The Real Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
For no less than seven and more decades certain ideological forces have been doing their damnedest to erode, poison and eradicate the most basic pillars of not only our civilization, but to also vanquish all minimum requirements for the survival of our species. Since 1950 and before cultural Marxists, green Marxists, sadists, Satanists, postmodernists, atheists and a host of other extremely hostile anti-human, anti-American actors have won battle after battle in their culture wars against everyday American citizens. They have advanced their causes across all American social, educational, political and entertainment industries—deeply embedding themselves in every sacred American institution imaginable. From local and state governments all they way up to the high halls of power in Washington D.C. these evil motherfuckers have taken over completely, or their taint has poisoned all political and cultural and social waters everywhere across our nation.

For many Americans who foresaw this evil or awakened to it some years ago or even more recently, Donald John Trump alone came to represent America and mankind's last hope for survival in any free, democratic or even slightly enjoyable manner of day to day existence. Tens and tens of millions of Americans and perhaps hundreds of millions of foreigners placed their last hope for the human race and better individual existences in Donald Trump's hands. Donald Trump quickly recognized what he meant to so many people globally, and he answered their hopes by almost daily—via social media—promising to make things better for human beings everywhere on the planet. Frankly, after some early years of skepticism, my wife and I fully bought into DJT's message of hope. He clearly said all the right things and despite his brashness, showed himself again and again to be pro-American, pro-human, pro-life, pro-Christian and a supporter of all the key tenets of the founding of our America.

Through the relentless fire and flame of constant assault from the media and both democrat and republican politicians and even members of his own cabinet Donald Trump survived as our POTUS and even thrived in many ways—accomplishing feats of diplomacy and domestic improvement policies few Presidents before him could have hoped to achieve. All of these accomplishments of his further stoked the hope of the masses and their faith in the orange haired "wonder"; our 45th Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, right up to about today many, many Americans and others still believed in Trump, still maintained their faith that he would somehow at the last minute pull off the save of perhaps the millennium. Some of us actually believed Trump would do whatever it took to save our great republic—even if saving it meant taking the chance of losing it all. Without doubt the 2020 election was rigged, fraudulent and stolen. An event and issue which is wholly non-partisan in that American voters of all political parties should damn well be very concerned about election fraud from any side of the aisle. Instead tens of millions of Americans apparently sighed their collective relief when Joe Biden appeared to have won back in November. Those Americans didn't seem to care HOW Biden had won the election only that Trump would soon be gone from the White House and their lives. The media smelled blood in the water and seized the opportunity to validate anti-Trump voters' relief by thoroughly hiding any and all signs of election fraud from the general public. It was the perfect crime and perhaps the most flawless cover up of a criminal act in United States history.

Despite all of that some of us, both Americans and various foreigners, still believed Donald Trump would stand tall at the end for America and for the human race in general and FIGHT back. Instead Trump chose to use the processes of a thoroughly corrupt justice system to fight that very system; a system rigged to fail him and the American people. So of course his efforts failed time and again and even his own party members turned on him like packs of rabid wolves. Which left Trump with but one remaining option: call in the troops, occupy the polls and hold the presidential election over again. His doing that was OUR, and I mean the entire human race's, last hope for the foreseeable future. Yes, martial law would have stung, would have sucked and it might have ripped our civilization into inoperable bloody chunks. But the thing is . . . FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. Freedom must be won, repeatedly, and it must be constantly maintained, protected and preserved—because some despot somewhere will always be out to end individual and national liberty.

Apparently Donald Trump caved at the nth hour. Perhaps we'll never know what happened inside of his mind beneath all of that dyed orange hair. Either he was never the man we believed him to be, or someone made him an offer (read: a threat) he couldn't ignore or overcome. While I still admire many of the man's accomplishments, in the end he will go down as one of the greatest disappointments in both American and human history. The preservation of freedom is never "pretty" because it always entails standing up to the biggest, meanest bully and chopping the fucker in half. The preservation of freedom is messy, bloody and gore-ridden . . . and it is an act that is always worth it.

