The Pay-Off


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Some time ago, during a conversation, I gave this choice: if it came down to Trump being re-elected, or another Supreme Court selection, I would choose the latter, as it the effect would last far longer than four years., the jack-pot: one of the tin-pot Democrat dictators put in his place:

"Supreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York
Justice Amy Coney Barrett cast the pivotal vote to depart from past cases

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court blocked New York from imposing strict limits on attendance at religious services to combat Covid-19, with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett casting the pivotal vote to depart from past cases that deferred to state authorities on public-health measures.

In orders issued shortly before midnight Wednesday, the court, in a 5-4 vote, set aside attendance limits that Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed on houses of worship in areas most severely affected by the coronavirus: 10 people in red zones and 25 in orange zones. Chief Justice John Roberts and three liberal justices dissented.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish organization, alleged that the limits violated their First Amendment rights of religious exercise.

Mr. Cuomo said Thursday that the Supreme Court ruling had no effect on the state’s virus control efforts, and pertained only to a specific Brooklyn “red zone” that was no longer under such restrictions.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, in addition to Justice Barrett, made up the majority."

Look at those five names......and remember an earlier post of mine about, Roberts: His displeasure with Trump makes this petty man side with the Liberals.
Perhaps is Trump were gone, he would return to his promised conservatism.

But based on this decision.....perhaps not.
Some time ago, during a conversation, I gave this choice: if it came down to Trump being re-elected, or another Supreme Court selection, I would choose the latter, as it the effect would last far longer than four years., the jack-pot: one of the tin-pot Democrat dictators put in his place:

"Supreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York
Justice Amy Coney Barrett cast the pivotal vote to depart from past cases

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court blocked New York from imposing strict limits on attendance at religious services to combat Covid-19, with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett casting the pivotal vote to depart from past cases that deferred to state authorities on public-health measures.

In orders issued shortly before midnight Wednesday, the court, in a 5-4 vote, set aside attendance limits that Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed on houses of worship in areas most severely affected by the coronavirus: 10 people in red zones and 25 in orange zones. Chief Justice John Roberts and three liberal justices dissented.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish organization, alleged that the limits violated their First Amendment rights of religious exercise.

Mr. Cuomo said Thursday that the Supreme Court ruling had no effect on the state’s virus control efforts, and pertained only to a specific Brooklyn “red zone” that was no longer under such restrictions.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, in addition to Justice Barrett, made up the majority."

Look at those five names......and remember an earlier post of mine about, Roberts: His displeasure with Trump makes this petty man side with the Liberals.
Perhaps is Trump were gone, he would return to his promised conservatism.

But based on this decision.....perhaps not.
Remember that Justice Roberts was appointed by the Progressive Republican George Bush 43, who created the 4 billion dollar Dept of Homeland Insecurity there the agents are allowed to spy on US citizens with a bullshit fake Russian Dossier. Also he George created the No Child will be not left behind act, thus having more stupid voters for vote Democrat. And lastly Georgie Porgie, created the free prescription drug act where rich old white people got free drugs at the cost of the young kids....Thank a prog when they fuck you royally...
Some time ago, during a conversation, I gave this choice: if it came down to Trump being re-elected, or another Supreme Court selection, I would choose the latter, as it the effect would last far longer than four years., the jack-pot: one of the tin-pot Democrat dictators put in his place:

"Supreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York
Justice Amy Coney Barrett cast the pivotal vote to depart from past cases

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court blocked New York from imposing strict limits on attendance at religious services to combat Covid-19, with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett casting the pivotal vote to depart from past cases that deferred to state authorities on public-health measures.

In orders issued shortly before midnight Wednesday, the court, in a 5-4 vote, set aside attendance limits that Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed on houses of worship in areas most severely affected by the coronavirus: 10 people in red zones and 25 in orange zones. Chief Justice John Roberts and three liberal justices dissented.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish organization, alleged that the limits violated their First Amendment rights of religious exercise.

Mr. Cuomo said Thursday that the Supreme Court ruling had no effect on the state’s virus control efforts, and pertained only to a specific Brooklyn “red zone” that was no longer under such restrictions.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, in addition to Justice Barrett, made up the majority."

Look at those five names......and remember an earlier post of mine about, Roberts: His displeasure with Trump makes this petty man side with the Liberals.
Perhaps is Trump were gone, he would return to his promised conservatism.

But based on this decision.....perhaps not.
Remember that Justice Roberts was appointed by the Progressive Republican George Bush 43, who created the 4 billion dollar Dept of Homeland Insecurity there the agents are allowed to spy on US citizens with a bullshit fake Russian Dossier. Also he George created the No Child will be not left behind act, thus having more stupid voters for vote Democrat. And lastly Georgie Porgie, created the free prescription drug act where rich old white people got free drugs at the cost of the young kids....Thank a prog when they fuck you royally...

I admit to being a sucker for this sort of rhetoric....

Chief Justice nominee John Roberts said Thursday there is no room for ideologues on the Supreme Court, declaring an “obligation to the Constitution” and to no other cause as he concluded three grueling days of confirmation testimony.

“If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, the little guy’s going to win in court before me,” Roberts told the Senate Judiciary Committee. “But if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well, then the big guy’s going to win.”
Roberts, in 2005
This isn't just a freedom of religion issue but also a right to assemble.

