The Reuters/Ipsos estimate of turnout (EV's 243 Trump-242 Hillary)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Trump is over the hump. It's all downhill for Hillary now.

Latest Poll: Clinton is barely ahead

Explore this scenario. Or create your own.

This scenario is based on our default turnout. Try it yourself. Click on “overall turnout” below to adjust turnout. Or click on “add a group” to start building your own version of how this campaign will play out.
This is a very interesting device. Explores the effects of higher/lower turnout and specific SIGs.

Not easy to work with but a cool idea.
Trump is over the hump. It's all downhill for Hillary now.

Actually the default when I clicked in gives Clinton a 61% chance of a win so--- not so much. But I understand how you got to that point ----- self-delusion is essential to taking an orange freak TV asshole and turning it into a pretend candidate.

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