The Organizer--What did Barack Obama Really do in Chicago?

Obama's an amateur? Wait a minute.. I thought he was the smartest, most qualified, most insightful human being on the PLANET? WTF?????

He's a professional Shit Disturber. That's Obama's claim to fame. We saw evidence of it this past Summer with the TEA Parties, and TownHall Meetings. That's Obama in a nutshell as he called out his Goon Squads to create trouble.

And notice that several World Leaders this past week were singing his praises...Chavez, AhmainaJhihad, and others of his like mind...
Didn't you try this stuff like a year ago??

It didn't work. Obama was overwhelmingly elected over the best candidate the republicans had to offer. Obama's qualifications are that he is President of the United States and defacto "Leader of the Free World" Get over it

McCain was far from the best candidate Repubs had. The liberals put him in play by voting across party lines in the primaries. There were some actual conservative candidates but my previous fact plus the fact that the Repubs were completely inept with no clear message, gave them McCain. I have my doubts as to whether Mccain even wanted to be in that position. He was a shocked as everyone else in my opinion and he was definitely not a conservative.
The "get over it" attitude does not help to unite this country. Unfortunately it is exactly what the politicians want, as a divided America does not have the power to change things. If Obama is truly your man and you are completely happy with his policies, more power to you but the playground chant of "get over it" is a weak debating tactic. If you think that any of the politicians are working for you and not for their own power interests, you would be wrong. They are battling each other for power and control which is obvious in the policies being made.
We can't get this country back to what made it great if we are divided by strictly party lines.
But...but... how can we forget that he seems to know something because he has good speech writers and is a genuine whiz kid at employing the "tennis match" back-and-forth teleprompter readings.:badgrin:

Hard to believe that John McCain and Sarah Palin, the brightest, whitest and best the GOP had to offer LOST handily to this man....

So, since Obama's 1/2 white too, and you mention race as a deciding factor, apparently they only lost to the black half of him.
Didn't you try this stuff like a year ago??

It didn't work. Obama was overwhelmingly elected over the best candidate the republicans had to offer. Obama's qualifications are that he is President of the United States and defacto "Leader of the Free World" Get over it

McCain was far from the best candidate Repubs had. The liberals put him in play by voting across party lines in the primaries. There were some actual conservative candidates but my previous fact plus the fact that the Repubs were completely inept with no clear message, gave them McCain. I have my doubts as to whether Mccain even wanted to be in that position. He was a shocked as everyone else in my opinion and he was definitely not a conservative.
The "get over it" attitude does not help to unite this country. Unfortunately it is exactly what the politicians want, as a divided America does not have the power to change things. If Obama is truly your man and you are completely happy with his policies, more power to you but the playground chant of "get over it" is a weak debating tactic. If you think that any of the politicians are working for you and not for their own power interests, you would be wrong. They are battling each other for power and control which is obvious in the policies being made.
We can't get this country back to what made it great if we are divided by strictly party lines.

McCain should have retired a long time ago. I admire his Military record, and that's where it ENDS for me.
But...but... how can we forget that he seems to know something because he has good speech writers and is a genuine whiz kid at employing the "tennis match" back-and-forth teleprompter readings.:badgrin:

Hard to believe that John McCain and Sarah Palin, the brightest, whitest and best the GOP had to offer LOST handily to this man....

That's because your majority of Americans aren't very bright. They believe what they hear on TV and are sheep and just follow the mindless herd. Too bad they didn't see thru the slogans and posters to see what kind of hurtin this golden boy is going to bring to them.
But...but... how can we forget that he seems to know something because he has good speech writers and is a genuine whiz kid at employing the "tennis match" back-and-forth teleprompter readings.:badgrin:

Hard to believe that John McCain and Sarah Palin, the brightest, whitest and best the GOP had to offer LOST handily to this man....

That's because your majority of Americans aren't very bright. They believe what they hear on TV and are sheep and just follow the mindless herd. Too bad they didn't see thru the slogans and posters to see what kind of hurtin this golden boy is going to bring to them.

That's because too many buy into the theory of 'Zero-Sum-Game". Someone had to Lose it for someone to GAIN it.

If that is their case? Wouln't it be prudent to say that Mikey Moore is one large THIEF?
Didn't you try this stuff like a year ago??
It didn't work. Obama was overwhelmingly elected over the best candidate the republicans had to offer. Obama's qualifications are that he is President of the United States and defacto "Leader of the Free World" Get over it."

I wasn't posting here a year ago. Do your homework.

I need to know. Is your use of "defacto" in the Latin sense, or as a legal term? BTW, there's a space between de and facto, "de facto."

I'm not sure what point is being made when you say, "Obama's qualifications are that he is President of the United States and defacto "Leader of the Free World." Because he was elected, does not mean he is qualified.

