The ONLY word for this is tragic

Well, good thing for that old bag Ayn she did, because at the end of her miserable, selfish life, after her husband dumped her and most of her fans forgot her, she had to rely on Medicare and Social Security to live.

And then there are people who think that selfishness is a virtue. Like you and Ayn.

Ayn Rand - lived under the epitome of communism in the U.S.S.R. from 1905 to 1926 (21 years for those who struggle with math - like JoeB.). Saw the poverty, the misery, and the oppression first-hand. Experienced life without the motivation of reward. Understands better than any one born in America the dangers of giving government power and asking for table scraps in return. Saw millions of her fellow countrymen murdered when the state could no longer provide food, healthcare, etc. for them.

JoeB. - born into the epitome of freedom in the U.S.A. Spent his entire life whining that life was not handed to him on a silver platter. Acts like a spoiled child complaining that freedom is not enough and that every want & need should be provided by government.

Now I ask any of you who can show an ounce of unbiased ,rational thought: who is exponentially more qualified to speak about what works and what does not with regards to have government in charge?
Here's the thing, as I explained to you the last time you tried to pass this shit off. Nobody was going to war over the cutting edge weapon of 1914. