The real reason we are being FORCED to take an experimental gene therapy shot...the POLITICS of Pfizer sponsoring "NEWS" programs


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Gee...I wonder if there could POSSIBLY be a conflict of interest for these programs to be sponsored by the manufacturer of the experimental gene therapy shot.

You sheep need to wake up.


Watch this shit.,

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Gee...I wonder if there could POSSIBLY be a conflict of interest for these programs to be sponsored by the manufacturer of the experimental gene therpay shot.

You sheep need to wake up.


Watch this shit.,

The J&J vaccine isn't made with MRNA.

It's the same type of vaccine that we got when we were kids.

So if you don't want to take an MRNA shot, take the Johnson and Johnson one.

If someone wants to take the Pfizer and Moderna shots what's the problem?

You aren't taking it so I fail to see what your problem is.

If someone doesn't want the MRNA there is a vaccine without it.

The Johnson and Johnson one.

Stop whining and go get the shot.
Any potential for a conflict of interest should be AVOIDED.

That is why people RECUSE themselves from situations in which there is ANY POSSIBILITY OF THE PERCEPTION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

If you are on the side of BIG PHARMA and the CORPORATE PRESS, you are a fucking government mule and a fucking drone.
The J&J vaccine isn't made with MRNA.

It's the same type of vaccine that we got when we were kids.

So if you don't want to take an MRNA shot, take the Johnson and Johnson one.

If someone wants to take the Pfizer and Moderna shots what's the problem?

You aren't taking it so I fail to see what your problem is.

If someone doesn't want the MRNA there is a vaccine without it.

The Johnson and Johnson one.

Stop whining and go get the shot.
Like people should trust their poison any better than the others? BS.

Gee...I wonder if there could POSSIBLY be a conflict of interest for these programs to be sponsored by the manufacturer of the experimental gene therpay shot.

You sheep need to wake up.


Watch this shit.,

You've already had mRNA based shots when you had the measles shot.
The J&J vaccine isn't made with MRNA.

It's the same type of vaccine that we got when we were kids.

So if you don't want to take an MRNA shot, take the Johnson and Johnson one.

If someone wants to take the Pfizer and Moderna shots what's the problem?

You aren't taking it so I fail to see what your problem is.

If someone doesn't want the MRNA there is a vaccine without it.

The Johnson and Johnson one.

Stop whining and go get the shot.
If the shot worked, you wouldn't care if others got it or not.
Like people should trust their poison any better than the others? BS.

Did you die or morph when you had vaccine shotz to go to school?
The J&J vaccine isn't made with MRNA.

It's the same type of vaccine that we got when we were kids.

So if you don't want to take an MRNA shot, take the Johnson and Johnson one.

If someone wants to take the Pfizer and Moderna shots what's the problem?

You aren't taking it so I fail to see what your problem is.

If someone doesn't want the MRNA there is a vaccine without it.

The Johnson and Johnson one.

Stop whining and go get the shot.
These folks are pretty ignorant of the history of how the vaccines uses for decades came about.
These folks are pretty ignorant of the history of how the vaccines uses for decades came about.
Actually I have never seen you post any actual or factual information concerning vaccinations or rebuff the damages they have been causing. All you have if crap that flows from those fingers of yours onto a screen.
These folks are pretty ignorant of the history of how the vaccines uses for decades came about.

Yes, very ignorant.

Plus they seem to like to buy into any conspiracy they encounter.

Instead of going to experts on the subject.

But if they don't want an MRNA shot, the Johnson and Johnson is available.

They will come up with new lies and conspiracies to excuse not taking the Johnson and Johnson one.

It's just too bad. People will continue to suffer and die because of the lies.
As usual those with a nasty spirit make claims about others of what they actual are. Ignorance is when you deny or refuse to learn and admit what the truth of any given matter consist of.

