The Persecution of Rudy Giuliani.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Seeing this for what it really is.

The “lie” he told was that evidence exists of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. You are not allowed to say that in America. You can be held in prison without trial for even thinking it.

A tenet of Western Civilization, expressed in the Magna Carta, affirmed at this nation’s founding, and embodied in the Sixth and Seventh Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, is that litigants are entitled to zealous advocacy before legal tribunals.

John Adams represented British soldiers in their trial for gunning down patriots during the Boston Massacre. His courageous act enhanced his standing among patriots.

Giuliani has been suspended from the practice of law for his representation of Donald Trump. His suspension did not arise from a process in which he had a right to present evidence and mount a defense. It was an interim suspension, done without a hearing.

As the New York court ruling on the matter noted: “Interim suspension is a serious remedy, available only in situations where it is immediately necessary to protect the public from the respondent’s violation of the Rules.”

In layman’s terms, that means interim suspension is a remedy reserved for the lawyer who misses trial, drunk at a bar, while hiding exonerating evidence in his briefcase. That person, and not America’s Mayor, presents a danger to his clients.

The court described Giuliani’s offenses as, “statements [he] made following the 2020 election at press conferences, state legislative hearings, radio broadcasts (as both a guest and host), podcasts, television appearances and one court appearance.”

Here, context is important. Pennsylvania lawyers Trump had hired before the election withdrew on the eve of the hearing, the court denied a continuance, and Giuliani was inserted into the fray at the last minute.

Even if he made slight errors while getting up to speed in the very complex case, can statements made by a lawyer challenging an election really grounds for disbarment?

In Conley v. Gibson, 355 US 41 (1957), the Supreme Court “reject[ed] the approach that pleading is a game of skill in which one misstep by counsel may be decisive….”

Conley is not exactly on point but is certainly analogous. It recognizes that initial pleadings in a civil case are meant to be refined in discovery and pretrial procedure, and lawyers should not be held to early allegations.

By way of comparison, in 2000 prominent New York attorney David Boies represented the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, Al Gore, in his election challenge to George Bush’s victory.

The premise of the challenge was that votes had been improperly counted in certain Florida precincts and that Gore actually won the election.


These lawyers associations can truly be as much as a scourge as the American medical association and the lies put out by the CDC's people like Fauci.
Meh... Reagan and Trump are the only two presidents not backed by either political party. They are trying like a motherfucker to make sure it doesn't happen again. Make people FEAR supporting someone other than DNC and GOP.
I'd like to feel sorry for him but he decided to step into the situation. So.......
Poor Rudy.





When you immerse yourself in turmoil knowingly what else can one say?
Yep... Only a Greater Fool would ever support someone not backed by the DNC or GOP. Who is by definition, a Greater Fool themselves.
Seeing this for what it really is.
I don't think it possible for the OP to take off his emerald glasses...
On Nov. 7, the day most media outlets called the race for Joe Biden, Rudy Giuliani stood outside a landscaping business in Philadelphia, making false claims about widespread election malfeasance.
“This is a gross miscarriage of the process that would assure that these ballots are not fraudulent,” he said. “It’s a fraud, an absolute fraud.”
Under questioning from a federal judge in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Mr. Giuliani made a different admission: “This is not a fraud case,” he said.
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Fuck Giuliani. He got a copy the Hunter Biden laptop hard drive and just let a few things out piecemeal.

He should have sent the whole damn thing to wikileaks.
FACT: Changes were made to the voting "rules" (using the term generically) in several key "swing" states that made it possible to submit fraudulent votes without detection.

FACT: Judges, political operatives, and various committees made changes to the voting rules in different States that could only be changed - under the U.S. Constitution - by the State Legislatures. These changes, as above, made submitting fraudulent votes possible, with no paper trail to detect the fraud.

Those expressing outrage at the changes were precluded from taking legal action before the election because the issue wasn't "ripe," and were shut out after the election because they had no standing, or the issue was moot. It was diabolical, and astute Trump supporters saw it coming 6-9 months in advance, but were powerless to do anything, because the Pandemic and peoples' real and imaginary fears were supervening factors, preventing rational analysis of the changes that were being cooked up.

FACT: The nature of the frauds, if real, was such that there was literally NO ONE who had "legal standing" to challenge the RESULTS of the election. President Trump had no standing because he was not a party to the individual state cases. No political opponent of the purported winner, Mr. Biden, had standing. No one had standing. Which is why ALL of the cases were tossed out of court.

It is analogous to bringing a lawsuit for fraud against your good friend or business associate. YOU have no standing to sue.

It is not clear at this point whether Giuliani will even bother to react to this ridiculous development. At his age, he could be compensated for "consulting services" rather than "legal representation" and make as much money, if that is his desire. He would be well within his rights to demand that the condemning body specify the alleged "lies" and misrepresentations, so that he would have an opportunity to support his statements and claims with documented facts.

It is somewhat surprising that he has been silent for this long.
Fuck Giuliani. He got a copy the Hunter Biden laptop hard drive and just let a few things out piecemeal.

He should have sent the whole damn thing to wikileaks.

The reprehensible right – they hate Giuliani because he did a bad job at being dishonest, corrupt, and a liar.

Too funny.
You're an idiot. Let me guess, you think the Russians planted the laptop. :lol:
Actually, it will be called The Prosecution of Rudy Gulliani. Now, all of what Rudy is about to experience is of his own making, but it does go to show you that loyalty to Trump....gets you nothing but trouble and pain.

I thought that was all folks got just from knowing you. :smoke:

Rudy like so many others is being unreasonably singled out by the anti-Trump woke culture. He'll prevail in the end because the case against him is BULL.
Actually, it will be called The Prosecution of Rudy Gulliani. Now, all of what Rudy is about to experience is of his own making, but it does go to show you that loyalty to Trump....gets you nothing but trouble and pain.

I thought that was all folks got just from knowing you. :smoke:

Rudy like so many others is being unreasonably singled out by the anti-Trump woke culture. He'll prevail in the end because the case against him is BULL.

Rudy (like his mentor) made all of his own issues. And he was hoping that abject loyalty to said mentor would get him off the hook or that his mentor would stay in power so that there would be no consequences for his lies.
Sad ending for Rudy..but, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. :)
Actually, it will be called The Prosecution of Rudy Gulliani. Now, all of what Rudy is about to experience is of his own making, but it does go to show you that loyalty to Trump....gets you nothing but trouble and pain.
this is true in part and very sad state of affairs...but non uncommon in leftist regimes. From, Putin, Stalin, Castro, to Hitler and now in left run NY, prosecution of political opposition, or those connected to political threats are common

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