I'm hoping more suits make their way up the chain in regards to the latter, especially in regards to the more hard-core fascist governors like Whitmer and Newsome.

It's the Amerikan way!



Some time ago, during a conversation, I gave this choice: if it came down to Trump being re-elected, or another Supreme Court selection, I would choose the latter, as it the effect would last far longer than four years., the jack-pot: one of the tin-pot Democrat dictators put in his place:

"Supreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York
Justice Amy Coney Barrett cast the pivotal vote to depart from past cases

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court blocked New York from imposing strict limits on attendance at religious services to combat Covid-19, with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett casting the pivotal vote to depart from past cases that deferred to state authorities on public-health measures.

In orders issued shortly before midnight Wednesday, the court, in a 5-4 vote, set aside attendance limits that Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed on houses of worship in areas most severely affected by the coronavirus: 10 people in red zones and 25 in orange zones. Chief Justice John Roberts and three liberal justices dissented.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish organization, alleged that the limits violated their First Amendment rights of religious exercise.

Mr. Cuomo said Thursday that the Supreme Court ruling had no effect on the state’s virus control efforts, and pertained only to a specific Brooklyn “red zone” that was no longer under such restrictions.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, in addition to Justice Barrett, made up the majority."

Look at those five names......and remember an earlier post of mine about, Roberts: His displeasure with Trump makes this petty man side with the Liberals.
Perhaps is Trump were gone, he would return to his promised conservatism.

But based on this decision.....perhaps not.
Read your own link.
Some time ago, during a conversation, I gave this choice: if it came down to Trump being re-elected, or another Supreme Court selection, I would choose the latter, as it the effect would last far longer than four years., the jack-pot: one of the tin-pot Democrat dictators put in his place:

"Supreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York
Justice Amy Coney Barrett cast the pivotal vote to depart from past cases

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court blocked New York from imposing strict limits on attendance at religious services to combat Covid-19, with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett casting the pivotal vote to depart from past cases that deferred to state authorities on public-health measures.

In orders issued shortly before midnight Wednesday, the court, in a 5-4 vote, set aside attendance limits that Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed on houses of worship in areas most severely affected by the coronavirus: 10 people in red zones and 25 in orange zones. Chief Justice John Roberts and three liberal justices dissented.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish organization, alleged that the limits violated their First Amendment rights of religious exercise.

Mr. Cuomo said Thursday that the Supreme Court ruling had no effect on the state’s virus control efforts, and pertained only to a specific Brooklyn “red zone” that was no longer under such restrictions.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, in addition to Justice Barrett, made up the majority."

Look at those five names......and remember an earlier post of mine about, Roberts: His displeasure with Trump makes this petty man side with the Liberals.
Perhaps is Trump were gone, he would return to his promised conservatism.

But based on this decision.....perhaps not.
Read your own link.

So they never covered how to articulate a point, in government school?

There are many self-help courses, and books.

I bet a nice adult will help you get a library card.
Some time ago, during a conversation, I gave this choice: if it came down to Trump being re-elected, or another Supreme Court selection, I would choose the latter, as it the effect would last far longer than four years., the jack-pot: one of the tin-pot Democrat dictators put in his place:

"Supreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York
Justice Amy Coney Barrett cast the pivotal vote to depart from past cases

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court blocked New York from imposing strict limits on attendance at religious services to combat Covid-19, with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett casting the pivotal vote to depart from past cases that deferred to state authorities on public-health measures.

In orders issued shortly before midnight Wednesday, the court, in a 5-4 vote, set aside attendance limits that Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed on houses of worship in areas most severely affected by the coronavirus: 10 people in red zones and 25 in orange zones. Chief Justice John Roberts and three liberal justices dissented.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish organization, alleged that the limits violated their First Amendment rights of religious exercise.

Mr. Cuomo said Thursday that the Supreme Court ruling had no effect on the state’s virus control efforts, and pertained only to a specific Brooklyn “red zone” that was no longer under such restrictions.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, in addition to Justice Barrett, made up the majority."

Look at those five names......and remember an earlier post of mine about, Roberts: His displeasure with Trump makes this petty man side with the Liberals.
Perhaps is Trump were gone, he would return to his promised conservatism.

But based on this decision.....perhaps not.
WONDERFUL news, thanks for the post, PC. :)
Ah, the Fascist motto - "we are taking away your rights because it is for your own good".

In this case, they might have a point.

Again, we know this disease spreads by human contact... crowding a bunch of people in a small place for an hour so they can grovel in front of an Imaginary Sky Pixie would be a good way to spread it.
yes, you are a fascist who despises our constitution. We already knew that.

Your utter hatred for various groups of people does not justify eliminating their human rights, even if you want it to.
yes, you are a fascist who despises our constitution. We already knew that.

Your utter hatred for various groups of people does not justify eliminating their human rights, even if you want it to.

I'm fine with the constitution, I just don't think it's a suicide pact.

The point is, there is no good reason to have gathering at churches at this point. You can get on Zoom and grovel in front of your imaginary sky man on your computer or tablet. The need to contain this thing outweighs your need to grovel.

Some activity can't be avoided. We have to go to the store for provisions, for instance. We have to go to our jobs.

This is an activity that can be avoided.

Or do you really think your imaginary Sky Pixie is going to send you to hell for not showing up on Sunday because of the plague he must have sent?

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