Rarely does the general public get to hear what vaccine scientists and public health officials really think about vaccines. Instead, the simplistic (and propagandistic) mantra aired ad infinitum for public consumption is that vaccines are “safe and effective”—full stop. As the transcripts from the secret Simpsonwood meeting revealed two decades ago, however, when the experts are among themselves, they tell a different story—and, as a new behind-closed-doors video powerfully reveals, they are still far from convinced of their own safety message.

The bombshell video footage, published by Del Bigtree’s The Highwire, captures a series of statements—profoundly unsettling in their matter-of-factness—made by professionals who, in early December, attended the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) two-day Global Vaccine Safety Summit. The summit’s aims were to “take stock of [the] accomplishments” of WHO’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) and work toward finalizing the agency’s Global Vaccine Safety Blueprint 2.0 strategy 2021-2030. Attendees included GACVS members (past and present), vaccine program managers, regulatory authorities, drug safety staff, “and representatives of UN agencies, academic institutions, umbrella organizations of pharmaceutical companies, technical partners, industry representatives and funding agencies.”

What did this crème de la crème of the vaccine establishment say during their two-day powwow? Among other discussion points, attendees admitted that:

  • Vaccines can be fatal.
  • The design of safety studies makes it difficult to spot problems.
  • Safety monitoring is inadequate.
  • Vaccine adjuvants increase risk.

Every single one of these revelations—startling mostly because of who was caught on camera saying it— referred to problems that Children’s Health Defense and other vaccine-risk-aware organizations and individuals have been reporting on for years.

[W]e’re not able to give clear-cut answers when people ask questions about the deaths that have occurred due to a particular vaccine …

Fatal vaccines

Not quite a year ago, Indian pediatrician Dr. Soumya Swaminathan stepped into the newly created and prominent position of WHO Chief Scientist, moving up from a stint as WHO Deputy Director-General of Programs. At the December vaccine summit, she admitted:

[W]e’re not able to give clear-cut answers when people ask questions about the deaths that have occurred due to a particular vaccine, and this always gets blown up in the media.

Dr. Swaminathan acknowledged that the vaccine community ought to be prepared to provide “a very factual account of what exactly has happened and what the cause of the deaths are”; astoundingly, however, she conceded that “in most cases there is some obfuscation”—with the result that “there’s less and less trust . . . in the system.” Indian physicians have furnished examples of just such “obfuscation,” showing, for example, how a national committee attributed 96% of deaths in Indian infants who had just received pentavalent vaccines as either coincidental or unclassifiable.

What earned Dr. Swaminathan a place at the WHO vaccine table, when she is primarily known for her research and programmatic work on tuberculosis? It turns out that she has been an enthusiastic cheerleader for expanding human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in India. In early 2018, the Indian government decided against including the HPV vaccine in India’s Universal Immunization Program, swayed by feedback from India’s medical community (which is “split over the vaccine’s use”) and by the concerns of the influential Hindu organization RSS, which argued that adding the HPV vaccine would “divert scarce resources from more worthwhile health initiatives diverting it to this vaccine of doubtful utility and that its adverse effects will erode confidence in the national immunisation programme.” Ignoring these concerns as well as HPV vaccines’ disastrous global track record, Swaminathan—speaking on behalf of WHO—promptly urged India to reconsider. In late 2019, she joined other authors in a Lancet Oncology article that made light of “a few deaths” in HPV vaccine demonstration projects in two Indian states while... more @ link
It is NOT a vaccine.

It is an experimental gene therapy shot with LESS THAN 6 MONTHS OF EFFICACY.

There are hospitals that are now determining someone as UNVACCINATED if they got FULLY VAXXED more than 6 months ago.

Think that through.
Nothing, huh?

Nothing untoward about PFIZER sponsoring NEWS, and then that NEWS pushing PFIZER products in their NEWS programming?

Come the fuck on.
Gee...I wonder if there could POSSIBLY be a conflict of interest for these programs to be sponsored by the manufacturer of the experimental gene therapy shot.

You sheep need to wake up.


Watch this shit.,

Looks like you could use some “gene therapy”.


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