The "OZONE HOLE" scam was the pre-curser to the Global Warmists movement.

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The ban on those nasty CFCs back in the 80s which closed "The Hole in the Ozone" (queue woman screaming) was a bunch of Liberal Hooey. But the success of the Ozone scam gave birth the Warmer movement and many of the same scientists that pushed the Ozone scare are the same ones pushing human caused climate change. Don't believe them, they have a reason why they use "science" to push scams just like they did with the Ozone Hole and CFCs.

New Ozone Hole Scare Won't Save the Great Climate Hoax | PSI Intl

In the past, the US has been able to pull together to solve our problems and the hole in the Ozone layer was one of those times.

The "hole" in the ozone layer never was an is a naturally occurring phenomenon that happens over the poles during their winter when there is very little sunlight coming in through the atmosphere which is needed to produce ozone production and ozone has a very short half sun for months and all the ozone goes comes right back in the spring when the sun starts shining into the atmosphere over the respective poles...

the "hole" scare was devised by the 3m corporation who had a very expensive, less effective refrigerant that they weren't going to be able to sell just as the patents were running out on freon, and a young senator named al gore who wanted campaign contributions and a couple of other politicians who happened to be for sale at the time.....they worked out a deal...
Every statement you just made is bullshit. Freon was invented in 1928 by a General Motor researcher named Kettering. In 1930 GM went into a partnership with DuPont. The original patent expired in the 1950. See R-12 Retrofitting: Are we really doing it because DuPont’s patent for Freon® ran out?. 3M does not make refrigerants.


This is the graph you need to match with something other than CFCs if you want to get real.

You are a fucking TROLL
Pardon me for stating the wrong corporation....the fact remains that the ozone hole is a completely natural phenomenon and no paper has ever seriously considered the natural causes of the formation or depletion of ozone...should I maybe make a spelling error or two for you and maybe use a semicolon incorrectly? Will that help repair your damaged self esteem from having your ass handed to you so often?
At least wuwei had the sense to get out when it became clear that you guys just couldn't support your claims.
Nope. You were unable to come up with the collision cross-sections and the ratio of elastic and inelastic collisions for the interactions involved. You were only awed by numbers. No real science in that.

At least wuwei had the sense to get out when it became clear that you guys just couldn't support your claims.
Nope. You were unable to come up with the collision cross-sections and the ratio of elastic and inelastic collisions for the interactions involved. You were only awed by numbers. No real science in that.


Got a study in which the natural causes for O3 production and depletion were seriously considered and proven to not be factors? Any at all? The skid mark couldn't find any and neither will you...the "science" on the topic isn't science at is pseudoscientific alarmist pap...
Got a study in which the natural causes for O3 production and depletion were seriously considered and proven to not be factors? Any at all? The skid mark couldn't find any and neither will you...the "science" on the topic isn't science at is pseudoscientific alarmist pap...
I'm simply saying you have not proved your point. If you are going to buck current science on the ozone layer, it is up to you to defend your point.
Didn't think you had anything......alarmist clap trap that jumps straight to anthropogenic causes rather than thoroughly examine natural factors isn't science... good enough to fool you and the skid mark though..right?
Didn't think you had anything......alarmist clap trap that jumps straight to anthropogenic causes rather than thoroughly examine natural factors isn't science... good enough to fool you and the skid mark though..right?

Read again. I didn't say anything about any other cause. I simply said that you did not prove your point.

The ban on those nasty CFCs back in the 80s which closed "The Hole in the Ozone" (queue woman screaming) was a bunch of Liberal Hooey. But the success of the Ozone scam gave birth the Warmer movement and many of the same scientists that pushed the Ozone scare are the same ones pushing human caused climate change. Don't believe them, they have a reason why they use "science" to push scams just like they did with the Ozone Hole and CFCs.

New Ozone Hole Scare Won't Save the Great Climate Hoax | PSI Intl
I was thinking about that hole. We never hear about it anymore, do we.

LOL at the liberals and how wrong they about everything.
they all made their fortunes.
OWL - You think that the fact that you haven't heard anything means liberals were wrong about something? How about actually telling us who was wrong about what and why you think that to be the case. Because you haven't yet made a case for shit.
how about you using quotes when you fking post. I've told you at nausea to use the quote's feature here. what f king loser.
Nothing there...
.... except for 100+ pages of links to decades of published, peer-reviewed science regarding ozone depletion and replenishment. It looks like "nothing" to you, because you couldn't understand any of it if your life depended on it. But, that sure won't stop you from vomiting your useless thoughts on it for the rest of your life...
well then post one of those studies. Why can't you? making that kind of statement is useless in a debate. are you a rookie? ah yes you are a baby.
Nothing there...
.... except for 100+ pages of links to decades of published, peer-reviewed science regarding ozone depletion and replenishment. It looks like "nothing" to you, because you couldn't understand any of it if your life depended on it. But, that sure won't stop you from vomiting your useless thoughts on it for the rest of your life...

