The Political Left is Evil


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil
by Mark Tapson


The Democrat Party is the face of Moloch, the Canaanite god whom Milton called the “horrid King besmear’d with blood / Of human sacrifice.” It is a cult of criminality and death. On every political issue, Democrats take the side of chaos and destruction, crime and disorder. They hype the threat of white supremacism while whitewashing Islamic terrorism. They are actively engaged in erasing our history and undermining our rights. They support open borders over national security; sanctuary cities for criminal aliens and the abolishment of ICE over law-abiding citizens and legal immigration; infanticide over the sacredness of human life; the dismantling of Western civilization over its preservation.

This is not simply wrong – this is evil.

Conservatives who believe that it is still possible to reason with the left and engage them in fair-and-square policy debates are clinging to a failed strategy, sadly. We must accept the reality that leftists have long since abandoned rational rules of engagement, if they ever had any; instead, they operate from a hate-filled mob mentality, a bloodlust for power, and a complete absence of moral boundaries. We cannot afford a lack of moral clarity about the undeclared civil war raging across the United States of America.
Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil - Frontpagemag
It should now be abundantly clear to the American patriots of the classical liberalism of our nation's founding that the political left has utterly lost its mind and must be defeated.
This is what talk radio does to people.
Mac1958 is what happens when your mother smokes crack while she's pregnant.
Interestingly, here's something I posted just this morning:
One of the many behavioral similarities of wingers on both ends is this need to oversimplify a complicated life. Right wingers do that by drawing simplistic lines between "Good" and "Evil", while Left wingers to it by drawing simplistic lines between the "Oppressors" and the "Oppressed".

Nailed it again.

DAMN I'm good.

Mac1958 is what happens when your mother smokes crack while she's pregnant.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Interestingly, here's something I posted just this morning:
One of the many behavioral similarities of wingers on both ends is this need to oversimplify a complicated life. Right wingers do that by drawing simplistic lines between "Good" and "Evil", while Left wingers to it by drawing simplistic lines between the "Oppressors" and the "Oppressed".

Nailed it again.

DAMN I'm good.

Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil
by Mark Tapson


The Democrat Party is the face of Moloch, the Canaanite god whom Milton called the “horrid King besmear’d with blood / Of human sacrifice.” It is a cult of criminality and death. On every political issue, Democrats take the side of chaos and destruction, crime and disorder. They hype the threat of white supremacism while whitewashing Islamic terrorism. They are actively engaged in erasing our history and undermining our rights. They support open borders over national security; sanctuary cities for criminal aliens and the abolishment of ICE over law-abiding citizens and legal immigration; infanticide over the sacredness of human life; the dismantling of Western civilization over its preservation.

This is not simply wrong – this is evil.

Conservatives who believe that it is still possible to reason with the left and engage them in fair-and-square policy debates are clinging to a failed strategy, sadly. We must accept the reality that leftists have long since abandoned rational rules of engagement, if they ever had any; instead, they operate from a hate-filled mob mentality, a bloodlust for power, and a complete absence of moral boundaries. We cannot afford a lack of moral clarity about the undeclared civil war raging across the United States of America.
Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil - Frontpagemag
It should now be abundantly clear to the American patriots of the classical liberalism of our nation's founding that the political left has utterly lost its mind and must be defeated.

What one considers "evil" can be a very subjective term. I consider everything the Republican party represents as evil and vile. A lot of the pro-socialism policies the democrats represent I see as good for our nation.
Leftism – Not Just Wrong, But Evil
by Mark Tapson


The Democrat Party is the face of Moloch, the Canaanite god whom Milton called the “horrid King besmear’d with blood / Of human sacrifice.” It is a cult of criminality and death. On every political issue, Democrats take the side of chaos and destruction, crime and disorder. They hype the threat of white supremacism while whitewashing Islamic terrorism. They are actively engaged in erasing our history and undermining our rights. They support open borders over national security; sanctuary cities for criminal aliens and the abolishment of ICE over law-abiding citizens and legal immigration; infanticide over the sacredness of human life; the dismantling of Western civilization over its preservation.

This is not simply wrong – this is evil.

Conservatives who believe that it is still possible to reason with the left and engage them in fair-and-square policy debates are clinging to a failed strategy, sadly. We must accept the reality that leftists have long since abandoned rational rules of engagement, if they ever had any; instead, they operate from a hate-filled mob mentality, a bloodlust for power, and a complete absence of moral boundaries. We cannot afford a lack of moral clarity about the undeclared civil war raging across the United States of America.
Leftism - Not Just Wrong, But Evil - Frontpagemag
It should now be abundantly clear to the American patriots of the classical liberalism of our nation's founding that the political left has utterly lost its mind and must be defeated.
Trump uses white supremacy logo. This isnt from the left, its from Trump himself.

And from Trump's own FBI director.

As for white-washing islamic terror, look no further than Trump.

Nobody in power wants open borders, even though it would have economic benefit

For national security, its Trump who's undermining it
Yet it's Trump and his voters who wanted D.C. to change and think about how to move into the 21st century.
Library of congress complained about digitizing the library of congress in 2017. They still wanted the old way of cataloging.
They now are about to be completely digitized by the end of this year.
They don't need additional staffing and more people have accesses to the information.
Now the staff loves it.
Only the people that agree with me politically are good. All the others are wicked.
Yet it's Trump and his voters who wanted D.C. to change and think about how to move into the 21st century.
Library of congress complained about digitizing the library of congress in 2017. They still wanted the old way of cataloging.
They now are about to be completely digitized by the end of this year.
They don't need additional staffing and more people have accesses to the information.
Now the staff loves it.

what are you even talking about? The LOC has been digitizing its contents since the early 2000s. They have been a leader in the push for digitizing nationwide.

Where do you people come up with this stuff?
Only the people that agree with me politically are good. All the others are wicked.


In my defense, I do make a rather wicked mushroom carbonara with homemade orecchiette. It's as rich as Croesus. I am so evil even my dishes are the very soul of avarice. :dev2:
Yet it's Trump and his voters who wanted D.C. to change and think about how to move into the 21st century.
Library of congress complained about digitizing the library of congress in 2017. They still wanted the old way of cataloging.
They now are about to be completely digitized by the end of this year.
They don't need additional staffing and more people have accesses to the information.
Now the staff loves it.

what are you even talking about? The LOC has been digitizing its contents since the early 2000s. They have been a leader in the push for digitizing nationwide.

Where do you people come up with this stuff?

The hearing was just on again early this morning on c-span.
They were resisting it in 2017.
Yet it's Trump and his voters who wanted D.C. to change and think about how to move into the 21st century.
Library of congress complained about digitizing the library of congress in 2017. They still wanted the old way of cataloging.
They now are about to be completely digitized by the end of this year.
They don't need additional staffing and more people have accesses to the information.
Now the staff loves it.

what are you even talking about? The LOC has been digitizing its contents since the early 2000s. They have been a leader in the push for digitizing nationwide.

Where do you people come up with this stuff?

The hearing was just on again early this morning on c-span.
They were resisting it in 2017.

but they have been doing it for more than a decade, I think you are mischaracterizing what they were resisting.

In 2017 they finished the Lincoln documents.

The Library of Congress finally finished its quest to digitize the original Lincoln documents - FedScoop
This is what talk radio does to people.

Mac1958 is what happens when your mother smokes crack while she's pregnant.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
Okay, I don't know if lightning can strike a message board, but when you pretend to be a Christian, I have to admit, I back away from the screen a bit.


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