The real Donald Trump, as it turned out, was not THE MAN to preserve or even defend really all of our individual rights and freedoms. Instead, he turned out to be the third most powerful man in the world . . . behind Mark Zuckerberg and Jack fucking Dorsey. Our big, badass, orange Knight Templar turned out be a dog on a very short electronic leash. Well, what do you know. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you . . .

The real Donald Trump. Huzzah!
For no less than seven and more decades certain ideological forces have been doing their damnedest to erode, poison and eradicate the most basic pillars of not only our civilization, but to also vanquish all minimum requirements for the survival of our species. Since 1950 and before cultural Marxists, green Marxists, sadists, Satanists, postmodernists, atheists and a host of other extremely hostile anti-human, anti-American actors have won battle after battle in their culture wars against everyday American citizens. They have advanced their causes across all American social, educational, political and entertainment industries—deeply embedding themselves in every sacred American institution imaginable. From local and state governments all they way up to the high halls of power in Washington D.C. these evil motherfuckers have taken over completely, or their taint has poisoned all political and cultural and social waters everywhere across our nation.

For many Americans who foresaw this evil or awakened to it some years ago or even more recently, Donald John Trump alone came to represent America and mankind's last hope for survival in any free, democratic or even slightly enjoyable manner of day to day existence. Tens and tens of millions of Americans and perhaps hundreds of millions of foreigners placed their last hope for the human race and better individual existences in Donald Trump's hands. Donald Trump quickly recognized what he meant to so many people globally, and he answered their hopes by almost daily—via social media—promising to make things better for human beings everywhere on the planet. Frankly, after some early years of skepticism, my wife and I fully bought into DJT's message of hope. He clearly said all the right things and despite his brashness, showed himself again and again to be pro-American, pro-human, pro-life, pro-Christian and a supporter of all the key tenets of the founding of our America.

Through the relentless fire and flame of constant assault from the media and both democrat and republican politicians and even members of his own cabinet Donald Trump survived as our POTUS and even thrived in many ways—accomplishing feats of diplomacy and domestic improvement policies few Presidents before him could have hoped to achieve. All of these accomplishments of his further stoked the hope of the masses and their faith in the orange haired "wonder"; our 45th Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, right up to about today many, many Americans and others still believed in Trump, still maintained their faith that he would somehow at the last minute pull off the save of perhaps the millennium. Some of us actually believed Trump would do whatever it took to save our great republic—even if saving it meant taking the chance of losing it all. Without doubt the 2020 election was rigged, fraudulent and stolen. An event and issue which is wholly non-partisan in that American voters of all political parties should damn well be very concerned about election fraud from any side of the aisle. Instead tens of millions of Americans apparently sighed their collective relief when Joe Biden appeared to have won back in November. Those Americans didn't seem to care HOW Biden had won the election only that Trump would soon be gone from the White House and their lives. The media smelled blood in the water and seized the opportunity to validate anti-Trump voters' relief by thoroughly hiding any and all signs of election fraud from the general public. It was the perfect crime and perhaps the most flawless cover up of a criminal act in United States history.

Despite all of that some of us, both Americans and various foreigners, still believed Donald Trump would stand tall at the end for America and for the human race in general and FIGHT back. Instead Trump chose to use the processes of a thoroughly corrupt justice system to fight that very system; a system rigged to fail him and the American people. So of course his efforts failed time and again and even his own party members turned on him like packs of rabid wolves. Which left Trump with but one remaining option: call in the troops, occupy the polls and hold the presidential election over again. His doing that was OUR, and I mean the entire human race's, last hope for the foreseeable future. Yes, martial law would have stung, would have sucked and it might have ripped our civilization into inoperable bloody chunks. But the thing is . . . FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. Freedom must be won, repeatedly, and it must be constantly maintained, protected and preserved—because some despot somewhere will always be out to end individual and national liberty.

Apparently Donald Trump caved at the nth hour. Perhaps we'll never know what happened inside of his mind beneath all of that dyed orange hair. Either he was never the man we believed him to be, or someone made him an offer (read: a threat) he couldn't ignore or overcome. While I still admire many of the man's accomplishments, in the end he will go down as one of the greatest disappointments in both American and human history. The preservation of freedom is never "pretty" because it always entails standing up to the biggest, meanest bully and chopping the fucker in half. The preservation of freedom is messy, bloody and gore-ridden . . . and it is an act that is always worth it.

