The Proto-Semitic tribe of Scandinavians


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
During naming with characters it wasn’t known that haplogroup I is virtual two nations. It divides in two parts, haplogroup I2 is widespread in Southern Europe and towards Caucasus, and haplogroup I1 is characteristic for Northern Europe and especially for Germanics. They are distinctly different in that haplogroup I1 sustains albinism in eyes and hairs, and I2-men don't appear un-dangerous in contrast to I1 and they are often darker in hair-color as I1. From haplogroup J Proto-Semitic’s differ in lesser distinctive faces. Noses look often inconspicuous and haven't the general propensity to form an out-growing bridge like haplogroup J that stands for an inner pursuit to body activity whereas the forward pointed nose stands, which have Indo-Europeans too, for an inner pursuit to change. Haplogroup J is identifiable in its pronounced risible muscles. Haplogroup I2-people haven't the friendlyness of haplogroup I1 even than haplogroup J2, look alsoat -->mythology.


The proto-Semitic branch according to The European haplogroup I-branch is obvious better researched than Middle Eastern haplogroup J. Remarkably, in both groups one lives in a refugium, like I1 in Scandinavia and J1 in South Arabia, whereas the respective other , I2 and J2 spread far. Scandinavia is isolated from the south by the sea, South Arabia by the red sea and the Arabian desert.


Subclades of I1

Branches, or named subclades, of I1 changes the form in the course of research consistently shape and will be restructured in future. Before 2008 only four haplotypes were known. During the reorganization of the whole genealogical tree 2008 it was 9 and 2012 it grew up to 31 haplotypes. has over 90, of whom 32 at least more as 10 times were detected(status: 2014).

Apart from the rare I1b, I1a divides in three great subgroups, of whom I1a1 and I1a2 are Northern European. I’m not sure if both groups are distributed similar, or I1a1 is more in Fennoscandia. The proportions of individuals at was I1a1=5/I1a2=4. I had the idea the both subgroups are an indicator that Scandinavian lineage based on only two men. I1a3 is commonly stated as very rare and Eastern European. It is not a Germanic branch. I suppose it has gereater distribution in Middle East in Jordan. I1a3 could stem at least in parts from Jews and Christs from Middle East in Middle Ages.

The genetic diversity of haplogroup I1 is deemed to be lesser than of Scandinavian Indo-European haplogroup R. Hence it is commonly suggested haplogroup I1 divided later than haplogroup R. In another source I read the I1-tribe evolved from a very small group of people. Incest was the causation for deactivation of many genes that resulted first of all to depigmentation of skin and in Indo-Europeans and in Pre-Norse people to lightning of eye-color. Therefore Non-Africans and Albinos have more genes deactivated. What means it about percipience? For example I read Africans have a gene for flavour that is deactivated in non-Africans [citation not found].

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Haplogroup I1's highest frequencies are located in Scandinavia and at the west coast of Finland. Every third person in Fennoscandia is reportedly a sustainer of it. In Southern Germanics percentage downs low to 10%. That leads to the conclusion that Southern Germanics are a mix of the Prime-Germanic union and non-Germanics. In Scandinavia, the percentage of haplogroup I1 presents over 30% in Denmark and Iceland. The number varies in studies. On Faroe-Islands it amounts 25%[2]. Norway shows between 25% and 36%. Sweden constitutes the state with highest frequencies of haplogroup I1. Approximately 40% of men sustain the haplogroup. All European numbers projected, (and also from America and Australia) haplogroup I1 might be 50 million sustainers large. Probably it isn’t estimated high enough. It constitutes aside of the Semitic tribes of I2, J2 and J1 either the rarest or the second rarest after J1.

Numbers on the map mustn't be presumed to be exact. Local differences can be high. In northwestern Germany haplogroup I1 has in Frisians and around the boundary line to Netherlands like in most regions of Netherlands a low frequency, which is noticeable in the character of Dutch people. The map conduces only to demonstration. The data of most lands originate from Eupedia, and data about Sweden [3] , England [4] and Norway I took out of charts and maps. The settlement of Varangian’s along the great Rivers in Russia met with no response hereby. I suppose settlement areas in parts of Russia. In the historical work of the ancient Greek historian Herodot settles a tribe of Budinoi northwards of the Black Sea [12], with red haircolor. From Middle East there are no studies about the existence of haplogroup I1(Studies about the Middle East exists. Wikipedia had information’s about I1 in Lebanese’s but with no certification[5] status:2015). I1 seems to be in no reviewed region the majority of men.

