The Pentagon Is A Ghost Town


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

IMHO, this website is usual a middle-of-the-road place so the Anti-Trump bias in this piece surprises me. The main thrust is that both Defense and State have not had people nominated for top positions is the president’s fault. Nowhere does it suppose that many of the vacancies are not going to have nominees and may even be done away with. Here’s the opening paragraph:

Four months into his presidency, President Donald Trump has filled only five of the 53 top jobs at the Pentagon — the slowest pace for nominations and confirmations in over half a century.

It then points out that both Secretary Mattis and Secretary Tillerson have years of government service and certainly know how things work in The Five-Sided Puzzle Palace and Foggy Bottom. And, they’re not actually vacant being held by holdovers from the Obama Administration or career civil servants.

The rest of the piece is a whiny tirade about those who don’t want to serve in the Trump administration and why he’s had to go far outside of “regular” individuals to fill those jobs. Maybe it’s getting rid of the “regulars” is exactly what the president and secretaries want to do.

The full piece is @ The Pentagon Is A Ghost Town

IMHO, this website is usual a middle-of-the-road place so the Anti-Trump bias in this piece surprises me. The main thrust is that both Defense and State have not had people nominated for top positions is the president’s fault. Nowhere does it suppose that many of the vacancies are not going to have nominees and may even be done away with. Here’s the opening paragraph:

Four months into his presidency, President Donald Trump has filled only five of the 53 top jobs at the Pentagon — the slowest pace for nominations and confirmations in over half a century.

It then points out that both Secretary Mattis and Secretary Tillerson have years of government service and certainly know how things work in The Five-Sided Puzzle Palace and Foggy Bottom. And, they’re not actually vacant being held by holdovers from the Obama Administration or career civil servants.

The rest of the piece is a whiny tirade about those who don’t want to serve in the Trump administration and why he’s had to go far outside of “regular” individuals to fill those jobs. Maybe it’s getting rid of the “regulars” is exactly what the president and secretaries want to do.

The full piece is @ The Pentagon Is A Ghost Town
Nice photo. Christmas day? Memorial Day?

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