The Palin Brawl

Stretch Hummers. A bloody brawl. And Sarah Palin - The Washington Post
UPDATE: Anchorage Police Department’s communications director Jennifer Castro confirmed to the Loop what others have reported — that there was a fight at a party where the Palins were in attendance:

“On Saturday, September 6, 2014 just before midnight Anchorage police responded to a report of a verbal and physical altercation taking place between multiple subjects outside of a residence located on the 900 block of Harbor Circle. A preliminary investigation by police revealed that a party had been taking place at a nearby residence and a fight had broken out between multiple subjects outside of the residence. At the time of the incident, none of the involved parties wanted to press charges and no arrests were made. However, the case is still an active investigation and is being reviewed by APD and the Municipal Prosecutors Office. Alcohol was believed to have been a factor in the incident. Some of the Palin family members were in attendance at the party.”

Here’s the salacious scoop from Alaska political blogger Amanda Coyne:

“A nice, mellow party, until the Palin’s show up. There’s beer, of course, and maybe other things. Which is all fine, but just about the time when some people might have had one too many, a Track Palin stumbles out of a stretch Hummer, and immediately spots an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. Track isn’t happy with this guy, the story goes. There’s words, and more. The owner of the house gets involved, and he probably wished he hadn’t. At this point, he’s up against nearly the whole Palin tribe: Palin women screaming. Palin men thumping their chests. Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!” No, it’s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking. As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.”

Is this real life or a scene from a Real Housewives show? If the above account is real … oh my.

Meanwhile, because the drama never ceases, the next night, Bristol Palin returned to her home in Wasilla to find a stalker in her driveway, who was arrested and charged with felony stalking.

Somewhere, producers at TLC are kicking themselves that “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” isn’t still on the air.​

Stretch Hummers. A bloody brawl. And Sarah Palin - The Washington Post
UPDATE: Anchorage Police Department’s communications director Jennifer Castro confirmed to the Loop what others have reported — that there was a fight at a party where the Palins were in attendance:

“On Saturday, September 6, 2014 just before midnight Anchorage police responded to a report of a verbal and physical altercation taking place between multiple subjects outside of a residence located on the 900 block of Harbor Circle. A preliminary investigation by police revealed that a party had been taking place at a nearby residence and a fight had broken out between multiple subjects outside of the residence. At the time of the incident, none of the involved parties wanted to press charges and no arrests were made. However, the case is still an active investigation and is being reviewed by APD and the Municipal Prosecutors Office. Alcohol was believed to have been a factor in the incident. Some of the Palin family members were in attendance at the party.”

Here’s the salacious scoop from Alaska political blogger Amanda Coyne:

“A nice, mellow party, until the Palin’s show up. There’s beer, of course, and maybe other things. Which is all fine, but just about the time when some people might have had one too many, a Track Palin stumbles out of a stretch Hummer, and immediately spots an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. Track isn’t happy with this guy, the story goes. There’s words, and more. The owner of the house gets involved, and he probably wished he hadn’t. At this point, he’s up against nearly the whole Palin tribe: Palin women screaming. Palin men thumping their chests. Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!” No, it’s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking. As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.”

Is this real life or a scene from a Real Housewives show? If the above account is real … oh my.

Meanwhile, because the drama never ceases, the next night, Bristol Palin returned to her home in Wasilla to find a stalker in her driveway, who was arrested and charged with felony stalking.

Somewhere, producers at TLC are kicking themselves that “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” isn’t still on the air.​

UPI Now reporting:

Palin family gets into drunken brawl at snowmobile party

Read more: Palin family gets into drunken brawl at snowmobile party -
you people are petty and ugly

whooooooooooooooooooooo, Palin family has a brawl. now I see what THREE threads on it

is the left that DESPERATE?
the blogger has the most info, for now. but the others sites have confirmed the Palin clan's involvement through the anchorage police department.

so perhaps the blogger may not have 100% of the picture but it seems that everyone is finding her credible, for now.

Or the blogger just made shit up and the Nazi fucks of the demagogue party spread it like fact.

After all - demagoguery is the heart of your filthy party.
the blogger has the most info, for now. but the others sites have confirmed the Palin clan's involvement through the anchorage police department.

so perhaps the blogger may not have 100% of the picture but it seems that everyone is finding her credible, for now.

Or the blogger just made shit up and the Nazi fucks of the demagogue party spread it like fact.

After all - demagoguery is the heart of your filthy party.
and drunken fist fights is the heart of yours?

seriously. this isn't something they could just make up. there were other witnesses. the truth will come out, and at this point somebody would have come forward if it weren't true.
The NY daily News?

Which points to this as a source?

The Immoral Minority All the dirt that s fit to dish Wasilla style. Update

Herr Goebbels, all you have is demagoguery - it's all your filthy party ever has.

they'll swallow anything right now.... their dear Leader and party is taking a hell of beating now and probably in the coming elections

and THESE types of threads is a lot of the reason why. people are SICK OF IT
i'll match every thread on this fight with three on these boards about michelle obama's looks and weight.
care to take me up on that?
Tut tut.....

Reading comments on this and other websites it's plain that Democrats are now admittedly and openly RACIST!

Why? Because of their drumbeat of the term "white trash".

Yup. Racist.

The label is yours; wear it proudly!
Tut tut.....

Reading comments on this and other websites it's plain that Democrats are now admittedly and openly RACIST!

Why? Because of their drumbeat of the term "white trash".

Yup. Racist.

The label is yours; wear it proudly!

they always have been. another of their favorites is, trailer trash, rednecks, etc

they are the party fill with RACITS, BIGOTS, downright NASTY people

Look at how their elected Representatives talks about WE THE PEOPLE in this country...that's all you need to know about them
Tut tut.....

Reading comments on this and other websites it's plain that Democrats are now admittedly and openly RACIST!

Why? Because of their drumbeat of the term "white trash".

Yup. Racist.

The label is yours; wear it proudly!

Oh Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze pasty face bible thumper
The NY daily News?

Which points to this as a source?

The Immoral Minority All the dirt that s fit to dish Wasilla style. Update

Herr Goebbels, all you have is demagoguery - it's all your filthy party ever has.

they'll swallow anything right now.... their dear Leader and party is taking a hell of beating now and probably in the coming elections

and THESE types of threads is a lot of the reason why. people are SICK OF IT

Not as bad as Todd Palin took

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