootings in the last 25 years? Yes, it's a semi auto but it's based on a full auto brother. It's designed to kill very quickly and efficiently of people. It's the weapon of choice because it does the best job. Can you tell us what weapon I am talking about without the NRA Boilerplate response?

"Without the NRA boilerplate". I can only assume that means "without those pesky facts about guns replacing the panic and loathing".

Just like I said. When you remove the NRA Boilerplate, about all that is left is.......not a whole hell of a lot.

Pretty much just your bullshit. Funny how when you remove facts and reason from any argument, all that's left is leftist bullshit. :eusa_think:
It is NOT the responsibility of gun owners to police other gun owners..

Sounds to me like you don't think it's anyone's responsibility, which is irresponsible in and of itself. Someone has to be responsible for guns being stolen from gun owners. Since we're playing the game of victim blaming, I blame the gun owners for being irresponsible. Since you cannot responsibly manage your firearms, what the fuck makes you think you can responsibly use them!?

Everyone is a "responsible gun owner" until they're not. It's a nice label you give yourself to make you feel more secure in your bullshit. But the fact is that most guns used in crimes are guns stolen from "responsible gun owners' like you. Now you're saying you shouldn't be responsible for your own gun getting stolen. What a load of crap.

If a gun owner misuses his/her weapon then its up to the police to arrest, indict and incarcerate the guilty individual..

So you don't think as a gun owner you bear a collective responsibility to safety manage and use guns?

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Na, I’m a libertarian I really don’t care about social issues in general. I’m a one issue voter…

Like I said, there is nothing that you can think of that you're prohibited from doing by the government. Not one single thing. So it's more about feelings with you. You feel that your freedoms are being curtailed but you can't articulate what those freedoms actually are.

So you posture and call yourself a "libertarian", which is hilarious because "libertarians" end up being the most government-dependent people there are.
The thing is, I am self-employed have been for 20+ years I’ve been debt free for about the same time. I have never purchased insurance, I homeschool my kids, I hunt and grow my own food, but I also realize I have no real freedom in this country, And my kids are going to live in an Orwellian state most likely.
That’s why I am a one issue voter, I can do nothing to change the direction of this country. It has been lost for over a century… The cancer of socialism has won.
The funny thing is progressive put all their chips into socialism, socialism is a 100% failure 100% of the time long term in the history of the planet. LOL

If I ever meet one, I will tell them what you said. But I happen to be a Progressive Conservative. We are a strange lot. We want to view new ideas but we also want our Government to stop the runaway spending it has done in the past. From the looks of things, it's going to accelerate dramatically thank to you Right Wing Nut Jobs that seem to believe that our Grand Children will fix the problem so you won't. Since you Right Wing Nutjobs can't figure a way out of it, maybe a few new ideas or Progressive Ideas are in order.

We CAN'T figure a way out of it? We keep giving you common-sense solutions, and you keep screaming like stuck pigs and refusing to even try them and demanding that what we need is even more of the "progressive" ideas that are clearly progressing toward nothing but making our children into clay pigeons in shooting-gallery schools.

So once again, you owe us a detailed explanation of 1) how we are not ALREADY implementing your ideas, 2) why they are failing miserably, and 3) why their failure means we need even more. Oh, and 4) how you can POSSIBLY think anyone is to blame for those dead kids aside from the shooter, and YOU.

You have yet to give a workable solution. Not one single workable solution. Now, give my your solution. I already gave you mine and it coincides with millions that are headed that direction. Including the Students (that survived, anyway) from the most recent mass school shooting. The genie is out of the bottle now. Too bad it didn't come out of the bottle 25 years ago.

Yes, I do accept some responsibility for those murder children. Maybe I could have tried harder to get my message across it might have made a difference. Meanwhile, you allowed the legal sales to an individual that had every intention of using the Mass Murder Weapon of Choice on the children. You have done nothing to prevent it and prevented others from coming up with a workable solution to prevent it. That makes you complicit in those murders of children, baby killer.