The real Donald Trump, as it turned out, was not THE MAN to preserve or even defend really all of our individual rights and freedoms. Instead, he turned out to be the third most powerful man in the world . . . behind Mark Zuckerberg and Jack fucking Dorsey. Our big, badass, orange Knight Templar turned out be a dog on a very short electronic leash. Well, what do you know. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you . . .

The real Donald Trump. Huzzah!

Your blob was a sack of shit from day one. I'm glad you finally came around to realizing the truth. You could have saved USMB some bandwidth by just posting how embarrassed you must feel instead of all of the silly and false platitudes.

Your blob was elected via fluke and chaos and disaster followed...nearly every day.
For no less than seven and more decades certain ideological forces have been doing their damnedest to erode, poison and eradicate the most basic pillars of not only our civilization, but to also vanquish all minimum requirements for the survival of our species. Since 1950 and before cultural Marxists, green Marxists, sadists, Satanists, postmodernists, atheists and a host of other extremely hostile anti-human, anti-American actors have won battle after battle in their culture wars against everyday American citizens. They have advanced their causes across all American social, educational, political and entertainment industries—deeply embedding themselves in every sacred American institution imaginable. From local and state governments all they way up to the high halls of power in Washington D.C. these evil motherfuckers have taken over completely, or their taint has poisoned all political and cultural and social waters everywhere across our nation.

For many Americans who foresaw this evil or awakened to it some years ago or even more recently, Donald John Trump alone came to represent America and mankind's last hope for survival in any free, democratic or even slightly enjoyable manner of day to day existence. Tens and tens of millions of Americans and perhaps hundreds of millions of foreigners placed their last hope for the human race and better individual existences in Donald Trump's hands. Donald Trump quickly recognized what he meant to so many people globally, and he answered their hopes by almost daily—via social media—promising to make things better for human beings everywhere on the planet. Frankly, after some early years of skepticism, my wife and I fully bought into DJT's message of hope. He clearly said all the right things and despite his brashness, showed himself again and again to be pro-American, pro-human, pro-life, pro-Christian and a supporter of all the key tenets of the founding of our America.

Through the relentless fire and flame of constant assault from the media and both democrat and republican politicians and even members of his own cabinet Donald Trump survived as our POTUS and even thrived in many ways—accomplishing feats of diplomacy and domestic improvement policies few Presidents before him could have hoped to achieve. All of these accomplishments of his further stoked the hope of the masses and their faith in the orange haired "wonder"; our 45th Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, right up to about today many, many Americans and others still believed in Trump, still maintained their faith that he would somehow at the last minute pull off the save of perhaps the millennium. Some of us actually believed Trump would do whatever it took to save our great republic—even if saving it meant taking the chance of losing it all. Without doubt the 2020 election was rigged, fraudulent and stolen. An event and issue which is wholly non-partisan in that American voters of all political parties should damn well be very concerned about election fraud from any side of the aisle. Instead tens of millions of Americans apparently sighed their collective relief when Joe Biden appeared to have won back in November. Those Americans didn't seem to care HOW Biden had won the election only that Trump would soon be gone from the White House and their lives. The media smelled blood in the water and seized the opportunity to validate anti-Trump voters' relief by thoroughly hiding any and all signs of election fraud from the general public. It was the perfect crime and perhaps the most flawless cover up of a criminal act in United States history.

Despite all of that some of us, both Americans and various foreigners, still believed Donald Trump would stand tall at the end for America and for the human race in general and FIGHT back. Instead Trump chose to use the processes of a thoroughly corrupt justice system to fight that very system; a system rigged to fail him and the American people. So of course his efforts failed time and again and even his own party members turned on him like packs of rabid wolves. Which left Trump with but one remaining option: call in the troops, occupy the polls and hold the presidential election over again. His doing that was OUR, and I mean the entire human race's, last hope for the foreseeable future. Yes, martial law would have stung, would have sucked and it might have ripped our civilization into inoperable bloody chunks. But the thing is . . . FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. Freedom must be won, repeatedly, and it must be constantly maintained, protected and preserved—because some despot somewhere will always be out to end individual and national liberty.

