The reason why Speaker McCarthy had to go


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The reason why Speaker McCarthy had to go is because he was just another in a long line of Charlie Brown patsies who believe that the Lucy Democrats will adhere to any agreements made with Republicans. This has been going on since the 1980s, when Democrats falsely promised border security in return for amnesty for illegal aliens.

McCarthy's budget "compromise" with Democrats failed to address the systemic problem of continuing resolutions, by which Congress has evaded its Constitutional responsibilities for the past 20 years. Instead, it merely kicked this corroded can down the road to financial perdition. It also gave the Democrats a new opportunity to deceitfully claim that they are in favor border security and reduced federal spending. Why keep up with this charade?

Speaking of charades, the public is finally waking up to the false narrative that a "government shutdown" is akin to Armageddon. On the contrary, it does not mean that the federal government will become insolvent or that "essential services" will cease operations. Instead, it a necessary tool to try to return to fiscal sanity. Isn't it time to address the ever-growing $30+trillion elephant in the room? If not now, when?

NOTE: I posted this in Conspiracy Theories in order to lessen impact on those of MODerate intelligence who are otherwise compelled to post inane replies. People of higher intelligence realize that conspiracies can be real and theories to explain them are not necessarily invalid.
Seems to me that we will only see weeks of infighting with any potential new speaker being cut of the same cloth as McCarthy.

8 people simply do not have the political clout necessary to get their way.
Patrick McHenry is not cut of the same cloth as McCarthy.
The reason why Speaker McCarthy had to go is because he was just another in a long line of Charlie Brown patsies who believe that the Lucy Democrats will adhere to any agreements made with Republicans. This has been going on since the 1980s, when Democrats falsely promised border security in return for amnesty for illegal aliens.
One of their most prominent and outrageous lies.
McCarthy's budget "compromise" with Democrats failed to address the systemic problem of continuing resolutions, by which Congress has evaded its Constitutional responsibilities for the past 20 years. Instead, it merely kicked this corroded can down the road to financial perdition. It also gave the Democrats a new opportunity to deceitfully claim that they are in favor border security and reduced federal spending. Why keep up with this charade?
Speaking of charades, the public is finally waking up to the false narrative that a "government shutdown" is akin to Armageddon. On the contrary, it does not mean that the federal government will become insolvent or that "essential services" will cease operations. Instead, it a necessary tool to try to return to fiscal sanity. Isn't it time to address the ever-growing $30+trillion elephant in the room? If not now, when?
Right. And your figure doesn’t even include all the massive unfunded mandates. Our true debt is vastly worse. And the Congress and most Presidents (regardless of political party) absolutely do just kick the van down the road. It is far too irresponsible and reckless to just keep accepting.
NOTE: I posted this in Conspiracy Theories in order to lessen impact on those of MODerate intelligence who are otherwise compelled to post inane replies. People of higher intelligence realize that conspiracies can be real and theories to explain them are not necessarily invalid.
I happen not to believe it belongs in the denigrated “Conspiracy” forum. But you might as well save the step.

This Board proudly proclaims something about “our voices counting” but it’s obviously not true. Sadly.
The reason why Speaker McCarthy had to go is because he was just another in a long line of Charlie Brown patsies who believe that the Lucy Democrats will adhere to any agreements made with Republicans. This has been going on since the 1980s, when Democrats falsely promised border security in return for amnesty for illegal aliens.

McCarthy's budget "compromise" with Democrats failed to address the systemic problem of continuing resolutions, by which Congress has evaded its Constitutional responsibilities for the past 20 years. Instead, it merely kicked this corroded can down the road to financial perdition. It also gave the Democrats a new opportunity to deceitfully claim that they are in favor border security and reduced federal spending. Why keep up with this charade?

Speaking of charades, the public is finally waking up to the false narrative that a "government shutdown" is akin to Armageddon. On the contrary, it does not mean that the federal government will become insolvent or that "essential services" will cease operations. Instead, it a necessary tool to try to return to fiscal sanity. Isn't it time to address the ever-growing $30+trillion elephant in the room? If not now, when?

NOTE: I posted this in Conspiracy Theories in order to lessen impact on those of MODerate intelligence who are otherwise compelled to post inane replies. People of higher intelligence realize that conspiracies can be real and theories to explain them are not necessarily invalid.
Unfortunately the majority of House Republicans are Rinos so they will just nominate another one to replace him.

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