So, let's discuss what you think about Obama's lack of knowledge of international events, leaders, nuclear issues? Then, let's cover his generous campaign promises (that were not backed by any means to accomplish them) regarding how how your life would "change" dramatically for the better.

You somehow failed to overlook the number one issue of national security faced by our country, and elected a rank amateur in the most critical arena of your, and all of our lives.

Good thread and good point, you are exactly correct.

No one then and very few now can build a solid background for Obama, because there is none!

However, they can double talk one and fabricate one!
Didn't you try this stuff like a year ago??

It didn't work. Obama was overwhelmingly elected over the best candidate the republicans had to offer. Obama's qualifications are that he is President of the United States and defacto "Leader of the Free World" Get over it

McCain was far from the best candidate Repubs had. The liberals put him in play by voting across party lines in the primaries. There were some actual conservative candidates but my previous fact plus the fact that the Repubs were completely inept with no clear message, gave them McCain. I have my doubts as to whether Mccain even wanted to be in that position. He was a shocked as everyone else in my opinion and he was definitely not a conservative.
The "get over it" attitude does not help to unite this country. Unfortunately it is exactly what the politicians want, as a divided America does not have the power to change things. If Obama is truly your man and you are completely happy with his policies, more power to you but the playground chant of "get over it" is a weak debating tactic. If you think that any of the politicians are working for you and not for their own power interests, you would be wrong. They are battling each other for power and control which is obvious in the policies being made.
We can't get this country back to what made it great if we are divided by strictly party lines.

A blatant lie McCain was overwhelmingly selected by the REPUBLICAN primary voters. So much so that he locked up the nomination by May.
I've asked before and will ask again....If you had a better candidate than McCain, Who was it?
The "get over it" applies to the idiocy of this thread in still trying to ressurect the "But Obama was not qualified" whine. The man was overwhelmingly elected and is now our President. If you don't like it, you have an opportunity to vote him out in three years.
Good are going to need it
Didn't you try this stuff like a year ago??

It didn't work. Obama was overwhelmingly elected over the best candidate the republicans had to offer. Obama's qualifications are that he is President of the United States and defacto "Leader of the Free World" Get over it

There's not much of a free world left anymore
Didn't you try this stuff like a year ago??

It didn't work. Obama was overwhelmingly elected over the best candidate the republicans had to offer. Obama's qualifications are that he is President of the United States and defacto "Leader of the Free World" Get over it

There's not much of a free world left anymore

Oh really? Why on earth would you say such a ridiculous thing?
Politics aside,i urge any and all people to just go and visit Chicago and see what it has become. It really has become one of the most dangerous & failed cities on this Earth. It now rivals cities like Baghdad & Kabul as far as Third World Chaos goes. I have always said that Barack Obama was a failed "Community Organizer" at best and i still stand by my comments. The man never was qualified to be our President. He did absolutely nothing for his community in Chicago. They are worse off now than they ever have been. It's actually very sad in the end. This President is nothing more than a Liberal Media manufactured product. End of story.
Politics aside,i urge any and all people to just go and visit Chicago and see what it has become. It really has become one of the most dangerous & failed cities on this Earth. It now rivals cities like Baghdad & Kabul as far as Third World Chaos goes.

Yeah, I lost count of all the car bombs explosions I had to dodge when I visited my relatives' burned-out hovel there this summer.

Just can't let that lameass talking point die, I see...:lol:
Politics aside,i urge any and all people to just go and visit Chicago and see what it has become. It really has become one of the most dangerous & failed cities on this Earth. It now rivals cities like Baghdad & Kabul as far as Third World Chaos goes. I have always said that Barack Obama was a failed "Community Organizer" at best and i still stand by my comments. The man never was qualified to be our President. He did absolutely nothing for his community in Chicago. They are worse off now than they ever have been. It's actually very sad in the end. This President is nothing more than a Liberal Media manufactured product. End of story.

Liar. I have lived in Chicago for 30 years. I lived by the Amphitheater on the south side, in Logan Square and across from Wrigley Field. It's a great place to live. Shame on you for your slanderous lies. You are terrible. The streets are clean and well lit. The CTA is available everywhere in the city. There is always plenty to do and the PEOPLE ARE GREAT.
You are a dirty liar slandering such a great city. Shame on you.
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Say Whaaat?? Chicago is a friggin mess! To think otherwise is just plain delusional. It really has become one of the most dangerous & failed cities on this Planet. More Americans are brutally slaughtered there per year than in the Iraq & Afghan Wars combined. It really is a Third World H*ll-Hole at this point. It's just very very sad to see what Chicago has become. :(
Say Whaaat?? Chicago is a friggin mess! To think otherwise is just plain delusional. It really has become one of the most dangerous & failed cities on this Planet. More Americans are brutally slaughtered there per year than in the Iraq & Afghan Wars combined. It really is a Third World H*ll-Hole at this point. It's just very very sad to see what Chicago has become. :(

God, you are so full of shit.

