The republican party isn't racist

What nonsense. Every bit a freedom black people have in this country is in spite of democrats. Yet there are idiots like you who are led by the racist nose with them just changing the name.... it is still a lie dip shit. It was democrats who founded the KKK not conservatives it was democrats that passed Jim crow laws not conservatives it was democrats who segregated government. It was democrats who push abortion for black people to control thier population. It is democrats who run the inner city schools where a majority of black people have substandard education. All the evidence in the world is right there and yet you are so fucking stupid and filled with victim hood that you can't see it. A republican freed the black slaves yet it was thier own leadership who put the chains back on

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I am beginning to see how our education system is failing even the children of "conservatives." You just assume the words "democrat" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. How did you become so miseducated? The Southern Democrats who orchestrated slavery, Jim Crow and anti-civil rights strategies were social conservatives. And, yes, I suspect some Southern White democrats still exist and have retained those sentiments. However, the Southern Republicans now claim to be conservatives too! What are we to make of that? Are there two conservative political factions operating in the South now... one democratic and the other GOP?
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

The Democratic Party is 60% white.

Most whites are REpublican, but the smaller percentage of whites that are democrats are still a large enough group to be the majority of the Democratic Party.
What nonsense. Every bit a freedom black people have in this country is in spite of democrats. Yet there are idiots like you who are led by the racist nose with them just changing the name.... it is still a lie dip shit. It was democrats who founded the KKK not conservatives it was democrats that passed Jim crow laws not conservatives it was democrats who segregated government. It was democrats who push abortion for black people to control thier population. It is democrats who run the inner city schools where a majority of black people have substandard education. All the evidence in the world is right there and yet you are so fucking stupid and filled with victim hood that you can't see it. A republican freed the black slaves yet it was thier own leadership who put the chains back on

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I am beginning to see how our education system is failing even the children of "conservatives." You just assume the words "democrat" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. How did you become so miseducated? The Southern Democrats who orchestrated slavery, Jim Crow and anti-civil rights strategies were social conservatives. And, yes, I suspect some Southern White democrats still exist and have retained those sentiments. However, the Southern Republicans now claim to be conservatives too! What are we to make of that? Are there two conservative political factions operating in the South now... one democratic and the other GOP?
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Those so called conservatives that did the lynchings were Democrats and the present day Republicans don't lynch anyone.
What nonsense. Every bit a freedom black people have in this country is in spite of democrats. Yet there are idiots like you who are led by the racist nose with them just changing the name.... it is still a lie dip shit. It was democrats who founded the KKK not conservatives it was democrats that passed Jim crow laws not conservatives it was democrats who segregated government. It was democrats who push abortion for black people to control thier population. It is democrats who run the inner city schools where a majority of black people have substandard education. All the evidence in the world is right there and yet you are so fucking stupid and filled with victim hood that you can't see it. A republican freed the black slaves yet it was thier own leadership who put the chains back on

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I am beginning to see how our education system is failing even the children of "conservatives." You just assume the words "democrat" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. How did you become so miseducated? The Southern Democrats who orchestrated slavery, Jim Crow and anti-civil rights strategies were social conservatives. And, yes, I suspect some Southern White democrats still exist and have retained those sentiments. However, the Southern Republicans now claim to be conservatives too! What are we to make of that? Are there two conservative political factions operating in the South now... one democratic and the other GOP?
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?
I am beginning to see how our education system is failing even the children of "conservatives." You just assume the words "democrat" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. How did you become so miseducated? The Southern Democrats who orchestrated slavery, Jim Crow and anti-civil rights strategies were social conservatives. And, yes, I suspect some Southern White democrats still exist and have retained those sentiments. However, the Southern Republicans now claim to be conservatives too! What are we to make of that? Are there two conservative political factions operating in the South now... one democratic and the other GOP?
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?

It is not just there is their present....every core group in the democrat party is an openly racist raza, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus..........the nation of Islam....
I am beginning to see how our education system is failing even the children of "conservatives." You just assume the words "democrat" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. How did you become so miseducated? The Southern Democrats who orchestrated slavery, Jim Crow and anti-civil rights strategies were social conservatives. And, yes, I suspect some Southern White democrats still exist and have retained those sentiments. However, the Southern Republicans now claim to be conservatives too! What are we to make of that? Are there two conservative political factions operating in the South now... one democratic and the other GOP?
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

The Democratic Party is 60% white.

