The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Traditional values .... what does that mean and are they necessarily true Christian values?
The true meaning of Christmas is will Santa bring you an official Red Ryder BB Gun
Oh, yeah!

You gotta be amused by progressives. They took a Christian holiday, commercialized it, have riots over the sales, then say it's all the fault of the Christians.

When will Christians get the message. Gift giving, sales, Christmas dinner, should be reserved just for Christians. The liberals don't like Christians having a holiday, but the liberals certainly want the benefit of that holiday.
You gotta be amused by progressives. They took a Christian holiday, commercialized it, have riots over the sales, then say it's all the fault of the Christians.

When will Christians get the message. Gift giving, sales, Christmas dinner, should be reserved just for Christians. The liberals don't like Christians having a holiday, but the liberals certainly want the benefit of that holiday.

It's all Obammies fault cuz heez a bad nigga!
You gotta be amused by progressives. They took a Christian holiday, commercialized it, have riots over the sales, then say it's all the fault of the Christians.

When will Christians get the message. Gift giving, sales, Christmas dinner, should be reserved just for Christians. The liberals don't like Christians having a holiday, but the liberals certainly want the benefit of that holiday.

Why do Christians spoil Christmas for everyone else? If you want your Christmas to center on celebrating the birth of Christ, you are welcome to do so. It is when you want to force your view of what Christmas should be on everyone else that you run into trouble

If others want to celebrate family, gift giving, Santa and a nice is up to them
Indians used the swastika, too.


So I'm sure you feel very comfortable with that.

You have my permission to top your tree with a swastika.
Swastika - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The swastika (卐) (Sanskrit: स्वस्तिक) is an equilateral cross with four arms bent at 90 degrees.
The earliest archaeological evidence of swastika-shaped ornaments dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization of present day Pakistan/Ancient India as well as Classical Antiquity. Swastikas have also been used in various other ancient civilizations around the world. It remains widely used in Indian religions, specifically in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, primarily as a tantric symbol to evoke shakti or the sacred symbol of auspiciousness. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. The swastika literally means "to be good". Or another translation can be made: "swa" is "higher self", "asti" meaning "being", and "ka" as a suffix, so the translation can be interpreted as "being with higher self".
In East Asia, the swastika is a Chinese character, defined by Kangxi Dictionary, published in 1716, as "synonym of myriad, used mostly in Buddhist classic texts",[1] by extension, the word later evolved to represent eternity and Buddhism.
The symbol has a long history in Europe reaching back to antiquity. In modern times, following a brief surge of popularity as a good luck symbol in Western culture, a swastika was adopted as a symbol of the Nazi Party of Germany in 1920, who used the swastika as a symbol of the Aryan race. After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, a right-facing and rotated swastika was incorporated into the Nazi party flag, which was made the state flag of Germany during Nazism. Hence, the swastika has become strongly associated with Nazism and related ideologies such as fascism and white supremacism in the Western world, and is now largely stigmatized there due to the changed connotations of the symbol. Notably, it has been outlawed in Germany and other countries if used as a symbol of Nazism. Many modern political extremists and Neo-Nazi groups such as the Russian National Unity use stylized swastikas or similar symbols.

Feel free to use the symbol all you want, it is your right as an American. Please do with it what you will.
People think the Crusades, some 600 years ago and more, are evidence of the bloodthirst of Christianity.

Not only is that not so (the death toll isn't a fraction of the numbers of Christians who have been killed for their faith), but the crusades themselves were undertaken in response to Christian persecution.

Nazis used all the same arguments against the Jews. It worked to get progressives all riled up then, too. Cuz ultimately, they're about legalized killing.
You gotta be amused by progressives. They took a Christian holiday, commercialized it, have riots over the sales, then say it's all the fault of the Christians.

When will Christians get the message. Gift giving, sales, Christmas dinner, should be reserved just for Christians. The liberals don't like Christians having a holiday, but the liberals certainly want the benefit of that holiday.

Who commercialized Xmas? Wasn't it Christians themselves? To lay it on some shadowy group of "progressives" is just ludicrous. Name names of who these people are or STFU. You're just trying to pass the buck.
Yes, you try to spread this lie every Christmas.

