The Purge Continues: Biden Defense Secretary Orders Military-Wide Stand-Downs to “Address White Nationalism,” Rid Military of “Extremists and Racists”

The Problem seems to be in definition. Racism and extremism can be overt or covert, in the closest or out in the public domain anonymously as done on this message board.

Racism is the foundational plank of the Nazi democrat party. Hatred of "Der Juden," the whites, is the central theme of democrats. Everything form open borders that democrats say will bring in more "brown people" to attack on American history by the Nazi democrats (1619 project) is based on racism. Hatred of whites defines every aspect of the democrat agenda. Xi's Man is actively purging the hated whites from the military. "Whitey need not apply" has been the reality in federal employment for decades. Public Schools teach hatred of whites down to the pre-school levels.

Racism is overt in our society and driven by the Nazi party - the democrats. Genocide is the finish line for the democrats, and they are very near it.
So when they purge the service of Trump loyalists, who are the best soldiers, what will their tactics be? Put the trannies up front and let them beat the enemy with their purses? That ought to soften them up, right?

This is the democrat army, and what we face -don't soft sell it.
I'm not sure if barring all non-Woke people from joining the military is that tremendous of an idea.

Would Patton, or MacArthur been permitted to serve in the World Wars under Sleepy Joe? Would we all be speaking Japanese today?

You really think those guys won the war single handedly? Dugout Doug (as the troops he abandoned in Bataan called him) was hardly a "hero". Patton was a flaming anti-Semite.

Its just like with Obama-Biden's abolition of "Don't Ask- Don't Tell". Do you really think that had Gomer Pyle been open with his sexual preferences instead of keeping them quiet from Sgt Carter, the program would have been any better?

here's the thing. During wartime, the whole "We don't like gays" wasn't heavily enforced. The problem with pre-Don't Ask was that claiming you were gay was a ticket out of the Military when you found out the job was a lot tougher than your recruiter made it sound.

During Vietnam, the regulation was at the discretion of the commander. If you had a gay dude in your command who did his job, he got to keep doing his job. When we went to a peacetime military, they threw a lot of those guys out, even though they had reached NCO or officer ranks due to their performance.

You really think your Beloved Joseph Stalin won the war single handedly? Uncle Joe (as you democrats lovingly called him) was an avid Antisemite.


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You fuckwits have ruined the term "racism".

Now you Dimwinger buttflaps claim acronyms are racist. That's how fucking retarded your side has become. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Or how about the hated white college professor fired for using the word "niggardly"

The Nazis are as ignorant as they are evil.
I mentioned to my ultra liberal brother who was venturing out on Tuesday after the snow storm on Monday in NY how he needs to be careful of the black ice.
He hates me because I am a conservative. I am OK with that. Our mom buys his underwear and he is 60 years old. I have made a great life for my wife and children.


His response?

"How dare you blame the ice on people of color."

I was like ..."Huh"...

His response?

"Never talk to me again you fucking racist"

You guys need to back off on the racist thing.

When I was young my parents told me not to call them "colored people".

I asked "who are they?"

They said "the negroes"

They told me to call them African Americans.

I was, OK.....but I never call them anything but their name.

Then I was told don't call them African Americans because there are people of the same race from other countries than America.

I was OK...but I never called them anything but by their name.

Now I am told to call them people of color...

And I am like....huh? Colored people was racist but people of color is appropriate?

Dam...I just call them by their name.

You guys on the left are so wrapped up in the race of people, you continually change the bar for those of us that, yes, see their color, but never really give a fuck. All we want to know is their name.
You fuckwits have ruined the term "racism".

Now you Dimwinger buttflaps claim acronyms are racist. That's how fucking retarded your side has become. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Or how about the hated white college professor fired for using the word "niggardly"

The Nazis are as ignorant as they are evil.
I mentioned to my ultra liberal brother who was venturing out on Tuesday after the snow storm on Monday in NY how he needs to be careful of the black ice.
He hates me because I am a conservative. I am OK with that. Our mom buys his underwear and he is 60 years old. I have made a great life for my wife and children.


His response?

"How dare you blame the ice on people of color."

I was like ..."Huh"...

His response?

"Never talk to me again you fucking racist"

You guys need to back off on the racist thing.

When I was young my parents told me not to call them "colored people".

I asked "who are they?"

They said "the negroes"

They told me to call them African Americans.

I was, OK.....but I never call them anything but their name.

Then I was told don't call them African Americans because there are people of the same race from other countries than America.

I was OK...but I never called them anything but by their name.

Now I am told to call them people of color...

And I am like....huh? Colored people was racist but people of color is appropriate?

Dam...I just call them by their name.

You guys on the left are so wrapped up in the race of people, you continually change the bar for those of us that, yes, see their color, but never really give a fuck. All we want to know is their name.

Yep, we are now required to call black people "colored" again.

The stupidity of the anti-Americans is jaw dropping.
So when they purge the service of Trump loyalists, who are the best soldiers, what will their tactics be? Put the trannies up front and let them beat the enemy with their purses? That ought to soften them up, right?

Those sick freaks are only there because Congress makes the military pay for the fetish surgery out of its budget. The more mentally ill they are, the better the commies like them.
You fuckwits have ruined the term "racism".