Apparently Donald Trump caved at the nth hour. Perhaps we'll never know what happened inside of his mind beneath all of that dyed orange hair. Either he was never the man we believed him to be, or someone made him an offer (read: a threat) he couldn't ignore or overcome. While I still admire many of the man's accomplishments, in the end he will go down as one of the greatest disappointments in both American and human history. The preservation of freedom is never "pretty" because it always entails standing up to the biggest, meanest bully and chopping the fucker in half. The preservation of freedom is messy, bloody and gore-ridden . . . and it is an act that is always worth it.

The real Donald Trump, as it turned out, was not THE MAN to preserve or even defend really all of our individual rights and freedoms. Instead, he turned out to be the third most powerful man in the world . . . behind Mark Zuckerberg and Jack fucking Dorsey. Our big, badass, orange Knight Templar turned out be a dog on a very short electronic leash. Well, what do you know. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you . . .

The real Donald Trump. Huzzah!
Oh thank you! That was the best laugh I've had in days!
Boiled down....Trump failed the 'Am I crazy enough for night_son?' test!

You had high hopes for him..but his last shreds of sanity kept him from true greatness!

God..that's some funny shit!
For no less than seven and more decades certain ideological forces have been doing their damnedest to erode, poison and eradicate the most basic pillars of not only our civilization, but to also vanquish all minimum requirements for the survival of our species. Since 1950 and before cultural Marxists, green Marxists, sadists, Satanists, postmodernists, atheists and a host of other extremely hostile anti-human, anti-American actors have won battle after battle in their culture wars against everyday American citizens. They have advanced their causes across all American social, educational, political and entertainment industries—deeply embedding themselves in every sacred American institution imaginable. From local and state governments all they way up to the high halls of power in Washington D.C. these evil motherfuckers have taken over completely, or their taint has poisoned all political and cultural and social waters everywhere across our nation.

For many Americans who foresaw this evil or awakened to it some years ago or even more recently, Donald John Trump alone came to represent America and mankind's last hope for survival in any free, democratic or even slightly enjoyable manner of day to day existence. Tens and tens of millions of Americans and perhaps hundreds of millions of foreigners placed their last hope for the human race and better individual existences in Donald Trump's hands. Donald Trump quickly recognized what he meant to so many people globally, and he answered their hopes by almost daily—via social media—promising to make things better for human beings everywhere on the planet. Frankly, after some early years of skepticism, my wife and I fully bought into DJT's message of hope. He clearly said all the right things and despite his brashness, showed himself again and again to be pro-American, pro-human, pro-life, pro-Christian and a supporter of all the key tenets of the founding of our America.

Through the relentless fire and flame of constant assault from the media and both democrat and republican politicians and even members of his own cabinet Donald Trump survived as our POTUS and even thrived in many ways—accomplishing feats of diplomacy and domestic improvement policies few Presidents before him could have hoped to achieve. All of these accomplishments of his further stoked the hope of the masses and their faith in the orange haired "wonder"; our 45th Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, right up to about today many, many Americans and others still believed in Trump, still maintained their faith that he would somehow at the last minute pull off the save of perhaps the millennium. Some of us actually believed Trump would do whatever it took to save our great republic—even if saving it meant taking the chance of losing it all. Without doubt the 2020 election was rigged, fraudulent and stolen. An event and issue which is wholly non-partisan in that American voters of all political parties should damn well be very concerned about election fraud from any side of the aisle. Instead tens of millions of Americans apparently sighed their collective relief when Joe Biden appeared to have won back in November. Those Americans didn't seem to care HOW Biden had won the election only that Trump would soon be gone from the White House and their lives. The media smelled blood in the water and seized the opportunity to validate anti-Trump voters' relief by thoroughly hiding any and all signs of election fraud from the general public. It was the perfect crime and perhaps the most flawless cover up of a criminal act in United States history.