Most whites are REpublican, but the smaller percentage of whites that are democrats are still a large enough group to be the majority of the Democratic Party.

Didn't I include White women in my list? 52% of White women and 44 % of White males lean towards democrats. Combined, they do, ostensibly, make up 60% of the Democrat base. That fact further validates my premise that the Democratic Party is the party of Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and White Femocrats. Yes, there are plenty of White males too... So we agree on that 60% White Democrat participation rate.
I am beginning to see how our education system is failing even the children of "conservatives." You just assume the words "democrat" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. How did you become so miseducated? The Southern Democrats who orchestrated slavery, Jim Crow and anti-civil rights strategies were social conservatives. And, yes, I suspect some Southern White democrats still exist and have retained those sentiments. However, the Southern Republicans now claim to be conservatives too! What are we to make of that? Are there two conservative political factions operating in the South now... one democratic and the other GOP?
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Those so called conservatives that did the lynchings were Democrats and the present day Republicans don't lynch anyone.

Didn't I just say the lynchers were conservatives and likely democrats to boot? Would you call the lynchers, liberals? don't get caught up in party names.... the root of lynchings and the KKK is conservatism. Right Wingers and the GOP have been proudly announcing their "conservatism" for decades now so that legacy of lynching belongs to all who cling to the title of conservative be they democrat or republican.
I am beginning to see how our education system is failing even the children of "conservatives." You just assume the words "democrat" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. How did you become so miseducated? The Southern Democrats who orchestrated slavery, Jim Crow and anti-civil rights strategies were social conservatives. And, yes, I suspect some Southern White democrats still exist and have retained those sentiments. However, the Southern Republicans now claim to be conservatives too! What are we to make of that? Are there two conservative political factions operating in the South now... one democratic and the other GOP?
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?
Unlike you, I don't vote on a straight party ticket. I am neither republican OR democrat but I lean towards the democrats lately.

The history of racism in American belongs to the majority of White people not just one party. Our Federal government sanctioned slavery for several hundred years and might have condoned it for another hundred if not for the onset of civil war. While most Whites were not slavers or lynchers, few were willing to do anything about it. "Indifference" may be the word to describe universal white apathy regarding Blacks for centuries.

If reparations are due, the pecuniary responsibility rests with the federal government for allowing slavery and subsequently not addressing lynching in a more affirmative way by doing something to stop it!
Last edited:
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:
What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?

It is not just there is their present....every core group in the democrat party is an openly racist raza, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus..........the nation of Islam....

Nice deflections from post #375. You can run but you can't hide!
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:
What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?

It is not just there is their present....every core group in the democrat party is an openly racist raza, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus..........the nation of Islam....

Nice deflections from post #375. You can run but you can't hide!

Conservatives did not lynch people...democrats did. Republican conservatives protected blacks from lynching, democrat conservatives murdered blacks to keep them from voting. Democrat conservatives tried to "conserve" white supremacy.....Republican conservatives fought to "conserve" the principals from the founding of this country, that all men are created equal, endowed by our creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of listed in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence...
They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?
Unlike you, I don't vote on a straight party ticket. I am neither republican OR democrat but I lean towards the democrats lately.

The history of racism in American belongs to the majority of White people not just one party. Our Federal government sanctioned slavery for several hundred years and might have condoned it for another hundred if not for the onset of civil war. While most Whites were not slavers or lynchers, few were willing to do anything about it. "Indifference" may be the word to describe universal white apathy regarding Blacks for centuries.

If reparations are due, the pecuniary responsibility rests with the federal government for allowing slavery and subsequently not addressing lynching in a more affirmative way by doing something to stop it!

The majority of people didn't not own or condone slavery only certain rich people, white and black owned salves. The Republican party was founded on abolition of slavery. Why do you dismiss the fact that the Democratic party subjugated black people for nearly 150 years The Declaration of independence is not racist. neither is the Constitution. Why do you perpetrate the lies of the left? You demonized one side, and not the other, because you're pushing an agenda. Why don't you speak out against the slaughter of black babies? it seems to me, you're a coward. Towing the line of the leftist. You're not an independent thinker, or an honest person.
How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:
What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?