"Not one single workable solution" = "You've given lots of solutions, but none of them are the universal gun ban we want, therefore we pretend they don't exist".
The thing is, I am self-employed have been for 20+ years I’ve been debt free for about the same time. I have never purchased insurance, I homeschool my kids, I hunt and grow my own food, but I also realize I have no real freedom in this country, And my kids are going to live in an Orwellian state most likely.

Yeah, I don't believe any of that shit you say about yourself.

And if you actually, really hunt for food, why can't you use a crossbow or a regular bow? Not man enough, I guess. Alexander the Great killed bears, lions, and elephants in a skirt and sandals, with a spear. So if he could do it, why can't you kill a deer with a bow and arrow? Because you're not half the hunter you pretend to be.

That’s why I am a one issue voter, I can do nothing to change the direction of this country. It has been lost for over a century… The cancer of socialism has won.

So say socialism won, yet in the sentence prior, you talk of living your rugged individualist life. So which is it? Is the government oppressive or isn't it? Doesn't sound like it since you get to live your shitty life the way you want. Like I said before, you just want to call black people the n-word and not face criticism for it. Be honest.

The funny thing is progressive put all their chips into socialism, socialism is a 100% failure 100% of the time long term in the history of the planet. LOL

Socialism seems to work just fine for Canada, Germany, Denmark, Norway, South Korea, Israel, and tons of other countries. What you don't see working well is capitalism. Capitalism is unable to provide an adequate standard of living for the working class.
Funny, the Control freak shows his true colors...
I can't believe that people get their panties wet when they DISARM their fellow countrymen. Sad.

I want to disarm those that have the highest body counts in mass murders. Simple as that and it can be done. It can't be done until we educate the public about how to do it. I know how to do it but you seem to keep going with the standard NRA Boilerplate. The NRA should be listed as a terrorist organization.

You don't want to disarm those committing mass murders. You want to disarm EVERYONE, in the hopes that the mass murderers will cooperate, as well. It's painfully obvious that you're really just hoping you can somehow pass enough laws to erase the invention of guns entirely.
If you love guns so much why don't you go to Syria and have fun over there. Why you need guns in the city ?

Um, just off the top of my head, because criminals in cities have guns?

And from where do they get those guns? From straw purchasers who traffic the guns to the cities from lazy and lax gun law states. It's called an "iron pipeline".

"Straw purchasers" must be the leftist meme du jour. Too bad for you that the Department of Justice AND the latest surveys of actual prison inmates don't agree.
The thing is, I am self-employed have been for 20+ years I’ve been debt free for about the same time. I have never purchased insurance, I homeschool my kids, I hunt and grow my own food, but I also realize I have no real freedom in this country, And my kids are going to live in an Orwellian state most likely.

Yeah, I don't believe any of that shit you say about yourself.

And if you actually, really hunt for food, why can't you use a crossbow or a regular bow? Not man enough, I guess. Alexander the Great killed bears, lions, and elephants in a skirt and sandals, with a spear. So if he could do it, why can't you kill a deer with a bow and arrow? Because you're not half the hunter you pretend to be.

That’s why I am a one issue voter, I can do nothing to change the direction of this country. It has been lost for over a century… The cancer of socialism has won.

So say socialism won, yet in the sentence prior, you talk of living your rugged individualist life. So which is it? Is the government oppressive or isn't it? Doesn't sound like it since you get to live your shitty life the way you want. Like I said before, you just want to call black people the n-word and not face criticism for it. Be honest.

The funny thing is progressive put all their chips into socialism, socialism is a 100% failure 100% of the time long term in the history of the planet. LOL

Socialism seems to work just fine for Canada, Germany, Denmark, Norway, South Korea, Israel, and tons of other countries. What you don't see working well is capitalism. Capitalism is unable to provide an adequate standard of living for the working class.

The US isn't capitalist for Government. It's gotten to the point where it's so corrupt that you can't really tell what it is anymore. For instance, the no new gun laws. You will note that the leading Republicans that keep spewing the NRA boilerplate have all received millions from the NRA. Corporations can't directly give that kind of money to our Politicians. They can only give 2500 bucks a year. So they give it to the NRA who has the ability to donate those funds to various Super PACS to be earmarked for those particular Politicians. And it's all done anonymously. The problem here is, we need to see who donated what. Until that happens, our Politicians will deny, deny and deflect because we can't prove otherwise. And this goes to all Politicians, not just the right or the left.