Despite all of that some of us, both Americans and various foreigners, still believed Donald Trump would stand tall at the end for America and for the human race in general and FIGHT back. Instead Trump chose to use the processes of a thoroughly corrupt justice system to fight that very system; a system rigged to fail him and the American people. So of course his efforts failed time and again and even his own party members turned on him like packs of rabid wolves. Which left Trump with but one remaining option: call in the troops, occupy the polls and hold the presidential election over again. His doing that was OUR, and I mean the entire human race's, last hope for the foreseeable future. Yes, martial law would have stung, would have sucked and it might have ripped our civilization into inoperable bloody chunks. But the thing is . . . FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. Freedom must be won, repeatedly, and it must be constantly maintained, protected and preserved—because some despot somewhere will always be out to end individual and national liberty.

Apparently Donald Trump caved at the nth hour. Perhaps we'll never know what happened inside of his mind beneath all of that dyed orange hair. Either he was never the man we believed him to be, or someone made him an offer (read: a threat) he couldn't ignore or overcome. While I still admire many of the man's accomplishments, in the end he will go down as one of the greatest disappointments in both American and human history. The preservation of freedom is never "pretty" because it always entails standing up to the biggest, meanest bully and chopping the fucker in half. The preservation of freedom is messy, bloody and gore-ridden . . . and it is an act that is always worth it.

The real Donald Trump, as it turned out, was not THE MAN to preserve or even defend really all of our individual rights and freedoms. Instead, he turned out to be the third most powerful man in the world . . . behind Mark Zuckerberg and Jack fucking Dorsey. Our big, badass, orange Knight Templar turned out be a dog on a very short electronic leash. Well, what do you know. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you . . .

The real Donald Trump. Huzzah!

Donald J. Trump was very naive.

He thought that he could drain the Swamp.

Of course, what happened was that the Swamp drained him.

No one messes with the Swamp. No one. The idea of the President of the United States being the most powerful person in the world is laughable.

I had hoped that President Trump would have a chance to hold back the inevitable for at least four more years, but FATE decided otherwise.

Many people (including me) feel that this nation is imploding. By the end of this century (or earlier), there will be some kind of rearrangement of political power or boundaries. The political and ethnic differences are becoming untenable.
WTF? Trump as the last hope for anything? He's probably the worst, most corrupt president we've ever had. Draining the swamp? LOL, he filled his administration with swamp critters and he's the biggest swamp critter of them all. He has done for the country what he did for the USFL and his failed casinos. He'll be gone in a couple weeks, thank God. Hopefully all his MAGAts and Trumpublicans go slithering back under the rocks they came from.
For no less than seven and more decades certain ideological forces have been doing their damnedest to erode, poison and eradicate the most basic pillars of not only our civilization, but to also vanquish all minimum requirements for the survival of our species. Since 1950 and before cultural Marxists, green Marxists, sadists, Satanists, postmodernists, atheists and a host of other extremely hostile anti-human, anti-American actors have won battle after battle in their culture wars against everyday American citizens. They have advanced their causes across all American social, educational, political and entertainment industries—deeply embedding themselves in every sacred American institution imaginable. From local and state governments all they way up to the high halls of power in Washington D.C. these evil motherfuckers have taken over completely, or their taint has poisoned all political and cultural and social waters everywhere across our nation.

For many Americans who foresaw this evil or awakened to it some years ago or even more recently, Donald John Trump alone came to represent America and mankind's last hope for survival in any free, democratic or even slightly enjoyable manner of day to day existence. Tens and tens of millions of Americans and perhaps hundreds of millions of foreigners placed their last hope for the human race and better individual existences in Donald Trump's hands. Donald Trump quickly recognized what he meant to so many people globally, and he answered their hopes by almost daily—via social media—promising to make things better for human beings everywhere on the planet. Frankly, after some early years of skepticism, my wife and I fully bought into DJT's message of hope. He clearly said all the right things and despite his brashness, showed himself again and again to be pro-American, pro-human, pro-life, pro-Christian and a supporter of all the key tenets of the founding of our America.

