The politically adroit but administratively INCOMPETENT Obama administration!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There is no question about it!
Obama is the BEST campaigner there ever has been in the history of America!
If the definition being "someone who constantly is on the campaign trail, making promises that will never be kept and hiding detrimental information.."
Obama is that definition!

Case in point..
"White House delayed enacting rules ahead of 2012 election to avoid controversy"

"The White House systematically delayed enacting a series of rules on the environment, worker safety and health care to prevent them from becoming points of contention before the 2012 election, according to documents and interviews with current and former administration officials.

Some agency officials were instructed to hold off submitting proposals to the White House for up to a year to ensure that they would not be issued before voters went to the polls, the current and former officials said."

But seven current and former administration officials told The Washington Post that the motives behind many of the delays were clearly political,
as Obama’s top aides focused on avoiding controversy before his reelection.

White House delayed enacting rules ahead of 2012 election to avoid controversy - The Washington Post

So the driving force for the Obama administration was to win re-election in 2012... NOT WHAT IS BEST for the country!

Consider honestly you Obama supporters that voted the first time BUT if you had the knowledge that workers safety and health care concerns WERE DELAYED all because of attempting
to keep undecideds on board and win the election UNFAIRLY, and UNINFORMED and the majority of Americans NOT knowing this gross DECEPTION... would you trust your vote for Obama?

So again the proof is in Obama's administrations actions.
DO WHAT IS POLITICALLY Expedient FIRST and to hell with the country's needs!
Now for further proof as to the grossly incompetency of Obama administration...

Obamacare debiting accounts BEFORE insurance starts...!
" Some of them say the website is mistakenly debiting their accounts."
Shannon Bruner of Indianola logged on to her checking account Monday morning, and found she was almost 800 dollars in the negative.
“The first thing I thought was, ‘I got screwed,’” she said.
The Bruners enrolled for insurance on the Washington Healthplanfinder website, last October. They say they selected the bill pay date to be December 24th. Instead the Washington Healthplanfinder drafted the 835 dollar premium Monday.
Josh Bruner started his own business this year as an engineering recruiter. They said it’s forced them to pay a lot of attention to their bills and their bank accounts.
“Big knot in my gut because we're trying to keep it together,” said Shannon Bruner. “It's important to me that this kind of stuff doesn't happen.”
They're not alone.
One viewer emailed KING 5 saying, "They drafted my account this morning for a second time."
Another woman on Facebook with a similar problem commented, "We are all in the same boat."
“We've got to figure out how to get money to pay the bills for the next week or two until we have another check come through,” said Josh Bruner. “It's just crazy.”
Reports of erroneous WA health exchange debits | Portland

Again... gross incompetency... gross mis-management !
All for political agenda... NOT what is best for the country!!!
But what you have to realize also, healthmyths, is that the ENTIRE LAME STREAM MEDIA is nothing more than a WING of the DEMOCRAT PARTY, and they CAMPAIGN FOR OBAMA, and ALL democrats. So obama isn't REALLY all that, he just has a MASSIVE propaganda wing behind him covering for his incompetence, making excuse for his lies, and helping to further whatever agenda it is he may have. If you took that away from obama, he'd be nothing more than a little Chicago turd that didn't even warrant second look.
I think it is safe to say that for most politicians reelection comes before doing what is right on their list of priorities.
Mr Obama is a master at it. Perhaps the best there has ever been when it comes to the adroit manipulation of the masses and the press.
I think it is safe to say that for most politicians reelection comes before doing what is right on their list of priorities.
Mr Obama is a master at it. Perhaps the best there has ever been when it comes to the adroit manipulation of the masses and the press.

He doesn't have to work too hard at manipulating the leftist media. They're all democraps anyway, and gladly kiss his ass for as long as he wants.

He says "shit," and they say "how much and what color."
i think the term "Buffoons" has been in the top 5 to describe those chosen for higher up White House positions. (you know, the ones impersonating sargaent shultz when being questioned by congress).
I think it is safe to say that for most politicians reelection comes before doing what is right on their list of priorities.
Mr Obama is a master at it. Perhaps the best there has ever been when it comes to the adroit manipulation of the masses and the press.

He doesn't have to work too hard at manipulating the leftist media. They're all democraps anyway, and gladly kiss his ass for as long as he wants.

He says "shit," and they say "how much and what color."

You are incorrect Mr 007.
He says "shit", and the media presents him with it already stacked in neat little piles. They don't have to ask, they already know what he wants.
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But what you have to realize also, healthmyths, is that the ENTIRE LAME STREAM MEDIA is nothing more than a WING of the DEMOCRAT PARTY, and they CAMPAIGN FOR OBAMA, and ALL democrats. So obama isn't REALLY all that, he just has a MASSIVE propaganda wing behind him covering for his incompetence, making excuse for his lies, and helping to further whatever agenda it is he may have. If you took that away from obama, he'd be nothing more than a little Chicago turd that didn't even warrant second look.

I've posted this many times but people don't see the correlation... i.e. would the following people be so dumb as to donate millions to Dems/Obama AND they write/show stories that would harm their donations???

1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
An average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to GOP candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
An average Democrat contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

"MSM job is to Bash the President"...
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

MSM Job to Bash the President..."
But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
I think it is safe to say that for most politicians reelection comes before doing what is right on their list of priorities.
Mr Obama is a master at it. Perhaps the best there has ever been when it comes to the adroit manipulation of the masses and the press.

He doesn't have to work too hard at manipulating the leftist media. They're all democraps anyway, and gladly kiss his ass for as long as he wants.

He says "shit," and they say "how much and what color."