Say Whaaat?? Chicago is a friggin mess! To think otherwise is just plain delusional. It really has become one of the most dangerous & failed cities on this Planet. More Americans are brutally slaughtered there per year than in the Iraq & Afghan Wars combined. It really is a Third World H*ll-Hole at this point. It's just very very sad to see what Chicago has become. :(

I have to agree. "2500 violent crimes in one month isn't that bad!" Nonsense. Obama and ACORN probably made it worse by inflaming peoples' anger. Angry people find transgression much easier to justify. Violent crime in Chicago has consistently been more than twice the national average in recent years. These Kool-aid swilling Obamites are just desperate to know that they haven't been fooled. Well, now they're just fooling themselves.
Say Whaaat?? Chicago is a friggin mess! To think otherwise is just plain delusional. It really has become one of the most dangerous & failed cities on this Planet. More Americans are brutally slaughtered there per year than in the Iraq & Afghan Wars combined. It really is a Third World H*ll-Hole at this point. It's just very very sad to see what Chicago has become. :(

God, you are so full of shit.


Nice counter...NOT.

If the poster is so full of SHIT as you so quaintly put it? Then why is the poster "Full of SHIT"?

The poster would be correct of MANY metro-areas of this country, and Chicago is one of them.

125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer

Total Is About Double The U.S. Troop Death Toll In Iraq

Yeah I know the Story is 2008, and cites Iraq. But it is true. More folks die here from Homicides in Metro Areas than troops overseas fighting in the war going on. [And Notice I say WAR, in the singular].

AStan/Iraq are the SAME WAR, different theatres.

You are certainly welcome to come up with counter other than 'Full Of SHIT". The poster is correct in his premise that more die here in the US Metro area Homicides like Chicago than die on the battlefield.

Where is your OUTRAGE on the Domestic side of the equation? Hmm?

I know why conservatives on this site don't like me. I'm always dropping truth on their tiny, unthinking heads:

Let's start with the cities people want to live in:

Top Ranking U.S. Cities To Live

4. Chicago, Illinois: Chicago is not unfamiliar to many. Located on Lake Michigan, the city offers a host of recreation, great education and a great nightlife among others. The city's unique community spirit, sophisticated urban living and multi-cultural heritage attract several visitors to it every year. The big city has a population that is close to 3 million.

Top Ranking U.S. Cities To Live

Then we will move on to sates with the highest dropout rates:

High School Graduation Rates in the United States | Table 2

Illinois is 15th. Notice how many southern states are at the other end of the spectrum? So many of them are red.

Chicago doesn't appear in the following (R and B is for Red and Blue - pretty even):

City Crime Rankings by Population Group

Most Dangerous 10:
1 Detroit, MI B
2 Baltimore, MD B
3 Washington, DC
4 Memphis, TN R
5 Dallas, TX R
6 Philadelphia, PA B
7 Columbus, OH B
8 Nashville, TN R
9 Houston, TX R
10 Charlotte, NC R

Safest 10:
1 San Jose, CA B
2 El Paso, TX R
3 Honolulu, HI B
4 New York, NY B
5 Austin, TX R
6 San Diego, CA B
7 Louisville, KY R
8 San Antonio, TX R
9 Fort Worth, TX R
10 Jacksonville, FL B

Data - Swivel

Top 100 safest cities in the US

Chicago ranks 37

Thought this was interesting:

Surprise: Los Angeles does not rank as safest in driving report | Up to Speed | Los Angeles Times

Safes drivers:
Ranking for cities with more than 1 million residents...

1. Phoenix
2. San Diego
3. New York
4. Houston
5. San Antonio
6. Chicago
7. Dallas
8. Los Angeles
9. Philadelphia State 2008_Safest.pdf

Safest states:

New Hapshire p
Maine b
North Dakota r
Vermont b
Wyoming r
Montana r
Iowa b
Idaho r
Wisconsin b
Connecticut b
Rhode Island b
Utah r
West Virginia p
Virginia p
Nebraska r
Minnesota b
Kentucky r
New York b
New Jersey b
Oregon b
Massachesetts b
Hawaii b
Pennsylvania b
Indiana r
Colorado p
Kansas r
Mississippi r
Ohio p
Illinios b
Washington b
Georgia r
Missouri p
Oklahoma r
North Carolina r
Alabama r
Texas r
California b
Delaware b
Arkansas p
Michican b
Florida p
Alaska r
Maryland b
Tennessee r
Arizona r
South Carolina r
New Mexico b
Louisiana p
Nevada p

r - red
b - blue
p - purple (50%/50%)

Note: There are over three MILLION people living in Chicago.

Do you think those ragging on Chicago have at least a GED? Statistics say probably not.
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