Through the relentless fire and flame of constant assault from the media and both democrat and republican politicians and even members of his own cabinet Donald Trump survived as our POTUS and even thrived in many ways—accomplishing feats of diplomacy and domestic improvement policies few Presidents before him could have hoped to achieve. All of these accomplishments of his further stoked the hope of the masses and their faith in the orange haired "wonder"; our 45th Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, right up to about today many, many Americans and others still believed in Trump, still maintained their faith that he would somehow at the last minute pull off the save of perhaps the millennium. Some of us actually believed Trump would do whatever it took to save our great republic—even if saving it meant taking the chance of losing it all. Without doubt the 2020 election was rigged, fraudulent and stolen. An event and issue which is wholly non-partisan in that American voters of all political parties should damn well be very concerned about election fraud from any side of the aisle. Instead tens of millions of Americans apparently sighed their collective relief when Joe Biden appeared to have won back in November. Those Americans didn't seem to care HOW Biden had won the election only that Trump would soon be gone from the White House and their lives. The media smelled blood in the water and seized the opportunity to validate anti-Trump voters' relief by thoroughly hiding any and all signs of election fraud from the general public. It was the perfect crime and perhaps the most flawless cover up of a criminal act in United States history.

Despite all of that some of us, both Americans and various foreigners, still believed Donald Trump would stand tall at the end for America and for the human race in general and FIGHT back. Instead Trump chose to use the processes of a thoroughly corrupt justice system to fight that very system; a system rigged to fail him and the American people. So of course his efforts failed time and again and even his own party members turned on him like packs of rabid wolves. Which left Trump with but one remaining option: call in the troops, occupy the polls and hold the presidential election over again. His doing that was OUR, and I mean the entire human race's, last hope for the foreseeable future. Yes, martial law would have stung, would have sucked and it might have ripped our civilization into inoperable bloody chunks. But the thing is . . . FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. Freedom must be won, repeatedly, and it must be constantly maintained, protected and preserved—because some despot somewhere will always be out to end individual and national liberty.

Apparently Donald Trump caved at the nth hour. Perhaps we'll never know what happened inside of his mind beneath all of that dyed orange hair. Either he was never the man we believed him to be, or someone made him an offer (read: a threat) he couldn't ignore or overcome. While I still admire many of the man's accomplishments, in the end he will go down as one of the greatest disappointments in both American and human history. The preservation of freedom is never "pretty" because it always entails standing up to the biggest, meanest bully and chopping the fucker in half. The preservation of freedom is messy, bloody and gore-ridden . . . and it is an act that is always worth it.

The real Donald Trump, as it turned out, was not THE MAN to preserve or even defend really all of our individual rights and freedoms. Instead, he turned out to be the third most powerful man in the world . . . behind Mark Zuckerberg and Jack fucking Dorsey. Our big, badass, orange Knight Templar turned out be a dog on a very short electronic leash. Well, what do you know. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you . . .

The real Donald Trump. Huzzah!

Well. I'll offer 32 profound minutes of truth.

It may sting a bit. But it's true.

For no less than seven and more decades certain ideological forces have been doing their damnedest to erode, poison and eradicate the most basic pillars of not only our civilization, but to also vanquish all minimum requirements for the survival of our species. Since 1950 and before cultural Marxists, green Marxists, sadists, Satanists, postmodernists, atheists and a host of other extremely hostile anti-human, anti-American actors have won battle after battle in their culture wars against everyday American citizens. They have advanced their causes across all American social, educational, political and entertainment industries—deeply embedding themselves in every sacred American institution imaginable. From local and state governments all they way up to the high halls of power in Washington D.C. these evil motherfuckers have taken over completely, or their taint has poisoned all political and cultural and social waters everywhere across our nation.

For many Americans who foresaw this evil or awakened to it some years ago or even more recently, Donald John Trump alone came to represent America and mankind's last hope for survival in any free, democratic or even slightly enjoyable manner of day to day existence. Tens and tens of millions of Americans and perhaps hundreds of millions of foreigners placed their last hope for the human race and better individual existences in Donald Trump's hands. Donald Trump quickly recognized what he meant to so many people globally, and he answered their hopes by almost daily—via social media—promising to make things better for human beings everywhere on the planet. Frankly, after some early years of skepticism, my wife and I fully bought into DJT's message of hope. He clearly said all the right things and despite his brashness, showed himself again and again to be pro-American, pro-human, pro-life, pro-Christian and a supporter of all the key tenets of the founding of our America.