Christianity is not a bloody religion. You retards point to the Crusades some 1000 years ago as "evidence", which is a joke. Not only have many times more Christians been brutalized and killed than the crusaders killed over all their crusades, the crusades themselves (again, a thousand years ago) were undertaken in response to the slaughter of Christians and the encroaching tyranny of Islam.
You gotta be amused by progressives. They took a Christian holiday, commercialized it, have riots over the sales, then say it's all the fault of the Christians.

When will Christians get the message. Gift giving, sales, Christmas dinner, should be reserved just for Christians. The liberals don't like Christians having a holiday, but the liberals certainly want the benefit of that holiday.

Why do Christians spoil Christmas for everyone else? If you want your Christmas to center on celebrating the birth of Christ, you are welcome to do so. It is when you want to force your view of what Christmas should be on everyone else that you run into trouble

If others want to celebrate family, gift giving, Santa and a nice is up to them

So true, Christians should just exclude non Christians from their personal celebrations.
You gotta be amused by progressives. They took a Christian holiday, commercialized it, have riots over the sales, then say it's all the fault of the Christians.

When will Christians get the message. Gift giving, sales, Christmas dinner, should be reserved just for Christians. The liberals don't like Christians having a holiday, but the liberals certainly want the benefit of that holiday.

Who commercialized Xmas? Wasn't it Christians themselves? To lay it on some shadowy group of "progressives" is just ludicrous. Name names of who these people are or STFU. You're just trying to pass the buck.

To Christians, giving presents is symbolic of the gifts given to Jesus. The Gifts of The Magi. If Christians commercialized Christmas, then liberals bastardized it.

True Christians should respect non-believers and not insult them with presents or sharing food by inviting them to dinner.
Nazis hated Christianity too.

Go figure. Another similarity.

Not surprising, since Nazis were progressives.

The Straight Dope: Was Hitler a Christian?

In a speech at Koblenz, August 26, 1934, Hitler said: "National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity . . . For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of today, in our fight against a Bolshevist culture, against atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for a consciousness of a community in our national life . . . These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles!"


When all is said and done, Krueger says that anecdotal evidence from those close to him near the end of his life suggests that he was a at least a deist, if not a theist. Krueger concludes: "So here's what evidence we have. There is a certain worldview, Nazism. Its leader, Hitler, professes on many occasions to be religious, and he often states that he's doing the will of god. The majority of his followers are openly religious. There is no evidence anywhere that this leader ever professed to anyone that he is an atheist. He and his followers actively campaign against atheism, even to the point of physical force, and this leader allies himself with religious organizations and churches. This is the evidence. So where does atheism fit in?" As Krueger notes, there seems to be no real evidence that Hitler was an atheist. On the other hand, since one could never be sure when he was speaking his real thoughts and when he was simply riling up the masses, it's difficult to say for certain.

No, the Nazis were hardly Progressives. In fact, they wrapped themselves in a religious mantle, along with the flag. Now who today wraps themselves in that religioius mantle and the flag?

They practiced many Progressive ideas, the one that first comes to mind is eugenics. Most Progressives such as Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, Francis Walker, Winston Churchill, Alexander Graham Bell, the Carnegie Institute, Leland Stanford, H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, such Progressive universities Stanford, Yale , Princeton.

Interesting side note, Eugenics was the cause of minimum wage laws, it seems Progressives wanted minimum wage laws to force the unemployable, because of race, out of the work force.

Many of the US labor advocates at that time aligned with Hitler's policies.
Nazis hated Christianity too.

Go figure. Another similarity.

Not surprising, since Nazis were progressives.

The Straight Dope: Was Hitler a Christian?

In a speech at Koblenz, August 26, 1934, Hitler said: "National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity . . . For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of today, in our fight against a Bolshevist culture, against atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for a consciousness of a community in our national life . . . These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles!"


When all is said and done, Krueger says that anecdotal evidence from those close to him near the end of his life suggests that he was a at least a deist, if not a theist. Krueger concludes: "So here's what evidence we have. There is a certain worldview, Nazism. Its leader, Hitler, professes on many occasions to be religious, and he often states that he's doing the will of god. The majority of his followers are openly religious. There is no evidence anywhere that this leader ever professed to anyone that he is an atheist. He and his followers actively campaign against atheism, even to the point of physical force, and this leader allies himself with religious organizations and churches. This is the evidence. So where does atheism fit in?" As Krueger notes, there seems to be no real evidence that Hitler was an atheist. On the other hand, since one could never be sure when he was speaking his real thoughts and when he was simply riling up the masses, it's difficult to say for certain.

