The Real Romney

Isn't it amazing what we get to see when we're not forced to see someone through the media's filter? The Romney that we saw tonight is the same guy that has been there all along. The media wasn't able to distort him for a change. :)

He sounded more liberal than Obama tonight.

Romney isn't the monster MSLSD has made him out to be. Surprised? :eusa_whistle:
No... I'm not surprised. But holy shit the whole etch-a-sketch mime is really starting to come to fruition.

Hey... No doubt in my mind that he won the night... But that sure as hell doesn't mean anything more than he beat Obama on points. Willard is still the guy I thought he was, because... Well... He didn't change.. o.0 As in... He still just tells the majority what they want to hear regardless of what he's said in the past.

He's still catering to whoever he's talking to. Remember the past... Easier to predict the future.

Both of these guys are shit options.
Isn't it amazing what we get to see when we're not forced to see someone through the media's filter? The Romney that we saw tonight is the same guy that has been there all along. The media wasn't able to distort him for a change. :)

You think he did a good job???

Come on Shelzin, he kicked Obama in the balls
Yes... He .. Well... Look to the post above.
So the OP agrees that Romrom is a moderate and not a "serious conservative" like Romrom claimed he was?

And um guys we still have two more debates.
Geez... we're gonna have to get our hip boots out in this thread... the bullshit is getting deep. :rolleyes:

Mitt Romney is not the heartless monster the left has made him out to be, and he's not the squish that the Ron Paul crowd has made him out to be. The problem you folks are having isn't that Romney has changed... it's that your memes are falling through.
Geez... we're gonna have to get our hip boots out in this thread... the bullshit is getting deep. :rolleyes:

Mitt Romney is not the heartless monster the left has made him out to be, and he's not the squish that the Ron Paul crowd has made him out to be. The problem you folks are having isn't that Romney has changed... it's that your memes are falling through.
Yeah he's changed... His views change frequently. Which... Hasn't changed. That's the damn problem. I mean at first I really blew off the etch-a-sketch comments... But obviously there is truth to it.
Geez... we're gonna have to get our hip boots out in this thread... the bullshit is getting deep. :rolleyes:

Mitt Romney is not the heartless monster the left has made him out to be, and he's not the squish that the Ron Paul crowd has made him out to be. The problem you folks are having isn't that Romney has changed... it's that your memes are falling through.
Yeah he's changed... His views change frequently. Which... Hasn't changed. That's the damn problem. I mean at first I really blew off the etch-a-sketch comments... But obviously there is truth to it.

Okay... give us a list then. What are all these changes? 'Cause I've been watching this guy for awhile now, and I have no idea what you're talking about.
Geez... we're gonna have to get our hip boots out in this thread... the bullshit is getting deep. :rolleyes:

Mitt Romney is not the heartless monster the left has made him out to be, and he's not the squish that the Ron Paul crowd has made him out to be. The problem you folks are having isn't that Romney has changed... it's that your memes are falling through.
Yeah he's changed... His views change frequently. Which... Hasn't changed. That's the damn problem. I mean at first I really blew off the etch-a-sketch comments... But obviously there is truth to it.

Okay... give us a list then. What are all these changes? 'Cause I've been watching this guy for awhile now, and I have no idea what you're talking about.

Romney flip flopped in the debate. He said his tax cuts weren't tax cuts because he was changing the law so that the rate cut savings were made up for by loophole losses.

Then he said businesses needed his tax cuts.

Who needs a tax cut that isn't a tax cut?
Yup, Romney was a great liar/salesman/con man.

O fought for ACA for 2 years? Passed after 13 months.

Half of alt energy projects failed? 3 of 38?Pubs kill the nonrich, see sig pp1.

Romney's plans are BS. The 5 trillion deal...HIS experts are the Heritage Foundation LOL.So much BS.

Seniors will lose donut hole again, 716 billion medicare are SAVINGS, don't hurt benefits- the whole pile usual Pubcrappe. He's a GREAT Con man/ BS.salesman.

He did zip for Mass. education. Raised all fees like crazy.
Obama has decided there's no point to trying to win a debate against Romney..he just isn't capable of it, and he never will be.

So what he will do is launch a propaganda campaign...

This is the shit we're going to hear, and I don't think anyone in America (aside from the extremist lefties like Huggy and rtard and a few others) will buy it:

“You see, the man on stage last night, he does not want to be held accountable for the real Mitt Romney’s decisions,” Obama said. “We don’t want what he’s been selling for the last year.”
Obama said that Romney was intentionally being elusive about his blueprint for job growth and reducing the deficit because the numbers don’t add up.
“We didn’t know that Big Bird was driving the federal deficit,” Obama said, mocking Romney’s debate pledge to eliminate federal subsides for PBS."

After taking debate lumps, Obama calls Romney a phony |

Of course he's more animated in front of his supporters. Because that's all there is to him...he is propped up by others, he always has been. He cannot stand on his own.
Romney had a long time to practice being someone he's not.

btw, there really was no media filter on those 47% remarks event.

Actually, I think it was Barack Obama who was going to be this post-partisan, post-racial UNIFIER who was going to "change the way Washington does business".

