The President Has the Authority to Repel Attacks, Not Start Wars!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!

Uranium enrichment is a stupidly expensive activity....I'll bet Iran is relieved not to be doing it right now since they are broke, broke...broke. The economy is in freefall and not just from sanctions....their national product is nill....they basically don't have one except for oil. If they want to go back to the centrifuges they will have to depend on Russia...Putin will help them but not for free.....they will have to make some steep concessions to him to get his help. He's not stupid and may not even want them to have that capability on his borders. Don't' forget that 30 million of Russia's 130 million people are Muslims. Putin has more experience and knowledge dealing with them than all the Western Politicians put together.

The Iranian people are waking up....unfortunately they have brutal dictatorship to overcome....hopefully the armed forces will wake up and take a turn toward the people.

Trump would probably have gotten an atta boy and applause from the Dems if he were to bomb a Doctors Without Borders hospital or took the money going to building border fence and gave it to Iran.
The democrats are untouchable but the republicans need congressional approval And follows the rules!

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!

It’s damn if you do damn you don’t because they don’t care about the Americans just power

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!'s all partisan hackery all the time with the left right now. This whole process is good for bringing out the Rinos too.....I don't know why they don't just turn over to the DNC and stop is highly unlikely that Trump will be what the fuck are these assholes gonna do when he is re-elected in a landslide?
And for what it's worth I wouldn't be surprised to see him try to prosecute a third term....don't think it would work but he has more reason to argue it than any other person who has ever held the office.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!
I was sleeping, is there some war going on? Are we at war with someone?

Did Pelosi get installed as Emperor yet and is Her Islamic Flag flying over the White House?
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!
I was sleeping, is there some war going on? Are we at war with someone?
Yeah........the Liberals here..........LOL
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!
I was sleeping, is there some war going on? Are we at war with someone?
Yeah........the Liberals here..........LOL
Well Nancy, The Squad and Islam did promise us they would plant The Islamic Flag over our capital so maybe we are at war with Liberals and their Islamic Allies.
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!
I was sleeping, is there some war going on? Are we at war with someone?
Yeah........the Liberals here..........LOL
Well Nancy, The Squad and Islam did promise us they would plant The Islamic Flag over our capital so maybe we are at war with Liberals and their Islamic Allies.
Well they sure seem to love the little Terrorist Fucks..........They sound like Iran's Cheer Leading Squad...........oh.......and they LOVED THE DEAD TERRORIST.........they lost a HERO....

poor things.
Did anybody tell that to the Obama asshole when he started a six month bombing war against Libya?
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!
I was sleeping, is there some war going on? Are we at war with someone?
Yeah........the Liberals here..........LOL
Well Nancy, The Squad and Islam did promise us they would plant The Islamic Flag over our capital so maybe we are at war with Liberals and their Islamic Allies.
Well they sure seem to love the little Terrorist Fucks..........They sound like Iran's Cheer Leading Squad...........oh.......and they LOVED THE DEAD TERRORIST.........they lost a HERO....

poor things.
Remember how giddy they would get every time Obama would release a mass murderer from GITMO to go kill more Americans?
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's understanding of the constitutional authority of the president when it comes to using military force seems to depend on the party affiliation of the president in question.

Pelosi supported former President Barack Obama -- a Democrat -- using military force against the Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi without prior congressional authorization.

But she opposed President Donald Trump -- a Republican -- using military force in Iraq to kill the leaders of two State Department-designated terrorist organizations: Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of Kata'ib Hezbollah.

On constitutional grounds, Pelosi was wrong both times.

In 2011, Obama used U.S. airpower to intervene in Libya's civil war on the side of rebels hoping to overthrow Gaddafi. He did not seek congressional authorization for this. Nor did Congress give it.

Instead, Obama cited a resolution by the U.N. Security Council to justify his actions...........


It is looking like Trump played this one beautifully. He killed an Iranian terrorist leader and Iran responds by firing rockets indiscriminately into some Iraqi bases where American solders are staged.

Obama and Kerry were terrified of Iran and payed them “pallets of cash” to be nice. Trump kills a high level Iranian leader and the response is nil. Iranian threats are mostly bluster until they can follow through with a nuclear weapon....which WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED UNDER THE SURRENDER MONKEYS POLICY AFTER 15 YEARS...WHICH IS DOWN TO 10 YEARS NOW, IF IT WENT INTO AFFECT!!!....More proof that DemonRATS are traitors and cowards to take care of America!!!
I was sleeping, is there some war going on? Are we at war with someone?
Yeah........the Liberals here..........LOL
Well Nancy, The Squad and Islam did promise us they would plant The Islamic Flag over our capital so maybe we are at war with Liberals and their Islamic Allies.
Well they sure seem to love the little Terrorist Fucks..........They sound like Iran's Cheer Leading Squad...........oh.......and they LOVED THE DEAD TERRORIST.........they lost a HERO....

poor things.
Remember how giddy they would get every time Obama would release a mass murderer from GITMO to go kill more Americans?
Yup..........sure do.............even when a percentage of them went back to the battlefield and killed Americans.

Oh........they are for America now aren't they..........I Honestly don't know how low they can lower the bar on that aspect ..............They have shown their true colors very well in the last decade.

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