The Problem With The American Professional Political Class is That They Are All Liars


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Here an elected Representative, Dhimmicrat of course, and a Republican RINO, just lies like a whore to Congress and the American people, saying one thing in English and an entirely different thing in Spanish to Mexicans.

Why should anyone listen to these liars?

“That is my statement,” he said, waving a piece of paper. “I’d just like to put it in the record, once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan didn’t read it,” he snarled. “Or take the time to read it.”
“Secondly, on the floor of the House of Representatives, on July 9, quote — and this is in the record, and I’d like to put it in the record once again, because apparently Mrs. Vaughan doesn’t read,” he spat, “what is actually said, in the English language, in the English language, that I have said.”
This was a deeply disingenuous thing for Gutierrez to say about Steinle’s murder: In English, he said he could “only imagine the grief her family is feeling” on the Congressional record. One week later, he said in Spanish her death was “a little thing.” Politicians talk out both sides of their mouth, but thanks to mass immigration, the U.S. can see its elected representatives do so in different languages.

Luis Gutierrez Explodes on Center for Immigration Study's Expert During Testimony

Kasich said the 12 million illegals should be “legalized once we find out who they are,” and Rubio said Obama’s executive amnesty “can’t be terminated because there are already people benefiting from it.”
Rubio’s statement was made in Spanish on the Spanish-language network Univision, which is reason enough to eliminate him from serious consideration. When somebody is running for president of the United States, why should we have to get somebody to translate his remarks into English?
Why indeed? Bilingualism has corroded political discourse rather than strengthened it. Lying in a different language is a becoming bipartisan pastime. Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez mocked Kathryn Steinle’s death during a Spanish Telemundo interview, calling it a “little thing.” Steinle was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien. Gutierrez exploded with rage when an expert immigration witness calmly called him out during a congressional hearing.
Breitbart News exposed how Rubio himself endorsed Obama’s first executive action acted on behalf of illegal aliens, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in Spanish to Jorge Ramos, then his campaign claimed he didn’t—then they did when pressed.
“I believe DACA is important. It can’t be terminated from one moment to the next, because there are already people benefiting from it.
Schlafly to Rubio: Lying About Amnesty in Spanish Disqualifies You from the Presidential Race
Here Rubio promises conservative talk radio audience that he is in favor of first securing the border then looking at bringing in the illegal population to a legal status. Then to a Mexican audience he says the opposite.

On Wednesday, Rubio, the Republican junior senator from Florida, called in to one of the most popular talk shows, the Mark Levin Show.
Levin is the guy who said, a few days after the election, that the immigration issue "had nothing to do with the Republican loss" and that "Republican leaders are really stupid people" for talking about moderating their stance. He's the guy who talked, just earlier this month, about "illegal aliens" being "caught and released" by the government, and the crimes they commit. He called former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush a "panderer" last year for talking about immigration reform. Levin generally likes to yell a lot.
But with Rubio, Levin was soft-spoken and receptive. He was perhaps a bit skeptical as Rubio explained, in a good amount of detail, his immigration reform ideas. But he did not rip the senator.
In fact, as with the House GOP's lack of revolt Wednesday over John Boehner's debt ceiling retreat, there was a sense that the gears were turning in Levin's head, leading him to conclude that perhaps stridency should be moderated.
“You know this is very fascinating to me," Levin told Rubio at the end of their 10-minute interview. "I am going to take a much closer look at this and I am going to try to keep an open mind about it."
After Rubio got off the phone, Levin was even more laudatory of the senator.

Marco Rubio Begins Conservative Talk Radio Charm Offensive

Some excerpts from Sunday morning's "Al Punto" program on Univision, where Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), and Harry Reid (D-Nev.) responded to questions from host Maria Elena Salinas:
Salinas to Rubio: You said this week that you would be inclined to vote against the legislation that you yourself helped to write unless there were some amendments that would strengthen even more the security of the border. Would you be willing to throw everything overboard?
Rubio: No, I am 100 percent committed to the issue of migration, immigration reform. To the contrary, I am going to continue working to ensure that that does not happen. My point is that if we can't secure the border, if we can't take the steps necessary to win the confidence of our colleagues, this is never going to become law, and we are wasting our time. But I don't think we're going to reach that point. I simply think that if we achieve a reasonable means … to secure the border and prevent any kind of other wave of illegal immigration in the future, we will have more than enough votes.
Rubio, responding to the concern that legalization might be delayed and therefore be subjected to the policies of future administrations: Let's be clear. Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border.