Meanwhile back at the ranch... Mitt Romney actually got alot done with an 87% Democrat legislature. And you know, when Frank Luntz was interviewing his focus group... one of the things they kept coming back to was Romney's comments describing his record on bipartisanship. They really liked that. Hmmm... :eusa_whistle:
Isn't it amazing what we get to see when we're not forced to see someone through the media's filter? The Romney that we saw tonight is the same guy that has been there all along. The media wasn't able to distort him for a change. :)

He sounded more liberal than Obama tonight.

Privatizing Medicare and cutting funding to PBS, ultra liberal ideas for sure, good call...:thup:
Romney had a long time to practice being someone he's not.

btw, there really was no media filter on those 47% remarks event.

Basically, Romney moved to the right to get the nomination...and now he is moving to the center to get the independent voter. I don't have a problem with that. But I do have a problem with him making statements and taking positions and then denying he ever said or took a position. But the farce will be over when the Dems take apart his lies and deceptions. Just a matter of time.

I am sure that many GOP faithful were surprised when Mitt became a Moderate, right in front of their eyes.
Romney had a long time to practice being someone he's not.

btw, there really was no media filter on those 47% remarks event.

Actually, I think it was Barack Obama who was going to be this post-partisan, post-racial UNIFIER who was going to "change the way Washington does business".

Meanwhile back at the ranch... Mitt Romney actually got alot done with an 87% Democrat legislature. And you know, when Frank Luntz was interviewing his focus group... one of the things they kept coming back to was Romney's comments describing his record on bipartisanship. They really liked that. Hmmm... :eusa_whistle:

Romney got nothing done in Massachusetts except for signing the Democrats healthcare bill.

Romney vetoed 800 bills while he was governor of Massachusetts, and almost every one of them was overridden,

some of them overridden unanimously by the legislature.

People like you who are too stupid and lazy to do 10 minutes research end up looking like idiots trying to talk about things you know nothing about.
Romney had a long time to practice being someone he's not.

btw, there really was no media filter on those 47% remarks event.

Basically, Romney moved to the right to get the nomination...and now he is moving to the center to get the independent voter. I don't have a problem with that. But I do have a problem with him making statements and taking positions and then denying he ever said or took a position. But the farce will be over when the Dems take apart his lies and deceptions. Just a matter of time.

I am sure that many GOP faithful were surprised when Mitt became a Moderate, right in front of their eyes.

They shouldn't be surprised. They called him the Massachusetts moderate for six months of primaries.
Conservatives are reading WAY to much into last night's debate. Romney may have 'won', but only on his presence and articulation. His content was pitiful. I doubt he'll change many minds.

Obama didn't do all that bad. There were no killer moments. He just appeared tired. Not at his best by far. Of course having to change his schedule to accommodate dozens of conference calls with U.N. and NATO officials may have worn him out a bit.

Romney's message was full of contradictions, bullshit and just plain underhanded sleaze:

1. He refused to admit that his tax plan calls for not just lower the tax rates by 20%, but by cutting deductions that lower taxes for the middle class. They will end up paying more after these deductions are eliminated. There is no other way he could hope to balance the budget - or even close.

2. He didn't mention that the corner stone of his tax plan relies on the idea that cutting taxes for the wealthiest will stimulate the economy. SUPPLY-SIDE ECONOMICS!. He fails to mention that the Bush tax cut DEFINITIVELY proved that supply-side economics DO NOT WORK.

3. His plan for medicare (vouchers) is so hideous that he would not dare impose them on people over 55. He knows that those are the people that really care about medicare and if they were forced into his plan, none would vote for him. So he's preying on younger people who don't yet realize how important medicare will be for them. In short, if his plan is any good, why wouldn't he include people over 55?

4. Romney's whining about the federal deficit is BULLSHIT. If the Republican's cared about the deficit they would have accepted the plan for $4 trillion in spending cuts that Obama proposed. Holding out on that deal because of tiny 3% tax increase on the wealthiest Americans is nonsense.

Romney may have been slick last a snake-oil salesman. But snake-oil is all he got!
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Yeah he's changed... His views change frequently. Which... Hasn't changed. That's the damn problem. I mean at first I really blew off the etch-a-sketch comments... But obviously there is truth to it.

Okay... give us a list then. What are all these changes? 'Cause I've been watching this guy for awhile now, and I have no idea what you're talking about.

Romney flip flopped in the debate. He said his tax cuts weren't tax cuts because he was changing the law so that the rate cut savings were made up for by loophole losses.

Then he said businesses needed his tax cuts.

Who needs a tax cut that isn't a tax cut?

You people just can't be satisfied. What he's saying essentially is that he's going to close all those fat-cat loopholes you all consistently complain about, but that's not good enough for ya. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

You can cut EVERYBODY's taxes, encourage growth that broadens the revenue stream, and close the loopholes that the ultra-wealthy have manged to get into the tax code via cronyism. Then we'd have a clearer, more reliable, more honest system of taxation. But that's not workin' for you folks if it doesn't come from Barack Obama, right?

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