It is not just there is their present....every core group in the democrat party is an openly racist raza, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus..........the nation of Islam....

Nice deflections from post #375. You can run but you can't hide!

Conservatives did not lynch people...democrats did. Republican conservatives protected blacks from lynching, democrat conservatives murdered blacks to keep them from voting. Democrat conservatives tried to "conserve" white supremacy.....Republican conservatives fought to "conserve" the principals from the founding of this country, that all men are created equal, endowed by our creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of listed in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence...
White Republicans where lynched as well..

They are exclusive. Conservatives believe in liberty democrats believe in servitude. Conservatives believe all Americans be treated the same democrats think we should all be in specific categories. I could go on and on but it will be a waste because you are to stupid and to filled with racism to see it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

The Democratic Party is 60% white.

Most whites are REpublican, but the smaller percentage of whites that are democrats are still a large enough group to be the majority of the Democratic Party.

Didn't I include White women in my list? 52% of White women and 44 % of White males lean towards democrats. Combined, they do, ostensibly, make up 60% of the Democrat base. That fact further validates my premise that the Democratic Party is the party of Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and White Femocrats. Yes, there are plenty of White males too... So we agree on that 60% White Democrat participation rate.

YOu have a list of ethnic groups and one gender subset of an ethnic group. YOU are in effect comparing apples to oranges.

Whites are not a voting bloc. They are more evenly split between the parties than any other ethnic group.

The "white males" who identify with the GOP today, are disproportionately middle class and middle aged white guys, one of the LEAST dangerous demographics today, if we are discussing criminal violence.

THat you try to smear them with the actions of other people who committed criminal acts generations ago because they happen to have similar skin color is just you being both racist and dishonest.
How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:
What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?

It is not just there is their present....every core group in the democrat party is an openly racist raza, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus..........the nation of Islam....

Nice deflections from post #375. You can run but you can't hide!

Conservatives did not lynch people...democrats did. Republican conservatives protected blacks from lynching, democrat conservatives murdered blacks to keep them from voting. Democrat conservatives tried to "conserve" white supremacy.....Republican conservatives fought to "conserve" the principals from the founding of this country, that all men are created equal, endowed by our creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of listed in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence...

Make up your mind. You admit Democrat conservatives lynched people so you can't say conservatives did not lynch people in the same breath. That is a classic non sequitur. Perhaps modern Republicans should rethink calling themselves conservatives since that term , in American politics, was long associated with Southern racist democrats. But that may be harder to do than it appears. After all members/supporters of the KKK and most known White hate groups have jumped on board the conservative GOP bandwagon.
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

Are you ashamed of the history of the party you vote for? Are in denial and deflect to make yourself feel better about being a part of the party who lynched black people? Should Democrat party pay reparations for it's racist history? If you cant answer those questions, then you are dishonest and have 0 creditably. They are simple questions, can you answer them?
Unlike you, I don't vote on a straight party ticket. I am neither republican OR democrat but I lean towards the democrats lately.

The history of racism in American belongs to the majority of White people not just one party. Our Federal government sanctioned slavery for several hundred years and might have condoned it for another hundred if not for the onset of civil war. While most Whites were not slavers or lynchers, few were willing to do anything about it. "Indifference" may be the word to describe universal white apathy regarding Blacks for centuries.

If reparations are due, the pecuniary responsibility rests with the federal government for allowing slavery and subsequently not addressing lynching in a more affirmative way by doing something to stop it!

The majority of people didn't not own or condone slavery only certain rich people, white and black owned salves. The Republican party was founded on abolition of slavery. Why do you dismiss the fact that the Democratic party subjugated black people for nearly 150 years The Declaration of independence is not racist. neither is the Constitution. Why do you perpetrate the lies of the left? You demonized one side, and not the other, because you're pushing an agenda. Why don't you speak out against the slaughter of black babies? it seems to me, you're a coward. Towing the line of the leftist. You're not an independent thinker, or an honest person.

