The Real Biden Presidency Emerges

No…the government is paying workers to stay home. And has been prior to the vaccines.
Half the states stopped paying people last month. We would have expected the hiring to have picked up as a result.

Economies slow down when COVID runs rampant.

Try to stay current. Your talking points are outdated.
With Trump we were on our way to being rich beyond our dreams. With Biden we are rich beyond our means and a prudent man knows that will crash and burn eventually. We're on our way to becoming an imperialist possession of China if we don't go back to Trump like ways.
Wow, talk about delusional hero worship.
Did you know most people who die in car crashes are wearing seatbelts?

And they think they can make us wear these things that clearly do nothing?

That’s fascism. The Nazis probably invented seat belts.
Well, first off, for most normal people wearing a seat belt is logical. Studies show how they can protect you in a fatal crash. Some crashes there is an advantage to not wearing one. Studies are still ongoing 40 years later. Crash dummies are our friends. You still think everyone wears a seat belt all the time? You didn't answer. par for the course with you though. mandating is still dictatorship, no matter how one looks at it.

Now, show me the same testing for masks that was performed for seatbelts. Have at it? the boxes the masks come in say right on them does not protect against Covid19. Can't make it up.

Half the states stopped paying people last month. We would have expected the hiring to have picked up as a result.

Economies slow down when COVID runs rampant.

Try to stay current. Your talking points are outdated.
so xiden still isn't adding jobs, people are replacing others who stayed at home and collected free checks for 15 months. If a company was carrying 100 employees and 50 of them took the wuhan out, then when they're jobs are refilled, they merely occupied existing slots in the company's infrastructure. No David Copperfield didn't make the Statue of Liberty disappear.
With Trump we were on our way to being rich beyond our dreams. With Biden we are rich beyond our means and a prudent man knows that will crash and burn eventually. you actually have any clue about the state of economy and national debt by the time Trump was leaving office?

If you did, you'd think yourself a fool for saying something like that.


US-unemployment-rate-Jan2021.png you actually have any clue about the state of economy and national debt by the time Trump was leaving office?

If you did, you'd think yourself a fool for saying something like that.


demofk governors shut down their states for six to seven months and you think that was trump. Hillarious. you do think david copperfield made the statue of liberty disappear.
Below is part of an article in Politico that deals with Joe Biden and his Administration:

After a lot of happy talk over the past half-year, the real Biden presidency has emerged. It is not a colossus bestriding the political universe, rather a middling administration, at best, that will have trouble imposing its will even on its own party in Congress.

Biden was always fundamentally a default president, elected in opposition to Donald Trump and initially buoyed by the contrast to his outlandish predecessor, who ended his time in office in the worst manner possible.

Now, he’s lost his foil in Trump, who is still issuing harsh and thunderous press releases, but isn’t driving every news cycle or occasioning mass protests against him in the streets.

The best case for Biden was that he could ride in the slipstream of good economic growth and a receding pandemic, beaten back by the vaccines that began to be administered before Biden took office. Instead, the labor market is still rocky and the Delta variant has surged, leading to headlines about overstretched health care systems that most people assumed that we’d left behind in the spring of 2020.

With his honeymoon gone, with Trump less of a factor, with economic conditions and the state of the virus not as favorable as expected, Biden had been stripped down to a more natural level of support and sliding in the polls since around June.

Then, he made the first major, historic decision of his presidency, and completely botched it. Biden has tried to deflect responsibility for his exit from Afghanistan onto Trump and his execrable deal with the Taliban. Yet, the decision to quit when he did and how he did was all on Biden.

He hasn’t shown a hint of doubt or regret. The notion of leaving Afghanistan is popular in theory; the way Biden did it is radioactive in practice. The White House may tell itself that Biden’s decision will come to seem farsighted, and its possible that the harmful political effect will wear off over time. BUT:

Leaving Americans behind in a foreign country after an enemy of the United States swept to power and chased us out with our tails between our legs, though, is not likely to be forgotten, certainly not in 2022 or 2024, if ever.