What happens when each and every ad has to say who actually donated to it. And every Bill that is presented has to say exactly who wrote it and financially donated to make it happen. As long as Corporations are considered People, we need to treat them exactly like they do me and you. This would make the really corrupt ones run from the building because we would see just how corrupt they really are.
...and still an AR15 is just a sporting rifle nothing more, nothing less...
"Straw purchasers" must be the leftist meme du jour. Too bad for you that the Department of Justice AND the latest surveys of actual prison inmates don't agree.

Don't agree with what? Straw purchasing is exactly how guns get from low, lazy, and lax gun law states to places like Chicago. No gun "falls off a truck". All guns are initially purchased legally, then are stolen or "transferred" with no record of a background check.
Yeah, but see, leftists are terrified of all semi-automatic weapons, because it has "automatic" in the name, and they therefore assume we're talking about machine guns.

Wrong answer, fruitcake. What is has the highest body count for a weapon in the mass shootings in the last 25 years? Yes, it's a semi auto but it's based on a full auto brother. It's designed to kill very quickly and efficiently of people. It's the weapon of choice because it does the best job. Can you tell us what weapon I am talking about without the NRA Boilerplate response?

It matters not what a semiauto looks like it only matters how it functions.

WRong answer once again. Part of it is a culture. The Weapon I am specifically referring to is very much part of a culture. Now, name that Weapon. Go ahead and be very specific.

It matters not what any gun looks like only how it performs an the Ar 15 that you are so afraid of performs no differently than any other semiautomatic in existence

Now, was that painful? I hope not. The AR style has become a cult weapon. You can say how others are just as deadly but the AR is the weapon of choice for mass shootings. I am not saying we need to outlaw that specific weapon but we can up it in the firearms where you can't just walk into a store and purchase it in less than 30 minutes or you can't mail order it or buy it at a gunshow with no background check. If you wanted to keep yours then you can keep it. Just pay the 200 bucks that would be required, register the weapon and yourself and become responsible for the weapon and it's uses. ALL AR types used in the mass shootings were purchased legally so let's stop with the "Oh Yah, what about the Criminal". Hand Grenades do a much better job at killing but the people that legally buy them pay the 200 bucks and just don't use them for mass killings no matter what the movies say. People that own Automatic Weapons pay the 200 bucks and are not the problem. But an 18 year old kid with a score to settle that buys it without paying the 200 bucks IS the problem. Actually, it isn't limited to age as the shootings can attest. You just have to be 18 years old or older. Not a problem if the 18 year old pays the 200 bucks for the license to possess one. There are many young people that have at least a class 4 or class D firearms license and you just don't hear about them doing these insane things.

Sorry to bust your bubble but I am not out to take your guns. I just suggest that we reclassify one specific weapon.
You have no right to reclassify any rifles, ARs are just sporting rifles nothing more nothing less.
There is no better rifle out there for varmints, pigs, coyotes and such...

BTW... Firearm registration is nothing more than firearm confiscation… Fact
It is NOT the responsibility of gun owners to police other gun owners..

Sounds to me like you don't think it's anyone's responsibility, which is irresponsible in and of itself. Someone has to be responsible for guns being stolen from gun owners. Since we're playing the game of victim blaming, I blame the gun owners for being irresponsible. Since you cannot responsibly manage your firearms, what the fuck makes you think you can responsibly use them!?

Everyone is a "responsible gun owner" until they're not. It's a nice label you give yourself to make you feel more secure in your bullshit. But the fact is that most guns used in crimes are guns stolen from "responsible gun owners' like you. Now you're saying you shouldn't be responsible for your own gun getting stolen. What a load of crap.

If a gun owner misuses his/her weapon then its up to the police to arrest, indict and incarcerate the guilty individual..

So you don't think as a gun owner you bear a collective responsibility to safety manage and use guns?


Does this mean I'm responsible if someone murders me? Does this mean that all murder victims are collectively responsible for murders? Does this mean that I am responsible and at fault if my neighbor is murdered?

If what you say is true then every victim of murder, assault, robbery or theft is responsible for the crime against them and against others.

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