Rubio, McCain, Reid Talk Strategy on Reform Bill
This is the most important election in our lifetime...again. Vote X b/c this time they promise to be different. *wink*
Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving PC Nazis and their tacit support of the current reign of corporate criminals is proof of that.

Only the Sanders supporters are free of this blood, but most of them cant think straight enough to do much effectively about anything as they promote the continued division of the working/Middle Class against itself.

Libtards are part of the system of corporate control they think that they oppose, lol.
This is the most important election in our lifetime...again. Vote X b/c this time they promise to be different. *wink*
That is the polarization designed to keep the Middle Class divided against itself with bullshit issues that the corporate media created forty years ago.

So far it is working, but seeing the rise of Trump and Sanders is giving me hope this might come to an end soon.
This is the most important election in our lifetime...again. Vote X b/c this time they promise to be different. *wink*
That is the polarization designed to keep the Middle Class divided against itself with bullshit issues that the corporate media created forty years ago.

So far it is working, but seeing the rise of Trump and Sanders is giving me hope this might come to an end soon.

Populist candidates play well considering the general dissatisfaction with the government and the two party system. I won't vote for either but one can hardly deny the fact that their messages are striking a cord.
Populist candidates play well considering the general dissatisfaction with the government and the two party system. I won't vote for either but one can hardly deny the fact that their messages are striking a cord.

I intend to vote for Trump, at this point in time, and would vote for Sanders if the GOP puts another establishment piece of shit up like Rubio or Jeb or Christi.
Populist candidates play well considering the general dissatisfaction with the government and the two party system. I won't vote for either but one can hardly deny the fact that their messages are striking a cord.

I intend to vote for Trump, at this point in time, and would vote for Sanders if the GOP puts another establishment piece of shit up like Rubio or Jeb or Christi.

I am still a Paul supporter and if he doesn't get the nod, which seems likely, I'll vote for Gary Johnson again.
I am still a Paul supporter and if he doesn't get the nod, which seems likely, I'll vote for Gary Johnson again.
You libertarians, IMNSHO, should learn that the desire for the 'perfect and pure' should not prevent the 'good enough for now'.
I am still a Paul supporter and if he doesn't get the nod, which seems likely, I'll vote for Gary Johnson again.
You libertarians, IMNSHO, should learn that the desire for the 'perfect and pure' should not prevent the 'good enough for now'.

I am not fool enough to believe in 'perfect and pure' as no such person exists. I refuse to put bag over my head before I head into the voting booth. lol
I am not fool enough to believe in 'perfect and pure' as no such person exists. I refuse to put bag over my head before I head into the voting booth. lol
Nor should you, but right now the first step needs to be dismantling the current political establishment and rebuilding something that is more responsible to the American people once again.

After that we can talk about ideal scenarios and what might be's.

We cant plant the garden if we dont all agree to haul the trash out first and then actually do it.
I am not fool enough to believe in 'perfect and pure' as no such person exists. I refuse to put bag over my head before I head into the voting booth. lol
Nor should you, but right now the first step needs to be dismantling the current political establishment and rebuilding something that is more responsible to the American people once again.

After that we can talk about ideal scenarios and what might be's.

We cant plant the garden if we dont all agree to haul the trash out first and then actually do it.

Even if my ideal candidate doesn't get elected, I am more than willing to work with other reasonable people when it comes to facing our most pressing issues.
Maher was right about libtards being Stalin loving PC Nazis and their tacit support of the current reign of corporate criminals is proof of that.

Only the Sanders supporters are free of this blood, but most of them cant think straight enough to do much effectively about anything as they promote the continued division of the working/Middle Class against itself.

Libtards are part of the system of corporate control they think that they oppose, lol.
Bill Maher? I don't think so.
Wildly misrepresenting are we Jim blowme?
Populist candidates play well considering the general dissatisfaction with the government and the two party system. I won't vote for either but one can hardly deny the fact that their messages are striking a cord.

I intend to vote for Trump, at this point in time,.

Because of course- unlike other politicians- Trump has never lied to you.......LOL....

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