The prime directive for any president is, to the extent possible, to seem in control. Biden failed this test repeatedly during the evacuation crisis. Events moved faster than he did and his rationales for what was happening had to be constantly revised, until he settled on the explanation that it is impossible to end any war in good order.
The most notable feature of the resulting Biden drop in the polls that has him underwater in both the RealClearPolitics and 538 polling averages is his awful standing among independents. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News, he was at 36 percent approval among independents (and 44 percent overall). A new Economist/YouGov poll has him at 35 percent among independents (and 43 percent overall).

The article goes on to discuss the razor thin margin that he has in the Senate and only slightly better in the House, and not everybody is on-board with his high-spending proposals. On their side, the moderates want less while the progressives want more, and each side is saying they won't support anything that doesn't give them want they want. Lowry (the author) says that Joe Manchin is telling people that will only support $1.5 tril out of the $3.5 tril that Biden and the progressives want. So, will the dems pass anything at all, even through reconciliation where they only need 51 votes? And hw will that affect Biden's presidency, where nobody is happy on their side or ours either.

And no mention was made of the disaster on the southern border, with so many people coming into the US, some of whom are infected with COVID or are undesirables, maybe even terrorists. Off-hand, I can't think of much of anything that the Left can point to and say well, he's doing a good job at that. And the guy has no energy, he looks really old and tired, and can't get through some days without calling a timeout. A lot of people are thinking that he ain't the one calling the shots in the WH, cuz he's just not up to it. At least sometimes, anyway. Lowry says the Biden Administration is middling, but I'm not sure it's even that good.
Xiden can’t be totally held accountable…this is the entire party that is the DNC. It’s their oppression, their connections to the CCP, their policies, etc Xiden is merely the puppet
Do you seriously not understand that when you say insane, counterfactual nonsense like this you out yourself as a total moron?
You ready for your 3 or 4 vaccine shot? They are talking about one every 5 to 6 months, you ready for that? You do realize 5 or 6 years down the road if you get ill from it. You're on your own? No suing for medical bills or anything?
Cool story bro, but reality is that Obama is consistently ranked in top 15 American presidencies.

He is now ranked at #10, right behind Reagan and Kennedy.

Twice impeached 1 termer named Trump is currently ranked as one of our worst presidents at #41, so if anyone, it's Trump that really made Obama look good.
He will be your president again.
Someone will immediately be nominated to be VP when Biden resigns for health reasons.

Won't get confirmed without Kamala as the tie breaker. That would be the best possible option until the House and Senate flip back to the Republicans in 2022. Without that VP tie breaker, the progressive legislative agenda will screech to a halt.
Stock market is doing great. Adding tons of jobs. Economic growth is very positive. People's bank accounts are healthier.
Inflation is also rising. So I hope for everyones sake the rest of the economy does continue Trumps strategy of growth and opportunity.
That is a ludicrous statement. Adding hundreds of thousands of jobs in the first eight months of the Biden Presidency is adding hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Once again, a Trump Republican is attempting to deny reality.
Desroy jobs and shut everything down. Then when the jobs you eliminated come back, claim victory. Fucking pathetic.
Inflation is also rising. So I hope for everyones sake the rest of the economy does continue Trumps strategy of growth and opportunity.
Trump’s economy cratered in COVID. Something we are still trying to put the pieces back together from.
Those gaps on shelves are signs of communism. Chinese communists knew right away that their virus RaTG13 would target obese and elderly Americans. POSPOTUS JoeXi and the Arab son, Obama, funded Duke-NUS Singapore before RaTG13 was discovered.

Yep, RaTG13 and SARS-CoV, that's the likely source of the manipulated recombination at the RBD site.
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Trump’s economy cratered in COVID. Something we are still trying to put the pieces back together from.
yep, demofk governors shut down businesses. What did you think would happen? create your own catastrophe to claim victory on recovery. hahahahahahahahahahahaha can't make ups demofk madness.
The only crap is coming from Biden. You will be against him in the midterms. You do as you're told. Remember that.
...I will be against Biden in midterms? Wtf?

Look idiot, just because you have some fantasies doesn't mean it's true.

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