When seeking redress to grievances don't negotiate with the peasants, go straight to the governing body that allowed the grievance in the first place. The federal government supposedly represented ALL of the citizenry during Slavery as well as Jim Crow. However, universal suffrage was retained exclusively by and for White males for centuries until the passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the US constitution ndeed, historical text show that in 1868 the proponents of those two landmark constitutional amendments and the democrats of that time were opposed. Contrast that with the exploits of today's GOP where party captains have engineered every trick imaginable to thwart the democratic voting process and have attempted to subvert the very rights they claim to uphold. That foul GOP strategy was uncovered on national TV so don't even try to deny it happened. Talk about lies and dishonesty. The GOP is losing constantly losing ground in those areas even among their own constituents.

Pew Polls suggest that Democrats are deemed more honest and truthful than Republicans.


Conservative racists. like yourself, are devious and use every strategy they can think of to separate or divide modern day democrats... Meanwhile the public is leaning more and more democratic as the GOP falters and their supporters fight among themselves
There you go again, talking out yer arse! I guess it is time for a link to back my premise:

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with conservative political views, or with views relatively conservative with respect to those of the national party. While such members of the Democratic Party can be found throughout the nation, actual elected officials are disproportionately found within the Southern states, and to a lesser extent within rural regions of the United States generally, more commonly in the West.

21st century conservative Democrats are similar to liberal Republican counterparts, in that both became political minorities after their respective political parties underwent a major political realignment which began to gain speed in 1964. Prior to 1964, both parties had their liberal, moderate, and conservative wings, each of them influential in both parties; PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt had proposed a realignment of the parties in the 1940s, though the trends which brought it about did not accelerate until two decades later. During this period, conservative Democrats formed the Democratic half of theconservative coalition. After 1964, the conservative wing assumed a greater presence in the Republican Party, although it did not become the mainstay of the party until the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

How does it make you feel to know that you support the party of lynching?:dunno:

What Party is that? I know white male conservatives lynched people...
But that was when MOST conservative democrats were White males.. Today's Democratic Party is mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Jews Asians and White women. Most White male conservatives ( the dangerous guys) are now GOP!

The Democratic Party is 60% white.

Most whites are REpublican, but the smaller percentage of whites that are democrats are still a large enough group to be the majority of the Democratic Party.

Didn't I include White women in my list? 52% of White women and 44 % of White males lean towards democrats. Combined, they do, ostensibly, make up 60% of the Democrat base. That fact further validates my premise that the Democratic Party is the party of Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and White Femocrats. Yes, there are plenty of White males too... So we agree on that 60% White Democrat participation rate.

YOu have a list of ethnic groups and one gender subset of an ethnic group. YOU are in effect comparing apples to oranges.

Explain how my pointing out that a voting democratic coalition of Blacks, Hisanics,Jews, Asians and White women is comparing apples to oranges. I was even cutting you some slack by not including the 44% of White males who also voted democrat. What, in you mind, represents the apples and what represents the oranges in my statement ?

Whites are not a voting bloc. They are more evenly split between the parties than any other ethnic group.

Oh come now, Whites may not be a voting bloc but there are huge voting blocs among Whites. Whites in the South tend to vote Republican. That is certainly something their forefathers wouldn't have done. The solid democratic South (bloc) has been transformed into the solid Republican South (bloc) despite denials by disingenuous liars like you.

The "white males" who identify with the GOP today, are disproportionately middle class and middle aged white guys, one of the LEAST dangerous demographics today, if we are discussing criminal violence.

Who are those "White" perpetrators in the FBI Uniform Crime reports? There are millions of them and they are committing most of the violent crimes in the USA!
The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks again, more than 2-1.

I know your knee-jerk reaction will be to invoke the well worn disproportional canard in comparing Black and White Criminal accountability but that doesn't take into account the systemic disparities inherent in policing, and court systems that are designed to inflate arrest data for Blacks while minimizing that of Whites.

THat you try to smear them with the actions of other people who committed criminal acts generations ago because they happen to have similar skin color is just you being both racist and dishonest.

Those old racist WERE young racist generations ago. There is no dishonesty or racism in disclosing THAT FACT!

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