Referring to Eupedia, every tenth person in Greece sustains haplogroup I1. Certainly it derived from Goths there. I1 spread with the expansion of Christianity in entire Europe. In northern Italy Lombards settled with center in Milan and in France settled amongst others Franks. In antiquity, aristocrats recruited Germanics because they were more faithful whereas the own compatriots would have bereaved them.

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The sea was the habitat of Proto-Semites (look at top-pages -->Mythology and -->Archaeology). Haplogroup I1 settled primary at the Baltic Sea. Because the Baltic Sea was littler and less deep it was not such dangerous like the North Sea. Why did this tribe live in the hard climate of the north? I think other Prime-nations were dangerous and this people searched for having peace and quietness. Possibly the albinism did them weaker than other nations. I read time ago that Tlingit Americans say sea food was forbidden before a battle. Perhaps it reduces enduringness(?). Haplogroup I1 was a peaceful nation (there was a mythological age in Norse mythology, called “Frode’s peace” before the Aesir came, look at -->mythology). Where all settlement areas in the Baltic region abandoned before Middle Ages? Haplogroup I1 could have in a part of Old-Eastern Germany, in East-Prussia, higher percentages. The genetic landscape of Eastern Germany must be reconstructed.

Haplogroup I1 equates to the Vanir of Nordic mythology, for further information and the Aesir were the Indo-Europeans, look at -->mythology. They interchanged women, and different environmental conditions, perhaps a stronger activity of the earth -magnetfield, effected recombination of parts of the Y-chromosomes with mitochondrias (Otherwise, how and why recombines the Y-chromosome inside the nucleus with cell-power-stations outside of the nucleus? But it is the only potential I see). In contrast they don't recombine today, look also at top-page -->genetics. The Indo-Europeans, which encountered the Scandinavian Proto-Semites, inherited Proto-Semitic DNA which became no longer mutational with the advancing decrease of gene-changing and destructing factor. The Germanic subclade of Centum-Indo-European R1b is R1b-U106 and of the Satem-Indo-European R1a- Z284. You can often differentiate between a Germanic Indo-European and non-Germanic. How to differentiate R1a from R1b I’m not sure, but the Germanic element is formative. Reverse, Proto-Semites inherited Indo-European DNA. It would be interesting to know what altered in the visual nature of Pre-Norse. Haplogroup N is a near-standing haplogroup to Chinese people but with its low frequencies it lost in Middle Europe so much of its visual nature, that you can identify them on deserving closer attention. The original visual nature of Pre-Norse people can only have survived in some places in Fennoscandia. These original nature must be protected I think.

Presumably there are Proto-Semitic mixed subclades of haplogroups N and Q (probably Q-L527) because both exist in Scandinavia and in Iceland too. There is a Finnish branch of haplogroup I1, crossed with Uralic’s. Hence there must be a Proto-Semitic mixed subclade of haplogroup N.

I reckon the Fir Bolg of Irish mythology as Pre-Norse people. If it is true there must be an Irish or Celtic subclade of haplogroup I1 that has no mixed or different mixed proportions in the non-recombining regions of the Y-chromosomes, because the argument between Indo-European newcomers and first settlers of Ireland ended with the expulsion of Pre-Norse people. A Celtic branch of I1 I couldn’t find at However there is a Scottish in Eupedia[6].

The Proto-Semitic tribe of Scandinavians
Guys used to go on about this stuff on the hate forums. I felt like I was back in school in physics class.

I just can't concentrate.
The most interesting part of the Semites is that they say that the genetic makeup of Semites is unique, and vastly different from all other human genetics.

So, it is possible, that the Semites started as a miscellaneous group of guest workers coming from all corners of Earth to work in ancient Egypt. Then, as a group they made some sort of a deal with some power, to turn their genes upside down, and empower them over all other people.

The Semites may want to keep this in secret, but they have plenty of writings to disclose this, plus there are other stories from the ancient world, not involving Semites, where mysterious powers agreed to put a bunch of people or another above all their neighbors, as long as they get sacrifices. The most famous of this is the Cretan Minotaur.
1000 AD have probably not significantly altered the gene pool of the Italian people. Despite the lengthy Goth and
Lombard presence in Italy, it is estimated that the I1 haplogroup associated with the Germanic peoples is only present among Italians in the north in the order of 2-3% and from 1 to 1.5% among Italians in
the south.

Haplogroup I1 accounts for approximately 40% of Icelandic males, 40%–50% of Swedish males, 40% of Norwegian males, and 40% of Danish Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups. Haplogroup I1
peaks in certain areas of Northern Germany and Eastern England at more than 30%.

Percentages to be reckoned with, the face of the peoples """""NORDIC""""....

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