Now you Dimwinger buttflaps claim acronyms are racist. That's how fucking retarded your side has become. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Or how about the hated white college professor fired for using the word "niggardly"

The Nazis are as ignorant as they are evil.
I mentioned to my ultra liberal brother who was venturing out on Tuesday after the snow storm on Monday in NY how he needs to be careful of the black ice.
He hates me because I am a conservative. I am OK with that. Our mom buys his underwear and he is 60 years old. I have made a great life for my wife and children.


His response?

"How dare you blame the ice on people of color."

I was like ..."Huh"...

His response?

"Never talk to me again you fucking racist"

You guys need to back off on the racist thing.

When I was young my parents told me not to call them "colored people".

I asked "who are they?"

They said "the negroes"

They told me to call them African Americans.

I was, OK.....but I never call them anything but their name.

Then I was told don't call them African Americans because there are people of the same race from other countries than America.

I was OK...but I never called them anything but by their name.

Now I am told to call them people of color...

And I am like....huh? Colored people was racist but people of color is appropriate?

Dam...I just call them by their name.

You guys on the left are so wrapped up in the race of people, you continually change the bar for those of us that, yes, see their color, but never really give a fuck. All we want to know is their name.

Yep, we are now required to call black people "colored" again.

The stupidity of the anti-Americans is jaw dropping.

Go figure.
You really think your Beloved Joseph Stalin won the war single handedly? Uncle Joe (as you democrats lovingly called him) was an avid Antisemite.

I'm sure he was...

I just thought it was kind of crazy to say that if we didn't have McArthur and Patton (a couple of over-inflated egos who made as many mistakes as they made good decisions) we'd be speaking Japanese today.


That'd be a tragedy.
"Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity to “address white nationalism” in the ranks and rid the military of “extremists and racists.”

The Pentagon did not clearly define what makes one an extremist or how they will deal with extremism among the ranks."

The reason the Pentagon did not know how to clearly define 'extremists and racists' is because Biden's new Secretary of Defense did not give them a clear definition and did not give clear direction / orders on how to proceed.

“We don’t know how we’re going to be able to get after this in a meaningful, productive, tangible way and that is why he had this meeting today and that is why he certainly ordered this stand-down,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters."

Austin, however, defines 'white nationalists' & 'extremists' as TRUMP SUPPORTERS, those who oppose the Democrats Socialist ideology and their on-going agenda and / or who believe there was definite election fraud this past election (which includes over 170 million Americans).

"Lloyd Austin also stripped several hundred appointees of their posts on Pentagon advisory boards over the weekend.

The secretary’s goal was to purge the department of Trump loyalists who were appointed to various advisory boards at the last minute."

The US military is engaged in multiple wars and combat operations and are serving all over the world, and the new Secretary of Defense put a halt to all Pentagon ops so the new Biden administration could purge the Pentagon of all military officers who had supported President Trump. If this was Austin's only criteria for firing these people this is a seriously dangerous thing.

There is no other way to describe this but as a 'Purge'. I will add, 'purges' are not always a bad thing.

Trump needed to purge the Federal government of Socialist, Communist, Globalists and Progressive Fascists.

That was his Biggest and ultimately fatal mistake
You really think your Beloved Joseph Stalin won the war single handedly? Uncle Joe (as you democrats lovingly called him) was an avid Antisemite.

I'm sure he was...

I just thought it was kind of crazy to say that if we didn't have McArthur and Patton (a couple of over-inflated egos who made as many mistakes as they made good decisions) we'd be speaking Japanese today.

View attachment 453783
That'd be a tragedy.

Comrade Stalin, have you ever heard of the "Battle of the Bulge?"

I understand that you are probably the single most historically illiterate person on this board, but maybe you could have one of the nurses read the Wiki article to you?

Without Patton in North Africa, the German Mechanized army would have mopped the floor with us. Lack of fuel let our Shermans go up against Hitler's Panzers. Patton defeating Rommel in North Africa allowed Patton to win the Battle of the Bulge - which was the pivotal battle in defeating the earlier Nazis.

May we Americans have as great of a general now to defeat you Nazis who have occupied our land.
Comrade Stalin, have you ever heard of the "Battle of the Bulge?"

I understand that you are probably the single most historically illiterate person on this board, but maybe you could have one of the nurses read the Wiki article to you?

My dad was in the Battle of the Bulge. Even he said that the Germans had been pretty much defeated at that point and it was a last gasp.

Again, you keep mistaking that George C. Scott movie for reality.

Without Patton in North Africa, the German Mechanized army would have mopped the floor with us. Lack of fuel let our Shermans go up against Hitler's Panzers. Patton defeating Rommel in North Africa allowed Patton to win the Battle of the Bulge - which was the pivotal battle in defeating the earlier Nazis.

Okay, wow... so many inaccuracies in that statement, not even sure where to begin.

First, at that point, Rommel had already been defeated by Montgomery at El-Alamein. The Germans were in full retreat at that point. The Nazis never considered North Africa to be a critical front in the war. Most of the troops under Rommel's command were Italians. In fact, by 1943, the Afrika Corps had been reduced to four divisions.

Now, compare that to the Russian Front, where the Germans alone (not counting their Italian, Romanian, Hungarian and Finish Allies) had 187 divisions engaged in the USSR.

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