Go back and read through the thread a bit to catch are so far behind as to be laughable...there are no studies in which the natural causes of O3 formation and depletion are seriously considered...

Tell me do you suppose a molecule present in the atmosphere at a concentration of 3 parts per BILLION is more destructive to O3 than a natural catalyst which is present at a concentration of 3 to 5 parts per million...combined with natural reactants present in the atmosphere at a concentration of 780,000 parts per million?

No idea of why I asked you? You are admittedly ignorant of all scientific topics and have no informed opinion of your own...only the one someone with a political agenda gave you.

But do feel free to peruse that 100+ pages and bring something back in which a serious look at natural factors was considered...I will tell you ahead of time that all you will find is alarmist bullshit...probably good enough to fool you just as it was good enough to fool the skidmark...but alarmist bullshit none the less. Prove me wrong..
he wants us to believe he read 100+ pages of links with articles. yeah, ok he's a francis.
Indiana, you are 100% correct. Whatever you find, SSDD will just call it bullshit and reject it. He will NEVER admit that anyone has ever produced material he has claimed doesn't exist because SSDD is a fucking TROLL !!!
still can't produce one study, eh? still waiting on the answer of what is larger. still nothing.
The ban on those nasty CFCs back in the 80s which closed "The Hole in the Ozone" (queue woman screaming) was a bunch of Liberal Hooey. But the success of the Ozone scam gave birth the Warmer movement and many of the same scientists that pushed the Ozone scare are the same ones pushing human caused climate change. Don't believe them, they have a reason why they use "science" to push scams just like they did with the Ozone Hole and CFCs.

New Ozone Hole Scare Won't Save the Great Climate Hoax | PSI Intl
I missed where you got your climate degree?
After all, what does nasa know compared with our PhD poster here?
Got a study in which the natural causes for O3 production and depletion were seriously considered and proven to not be factors? Any at all? The skid mark couldn't find any and neither will you...the "science" on the topic isn't science at is pseudoscientific alarmist pap...
I'm simply saying you have not proved your point. If you are going to buck current science on the ozone layer, it is up to you to defend your point.
well sure he's proved his point, neither you or crickster has posted any such study that shows natural occurring O3 was considered. not fking one!! I call that proof. any time you wish to prove us how he's wrong will be the first.
well then post one of those studies.
Instead ,I posted a link to hundreds of them. As requested. If you are too lazy to click the link and too stupid to understand a scientific paper, that's a "you" problem, and it's conclusive evidence that your opinions on this topic are worth less than nothing.
The ban on those nasty CFCs back in the 80s which closed "The Hole in the Ozone" (queue woman screaming) was a bunch of Liberal Hooey. But the success of the Ozone scam gave birth the Warmer movement and many of the same scientists that pushed the Ozone scare are the same ones pushing human caused climate change. Don't believe them, they have a reason why they use "science" to push scams just like they did with the Ozone Hole and CFCs.

New Ozone Hole Scare Won't Save the Great Climate Hoax | PSI Intl
I missed where you got your climate degree?
After all, what does nasa know compared with our PhD poster here?
funny, you think there are climate scientists. not one human understands climate. not one. I challenge you to show the script that the earth is missing temperature readings and that shows we shouldn't have CO2 at 400 PPM. go ahead. be the first one in here.
well then post one of those studies.
Instead ,I posted a link to hundreds of them. As requested. If you are too lazy to click the link and too stupid to understand a scientific paper, that's a "you" problem, and it's conclusive evidence that your opinions on this topic are worth less than nothing.
I'm not going to go on a wild goose chase, you post one. go ahead, let's see the one. pick one, your choice. present the data. I dare you to prove me wrong.
The ban on those nasty CFCs back in the 80s which closed "The Hole in the Ozone" (queue woman screaming) was a bunch of Liberal Hooey. But the success of the Ozone scam gave birth the Warmer movement and many of the same scientists that pushed the Ozone scare are the same ones pushing human caused climate change. Don't believe them, they have a reason why they use "science" to push scams just like they did with the Ozone Hole and CFCs.

New Ozone Hole Scare Won't Save the Great Climate Hoax | PSI Intl
I missed where you got your climate degree?
After all, what does nasa know compared with our PhD poster here?
funny, you think there are climate scientists. not one human understands climate. not one. I challenge you to show the script that the earth is missing temperature readings and that shows we shouldn't have CO2 at 400 PPM. go ahead. be the first one in here.

You must have SO much SS time on your hand you don't quote the hundreds of organizations that support GW.
But ONE who doesn't believe we landed on the moon
"Principal Scientific International (PSI) is an organization based in the United Kingdom which promotes fringe views and material to claim that carbon dioxide is not a ..."
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