The racist, community agitator, Al Sharpton at the highest level of the Obama administration


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Are all the liberals comfortable with that?


Attorney General Eric Holder was the special guest speaker on the opening day of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Conference in New York City. After a few words from Sharpton to the audience at the Sheraton in Midtown Manhattan, Holder spoke to the attendees about social responsibility and emphasized the work that NAN has done in the community and throughout the country in the name of justice.

Holder also shared his belief that the administration of President Barack Obama is committed to working with organizations like NAN to continue to fight for every citizen’s rights.

Eric Holder speaks at Al Sharpton s NAN Conference in New York - Rolling Out
Al Sharpton Becomes Obama's Race Ambassador


The Rev. Al Sharpton has come a long way from his bullhorn-shouting presence at some of the nation's most racially charged events, and has become President Barack Obama's go-to man for a White House seeking to make a connection when tensions are flaring between the races, a Politico Magazine article claims.

Sharpton's latest appearance happened this month in Ferguson, Mo. He arrived 72 hours after a white police officer shot and killed 18-year-old black man Michael Brown. Brown's grandfather requested he come in to help after Sharpton advocated for the family of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, reports Politico Magazine.

But these days, Sharpton is taking a different route, and instead of agitating protests, he's serving as a contact for the White House, a role he once again played in the Ferguson melee.

"There's a trust factor with The Rev from the Oval Office on down," a White House aide told Politico. "He gets it, and he's got credibility in the community that nobody else has got. There's really no one else out there who does what he does."

Politico Al Sharpton Becomes Obama s Race Ambassador
It seems to be making you upset. You must be really upset by all the laws that are being passed by this guy.

A racist piece of scum like this, is promoting hatred and paid to do it by Obama, Holder ...

Taxpayers Helped Sharpton Stir Anti-Zimmerman Anger


The Obama administration spent thousands of federal dollars to help the Rev. Al Sharpton pressure the state of Florida to railroad George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin shooting case.
The Justice Department not only met with Martin's parents and the notorious racial arsonist Sharpton, as we reported earlier this week. It even helped them organize rallies against Zimmerman, who trial evidence shows shot Martin in self-defense.

Newly released documents reveal the department spent more than $5,320 to send officials to Florida "to work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen."

According to Washington-based Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group that uncovered the records through a Freedom of Information Act request, the department launched six separate deployments to Sanford, Fla., between March 25, 2012, and April 12, 2012, when officials got their way and Zimmerman was arrested for murder.

The purpose of one trip from March 30 to April 1, according to the expense report, was "to provide support for protest." Sharpton was a featured speaker at the March 31 protest, dubbed "The March for Trayvon Martin," where he agitated for Zimmerman's arrest.

A week earlier, Sharpton met with Martin's parents and escorted them to a meeting with justice officials in Florida. "Earlier today, Trayvon's parents, attorney and I met with the Justice Department here," Sharpton bellowed on his MSNBC show "Politics Nation." "And later tonight, we rally for justice for Trayvon."

Behind the scenes, Attorney General Eric Holder assured Sharpton that he would take "swift action" in the case to investigate whether local police had committed a "civil rights crime"

Eric Holder Helped Organize Sharpton s Anti-Zimmerman Rallies -
It seems to be making you upset. You must be really upset by all the laws that are being passed by this guy.

And even more upset that he's telling the truth.

We needs to stop them uppity darkies from standing up for their RIGHTS.

Gosh but you never change. I go away for a while, come back and Luddly is still at it. You really are an idiot.....
It seems to be making you upset. You must be really upset by all the laws that are being passed by this guy.

And even more upset that he's telling the truth.

We needs to stop them uppity darkies from standing up for their RIGHTS.

Yeah? Were's he do that?

Black-on-black violence: Where's the outrage?
By DeWayne Wickham

While blacks are just 12.6% of the nation's population, they're roughly half of people murdered in this country each year. The vast majority of these killings are at the hands of other blacks.
If that doesn't shock you, maybe this will: More blacks were murdered in the USA in 2009 alone than all the U.S. troops killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to date.

Now that really makes me want to holler. But this painful truth hasn't produced the kind of sustained national outrage that Martin's death at the hands of a white Hispanic has generated. Why such a parsing of contempt? Maybe the people who've taken to the streets to protest Martin's killing don't care as much about the loss of other black lives because those killings don't register on the racial conflict meter. Or maybe they've been numbed by the persistence of black-on-black carnage.

A carnage without response

Whatever the reason, they need to get over it.

"The devastation homicide inflicts on black teens and adults is a national crisis, yet it is all too often ignored

Black-on-black violence Where s the outrage
@Statistikhengst @jillian ,@Ropey

Al Sharpton fanned the flames in Crown Heights results in Death

Brother of Crown Heights Riot Victim Slams Sharpton Advertisers
"Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity


On Monday, spoke with Norman Rosenbaum, brother of the Yankel Rosenbaum, the Orthodox Jew murdered by a mob in Crown Heights in 1991 within days of Al Sharpton telling Jews, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.” Rosenbaum was killed days after a tragic accident that left 7-year-old black child Gavin Cato dead. After Rosenbaum’s death, Sharpton led a march through Crown Heights, at which protesters changed “No Justice, No Peace,” and later said in a speech, “All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no coffee klatch, no skinnin' and grinnin'."

Now Yankel’s brother, Norman, says that advertisers, MSNBC, and President Obama should be ashamed to be associated with Sharpton. “Any person who does anything to legitimize Al Sharpton is doing a gross disservice to their own integrity, and in terms of Al Sharpton the individual, the greatest concern is they’re legitimizing a fraud and charlatan,” Rosenbaum said from Melbourne, Australia. He added, “He has never apologized, he has never offered any sincere remorse for the atrocious things he has done by way of terrible racist behavior and lies, for inciting racial events. Anybody who takes a look at that person and wants to spend advertising dollars on him should take a hard look at their moral stance in terms of their position in business, in commerce, and in the community.”

Brother of Crown Heights Riot Victim Slams Sharpton Advertisers Truth Revolt
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Are all the liberals comfortable with that?


Attorney General Eric Holder was the special guest speaker on the opening day of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Conference in New York City. After a few words from Sharpton to the audience at the Sheraton in Midtown Manhattan, Holder spoke to the attendees about social responsibility and emphasized the work that NAN has done in the community and throughout the country in the name of justice.

Holder also shared his belief that the administration of President Barack Obama is committed to working with organizations like NAN to continue to fight for every citizen’s rights.

Eric Holder speaks at Al Sharpton s NAN Conference in New York - Rolling Out

Blacks can't be racists you misogynist creep
Al Sharpton Obama's Frederick Douglass?:cuckoo:

This idiot is nothing but a thug supporter and a liar of the worst order.

The White house is using this thing in Missouri for political advantage. The democrats use black people as pawns in their political games. Nobody suffers more than blacks because of their bullshit:mad:
Notice how they dont have any problem with the incident....they're only mad at the response. Like, dam cant you be quiet about police shooting the shit out of people! Sheesh
Notice how they dont have any problem with the incident....they're only mad at the response. Like, dam cant you be quiet about police shooting the shit out of people! Sheesh

Notice how Holders and the scum Al Sharpton jump into this before all the facts come ou, right before the election they love this stuff

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