Through the relentless fire and flame of constant assault from the media and both democrat and republican politicians and even members of his own cabinet Donald Trump survived as our POTUS and even thrived in many ways—accomplishing feats of diplomacy and domestic improvement policies few Presidents before him could have hoped to achieve. All of these accomplishments of his further stoked the hope of the masses and their faith in the orange haired "wonder"; our 45th Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, right up to about today many, many Americans and others still believed in Trump, still maintained their faith that he would somehow at the last minute pull off the save of perhaps the millennium. Some of us actually believed Trump would do whatever it took to save our great republic—even if saving it meant taking the chance of losing it all. Without doubt the 2020 election was rigged, fraudulent and stolen. An event and issue which is wholly non-partisan in that American voters of all political parties should damn well be very concerned about election fraud from any side of the aisle. Instead tens of millions of Americans apparently sighed their collective relief when Joe Biden appeared to have won back in November. Those Americans didn't seem to care HOW Biden had won the election only that Trump would soon be gone from the White House and their lives. The media smelled blood in the water and seized the opportunity to validate anti-Trump voters' relief by thoroughly hiding any and all signs of election fraud from the general public. It was the perfect crime and perhaps the most flawless cover up of a criminal act in United States history.

Despite all of that some of us, both Americans and various foreigners, still believed Donald Trump would stand tall at the end for America and for the human race in general and FIGHT back. Instead Trump chose to use the processes of a thoroughly corrupt justice system to fight that very system; a system rigged to fail him and the American people. So of course his efforts failed time and again and even his own party members turned on him like packs of rabid wolves. Which left Trump with but one remaining option: call in the troops, occupy the polls and hold the presidential election over again. His doing that was OUR, and I mean the entire human race's, last hope for the foreseeable future. Yes, martial law would have stung, would have sucked and it might have ripped our civilization into inoperable bloody chunks. But the thing is . . . FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. Freedom must be won, repeatedly, and it must be constantly maintained, protected and preserved—because some despot somewhere will always be out to end individual and national liberty.

Apparently Donald Trump caved at the nth hour. Perhaps we'll never know what happened inside of his mind beneath all of that dyed orange hair. Either he was never the man we believed him to be, or someone made him an offer (read: a threat) he couldn't ignore or overcome. While I still admire many of the man's accomplishments, in the end he will go down as one of the greatest disappointments in both American and human history. The preservation of freedom is never "pretty" because it always entails standing up to the biggest, meanest bully and chopping the fucker in half. The preservation of freedom is messy, bloody and gore-ridden . . . and it is an act that is always worth it.

The real Donald Trump, as it turned out, was not THE MAN to preserve or even defend really all of our individual rights and freedoms. Instead, he turned out to be the third most powerful man in the world . . . behind Mark Zuckerberg and Jack fucking Dorsey. Our big, badass, orange Knight Templar turned out be a dog on a very short electronic leash. Well, what do you know. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you . . .

The real Donald Trump. Huzzah!
I’m afraid Donald trump was playing us all along,the fact he did not use the insurrection act for a military tribunal court system,I think this was all staged,that he really does not care if Biden is sworn in.remember both parties are corrupt,not just anybody can run for president and get elected,the elite always select their candidates.
For no less than seven and more decades certain ideological forces have been doing their damnedest to erode, poison and eradicate the most basic pillars of not only our civilization, but to also vanquish all minimum requirements for the survival of our species. Since 1950 and before cultural Marxists, green Marxists, sadists, Satanists, postmodernists, atheists and a host of other extremely hostile anti-human, anti-American actors have won battle after battle in their culture wars against everyday American citizens. They have advanced their causes across all American social, educational, political and entertainment industries—deeply embedding themselves in every sacred American institution imaginable. From local and state governments all they way up to the high halls of power in Washington D.C. these evil motherfuckers have taken over completely, or their taint has poisoned all political and cultural and social waters everywhere across our nation.

