The real reason they hate Trump

Honestly I believe it's because the people behind the current administration like who, nato, world economic forum, world and central banks, and so on want to shape things in their image. Look at all the big groups that stuck their head out once trump was gone and Biden was in and started pushing their agendas. They needed America to be the first country that changed because it was the major player for western countries.

Trump did not play ball with any of those groups. He told the climate sumitt to F off, he didn't go along with the world economic forums great reset plans, he put tarrifs on china and wanted to break away from dependence on them, he wanted to keep illegals out, he wanted to instill American values, and so on. And he would not bend.

But the instant he was gone we saw our country change more in 2 years than it's changed in the past 15 years. All these groups trump held off came out of the woodwork once he was gone. And our society has steadily gone to shit.

He was a symbol of American pride,
March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.
values, morals and standards.

Donald Trump praises 'smart' Xi Jinping for 'ruling China ...​

Mirror › ... › US News › Donald Trump

Sep 4, 2022 — Donald Trump has praised the Chinese authoritarian leader Xi Jinping for running China with an "iron fist" in a bizarre campaign rally ...

And they did not want that. They want all the western countries under one blanket and one system and trump wasn't having that. It's even part of the world economic forums announced plan for a unified controlling force.
Yeah, it's called NATO.

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch ...​

The Independent › ... › US politics

Jul 13, 2021 — 'Yeah, the second term. We'll do it in the second term,' then-president reportedly said.

Trump Claims Credit for NATO After Bashing It for Years​

Rolling Stone › politics › politics-news

Feb 28, 2022 — Former President Donald Trump, who has a long history of denigrating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and who, as president, ...
It's not that Trump was going to roll back the Progressive Jihad on America. The schools, DOJ, FBI and social media are as anti-American as they were before Trump was elected. So he really was never a threat to the Establishment

The reason the Establishment lined up against Trump is that the drug and human trafficking cartels stopped paying their DC politicians until their businesses were up and running again

Their actions make you wonder for sure.
It's not that Trump was going to roll back the Progressive Jihad on America. The schools, DOJ, FBI and social media are as anti-American as they were before Trump was elected. So he really was never a threat to the Establishment

The reason the Establishment lined up against Trump is that the drug and human trafficking cartels stopped paying their DC politicians until their businesses were up and running again

And the War Machine.

First Pres. not to initiate a war since the Peanut guy.

Not good for business.

That's why all the Deep state CIA clowns and Pentagon hacks are all over cable news now and touted as "THE RESISTANCE!"

Mega Corporations and the War Machine love neocon Democrat energy.

But throw them some crumbs about pronouns and the Lefty base will happily tend to their sippy cups while the World burns.
It's not that Trump was going to roll back the Progressive Jihad on America. The schools, DOJ, FBI and social media are as anti-American as they were before Trump was elected. So he really was never a threat to the Establishment

The reason the Establishment lined up against Trump is that the drug and human trafficking cartels stopped paying their DC politicians until their businesses were up and running again
The REAL reason. How do you know this is the REAL reason?
Biden stole 71 electoral votes.
But you fail to PROVE it. 3-4 weeks will be explosive.

But you fail to PROVE it. 3-4 weeks will be explosive.

You cannot prove anything without an evidentiary hearing. Trump and those trying to prove fraud never got one. A FACT you will never change.

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