No, the Nazis were hardly Progressives. In fact, they wrapped themselves in a religious mantle, along with the flag. Now who today wraps themselves in that religioius mantle and the flag?

They practiced many Progressive ideas, the one that first comes to mind is eugenics. Most Progressives such as Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, Francis Walker, Winston Churchill, Alexander Graham Bell, the Carnegie Institute, Leland Stanford, H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, such Progressive universities Stanford, Yale , Princeton.

Interesting side note, Eugenics was the cause of minimum wage laws, it seems Progressives wanted minimum wage laws to force the unemployable, because of race, out of the work force.

Many of the US labor advocates at that time aligned with Hitler's policies.

Is this what the Progressive movement believes today?
The actions that Nazis are reviled for stem from PROGRESSIVE ideas. They ARE progressive ideas. They came directly from America. The whole "death for life" thing, the whole concept of improving people by euthanasia, abortion, selective breeding, the whole thing of government advocating human rights violations in the way of negative eugenics..that's all progressive...and they're still clamoring for those policies to be put in place.
Has anyone noticed all the Christmas decorations, the Christmas tree a Rockefeller Center?

Yeah................and did anyone else notice that the tree which was killed so that it could sit at the center of the Rockefeller Center was one of the only trees to survive hurricane Sandy?

Nice.................find a survivor of the storm, kill it, and then use it to celebrate a season of peace and goodwill.

Wouldn't the goodwill have been to let the tree live and pick another from somewhere else, rather than try to create a myth?

the tree was KILLED?

Steph.....its a living cut it will yea....they killed it......
The Straight Dope: Was Hitler a Christian?

In a speech at Koblenz, August 26, 1934, Hitler said: "National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity . . . For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of today, in our fight against a Bolshevist culture, against atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for a consciousness of a community in our national life . . . These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles!"


When all is said and done, Krueger says that anecdotal evidence from those close to him near the end of his life suggests that he was a at least a deist, if not a theist. Krueger concludes: "So here's what evidence we have. There is a certain worldview, Nazism. Its leader, Hitler, professes on many occasions to be religious, and he often states that he's doing the will of god. The majority of his followers are openly religious. There is no evidence anywhere that this leader ever professed to anyone that he is an atheist. He and his followers actively campaign against atheism, even to the point of physical force, and this leader allies himself with religious organizations and churches. This is the evidence. So where does atheism fit in?" As Krueger notes, there seems to be no real evidence that Hitler was an atheist. On the other hand, since one could never be sure when he was speaking his real thoughts and when he was simply riling up the masses, it's difficult to say for certain.

No, the Nazis were hardly Progressives. In fact, they wrapped themselves in a religious mantle, along with the flag. Now who today wraps themselves in that religioius mantle and the flag?

They practiced many Progressive ideas, the one that first comes to mind is eugenics. Most Progressives such as Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, Francis Walker, Winston Churchill, Alexander Graham Bell, the Carnegie Institute, Leland Stanford, H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, such Progressive universities Stanford, Yale , Princeton.

Interesting side note, Eugenics was the cause of minimum wage laws, it seems Progressives wanted minimum wage laws to force the unemployable, because of race, out of the work force.

Many of the US labor advocates at that time aligned with Hitler's policies.

Is this what the Progressive movement believes today?

I find your statement amusing since many Progressives on this very thread are trying to pin Christian atrocities over 1000 years ago, to today. Also, amusing in the fact that I was responding to a Progressive, that is trying to pin Christianity to Hitler.

Many Progressives advocate terminating a pregnancy of a defective fetus. Many Progressives embrace the minimum wage laws, designed to weed out the unemployable. With nationalized health care, there is governments deciding who and who doesn't deserve care.

I think they run from the word eugenics, but the elitist making decisions for the rest of us, and I see by their increasing intolerance to those that disagree with them, that a form of eugenics, whether called a new name or not, could be upon us.

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