For many Americans who foresaw this evil or awakened to it some years ago or even more recently, Donald John Trump alone came to represent America and mankind's last hope for survival in any free, democratic or even slightly enjoyable manner of day to day existence. Tens and tens of millions of Americans and perhaps hundreds of millions of foreigners placed their last hope for the human race and better individual existences in Donald Trump's hands. Donald Trump quickly recognized what he meant to so many people globally, and he answered their hopes by almost daily—via social media—promising to make things better for human beings everywhere on the planet. Frankly, after some early years of skepticism, my wife and I fully bought into DJT's message of hope. He clearly said all the right things and despite his brashness, showed himself again and again to be pro-American, pro-human, pro-life, pro-Christian and a supporter of all the key tenets of the founding of our America.

Through the relentless fire and flame of constant assault from the media and both democrat and republican politicians and even members of his own cabinet Donald Trump survived as our POTUS and even thrived in many ways—accomplishing feats of diplomacy and domestic improvement policies few Presidents before him could have hoped to achieve. All of these accomplishments of his further stoked the hope of the masses and their faith in the orange haired "wonder"; our 45th Commander-in-Chief.

In fact, right up to about today many, many Americans and others still believed in Trump, still maintained their faith that he would somehow at the last minute pull off the save of perhaps the millennium. Some of us actually believed Trump would do whatever it took to save our great republic—even if saving it meant taking the chance of losing it all. Without doubt the 2020 election was rigged, fraudulent and stolen. An event and issue which is wholly non-partisan in that American voters of all political parties should damn well be very concerned about election fraud from any side of the aisle. Instead tens of millions of Americans apparently sighed their collective relief when Joe Biden appeared to have won back in November. Those Americans didn't seem to care HOW Biden had won the election only that Trump would soon be gone from the White House and their lives. The media smelled blood in the water and seized the opportunity to validate anti-Trump voters' relief by thoroughly hiding any and all signs of election fraud from the general public. It was the perfect crime and perhaps the most flawless cover up of a criminal act in United States history.

Despite all of that some of us, both Americans and various foreigners, still believed Donald Trump would stand tall at the end for America and for the human race in general and FIGHT back. Instead Trump chose to use the processes of a thoroughly corrupt justice system to fight that very system; a system rigged to fail him and the American people. So of course his efforts failed time and again and even his own party members turned on him like packs of rabid wolves. Which left Trump with but one remaining option: call in the troops, occupy the polls and hold the presidential election over again. His doing that was OUR, and I mean the entire human race's, last hope for the foreseeable future. Yes, martial law would have stung, would have sucked and it might have ripped our civilization into inoperable bloody chunks. But the thing is . . . FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. Freedom must be won, repeatedly, and it must be constantly maintained, protected and preserved—because some despot somewhere will always be out to end individual and national liberty.

Apparently Donald Trump caved at the nth hour. Perhaps we'll never know what happened inside of his mind beneath all of that dyed orange hair. Either he was never the man we believed him to be, or someone made him an offer (read: a threat) he couldn't ignore or overcome. While I still admire many of the man's accomplishments, in the end he will go down as one of the greatest disappointments in both American and human history. The preservation of freedom is never "pretty" because it always entails standing up to the biggest, meanest bully and chopping the fucker in half. The preservation of freedom is messy, bloody and gore-ridden . . . and it is an act that is always worth it.

The real Donald Trump, as it turned out, was not THE MAN to preserve or even defend really all of our individual rights and freedoms. Instead, he turned out to be the third most powerful man in the world . . . behind Mark Zuckerberg and Jack fucking Dorsey. Our big, badass, orange Knight Templar turned out be a dog on a very short electronic leash. Well, what do you know. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you . . .

The real Donald Trump. Huzzah!

Your blob was a sack of shit from day one. I'm glad you finally came around to realizing the truth. You could have saved USMB some bandwidth by just posting how embarrassed you must feel instead of all of the silly and false platitudes.

Your blob was elected via fluke and chaos and disaster followed...nearly every day.
The "Blob" was elected because that FUCKING KUUUNT was so reprehensible that only pussy-hat wearing kuunts voted for her.

If Trump did NOTHING else, he acomplished his primary objective. That is-not being the FUCKING KUUUNT!

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