CDZ The pathology of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity | James Lindsay


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Really deep dive into the scam woke marxist movement. Which is specifically designed to make objective truths and socially binding norms abnormal.

If you want to understand the Woke ideology, you have to admit that you're not ready to understand Woke ideology. Everyone knows that the Woke use terminology with their own inventive and biased definitions, but understanding that terminology requires understanding how the Woke think about the world. It isn't possible to understand concepts like "diversity," "inclusion," and "equity" without first understanding that the Woke see everything in the world through a particular lens of power. When you do understand how the Woke see the world and thus how they use language to their advantage, you'll also understand how we're all being played. Diversity gets revealed as a program to concentrate resources, influence, status, and power in the hands of Woke Critical Theorists while disempowering everyone else. Inclusion is comprehensible as restricted speech, intentional segregation, and a justification to concentrate their idea of "diversity." Equity is the goal, which has to be understood as a combination of affirmative action and reparations used to redistribute resources and engineer outcomes in the name of correcting past injustices. Everything can be threatened by this change of context in our language to one that interprets everything through "systemic power dynamics." Our contracts, our laws, and even our Constitution can all be reinterpreted to mean something completely different without having to change a single word through this Woke manipulation of language. Join James Lindsay as he walks you through the Woke mindset and how it can, and will, be used to turn our societies' core principles back against them.

You will see this poster in classrooms and offices all over the country. Equality, the noble sentiment that founded our country, has been deemed no longer good enough and has been replaced with Equity ... the idea that in order to eliminate real or imagined handicaps, we must take from those who have more and give to those who have less.


Equality as a virtue is being replaced with Equity.
I don't like the polarization in America, where you either have to side with woke extremists, or with white supremacists. I don't feel inclined to do either and consider both extremes equally disgusting. As they are just opposite sides of the same coin.

I'm all for equal rights and better representation of minorities: Give blacks, Latinos, gays ... yes, and women, too! a fair share of the cake. There are many on the right who are already offended by that idea and cry about "wokeness" or "social justice warriors"... but hey, just because a black person now plays a leading role in your favorite tv show, is no reason to be offended.

That said, I consider "identity politics" dangerous: The idea of "empowering" minorities by strengthening their group identity. Seriously, if you constantly reduce people to their skin color or sexual orientation for all the good reasons, does it really take you wonder when the white male majority feels inclined to do the same?

No, it's not building higher walls between the identities, no matter from which side, which will improve the situation. The only thing that can do that is community. Create more situations and opportunities for members of different identity groups to cooperate, to meet, to interact -- when you have a black buddy in school, or a black co-worker, a black neighbor or a fellow in church, you'll quickly learn that they aren't so bad.

Of course, a lot of this has to do with equal economic opportunities. Call me a "class reductionist", if you like, but if you really want to end discrimination of blacks? Don't fight windmills about acknowledgment of "black identity", but better think of ways to get more blacks into working as policemen, teachers, civil servants or becoming employers.

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