The Party of Hate and Fear


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us
Constipation is a problem?
The same tactics from the party that gave us Joe McCarthy

2015 started with Republicans fighting against gay rights. They were the party that was going to prevent same sex couples from getting married. Homosexuals are taking your freedom

Then, in June, the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage was the law of the land. Who could Republicans hate next?

Enter Donald Trump with all his bluster, declaring Mexicans as the enemy. Murderers, rapists and drug dealers. It was Mexicans that Americans had to be afraid of. We need a wall. We need to hunt down Mexicans....Republicans will protect you

Then the Paris attacks occured and bells and whistles went off in the Republican Party. Fresh meat. They had a new villian to protect us from. Forget about the Mexicans...they are not scary enough
We need to hate Muslims. It is Muslims who want to kill us.....only Republicans can protect us

And the far left narrative continues!

Trump is a "progressive" and is acting like a "progressive", yet that he has an (R) next to his name. So the far left can not resist running their religious narratives..

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