You are incorrect Mr 007.
He says "shit", and the media presents him with it already stacked in neat little piles. They don't have to ask, they already know what he wants.

I can tell you that the .gov site cannot debit anyone, it isn't functional in that respect.
I think it is safe to say that for most politicians reelection comes before doing what is right on their list of priorities.
Mr Obama is a master at it. Perhaps the best there has ever been when it comes to the adroit manipulation of the masses and the press.

He doesn't have to work too hard at manipulating the leftist media. They're all democraps anyway, and gladly kiss his ass for as long as he wants.

He says "shit," and they say "how much and what color."

You are incorrect Mr 007.
He says "shit", and the media presents him with it already stacked in neat little piles. They don't have to ask, they already know what he wants.

AND YOU KNOW OBAMA has NO KNOWLEDGE of that! I firmly believe any actions taken by his administration HE KNOWS NOTHING! TRUE!

The reason is HE HIRES people that think and have the same agenda as he does!
So when he approved Steven Chu as Secretary of Energy, Obama KNEW Chu ALSO wanted higher gas prices as Chu said:
"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe," Mr. Chu, who directs the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in September 2008.
Times Tough for Energy Overhaul -
Obama's attitude on gas prices???

Obama said: " I'd like higher gas prices..."
SOURCE: - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly

So he doesn't have to OrDER the cabinet members to do certain agenda items... THEY WERE CHOSEN because they also believe as Obama does!
So the driving force for the Obama administration was to win re-election in 2012... NOT WHAT IS BEST for the country!

Every administration's enemies probably can play this game.

I can tell you that the .gov site cannot debit anyone, it isn't functional in that respect.

And the article never said that. It was Washington state's Healthplanfinder website at the instigation of Obamacare insurance exchanges though!
And you are right though about .gov not fully functionally able to process payment issues!
That function is yet to be done.

Again... this is the ineptness of Obama's administration as they are totally capable of all show BUT no dough!
So the driving force for the Obama administration was to win re-election in 2012... NOT WHAT IS BEST for the country!

Every administration's enemies probably can play this game.


That may be but here is living proof from 7 people in the administration that unequivocally state that was the driving factor.
NOT what was best to administer the needs of Americans but what was politically expedient!

I am sure that prior administrations did the same.
But again just because I may poke you in the eye doesn't mean YOU have to respond as Jesus taught us!

But this administration has piously touted itself BETTER then any one ...
Obama frequently states:

"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

YET his brother lives in a $12 hut!

I am just tired of people who should know better defending this pompous hypocrite!
More importantly I am outraged that the ACA which was PASSED on false premise, i.e. 46 million uninsured.. was also a pawn in the political decisions!
Don't you think millions of voters BELIEVED Obama when he said the:
Lie of the Year:
'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

If Obama had not been the prevaricator in chief... he would NOT BEEN RE-ELECTED by less then 2.5% of the votes!
Republicans still licking their wounds. The phrase "lamestream media" is a clue to where they get their political philosopy from. Rush of course. The people voted Obama in after the eight year bush disaster. McCain wasn't too inspiring and after 3 minutes of normal people hearing Palin talk, that sealed his doom. I said normal people, not the right wing crazies that infest this board. Obama looked better than Romney in the last election is why Romney lost. Get over it you losers. If it weren't for republican gerrymandering you losers would have lost the house in the last election so be happy about that undeserved win.
Republicans still licking their wounds. The phrase "lamestream media" is a clue to where they get their political philosopy from. Rush of course. The people voted Obama in after the eight year bush disaster. McCain wasn't too inspiring and after 3 minutes of normal people hearing Palin talk, that sealed his doom. I said normal people, not the right wing crazies that infest this board. Obama looked better than Romney in the last election is why Romney lost. Get over it you losers. If it weren't for republican gerrymandering you losers would have lost the house in the last election so be happy about that undeserved win.

" eight year bush disaster"??

Have you been reading this thread???
"Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME."
Obviously you haven't!
Deal with the FACTS jasonnfree!
NO other president had in their terms:
1) A recession
2) A major bust costing $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs!
3) Do you recall a little event known as 9/11??? Cost 2.5 million jobs.. $2 trillion in business losses.. realize Wall closed for 10 day airlines for 3? WHEN has that happened together??? NEVER!
4) And you seem to forget the 7 of the top 10 worst hurricanes occurred... why isn't that considered by you Bush bashers?

And YET you call Bush a disaster??? MY god he had DISASTERS happen THAT were NOT his fault so you call that "bush disaster"???

These were disasters! NO question! BUT Bush will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents who even though these DISASTERS occurred..
HE grew the economy in spite of the devastation of hurricanes, 9/11.. recession!
He had 5 million more people working at the end of 2008 then at the beginning! Is that a disaster??

AND all of this IN SPITE of a vengeful biased hateful MEDIA who saw it was their job to "BASH BUSH"!
Never mind 28 million people are free enjoying a 1,290% increase in the per person GDP in Iraq and 1 million kids still alive that would be dead IF IDIOTS like you had your way keeping Saddam alive!

Why can't you idiots admit! THERE WAS NO BUSH DISASTER! There WERE DISASTERS that happened through no fault of Bush though!
He responded the best he could and it is for DAMN sure far better then Obama who instead of CREATING JOBS is destroying jobs!
and the left tries to make the right look like a bunch of chickens without their heads? maybe the left needs to explain the laughable and scandalus events of 2012 and 2013? (and how many times did we hear, I dont know,,,,I don't recall?)
So the driving force for the Obama administration was to win re-election in 2012... NOT WHAT IS BEST for the country!

Every administration's enemies probably can play this game.


And this is why we're fucked as a nation. Morons l8ke you think shit is ok just because someone else does it first.

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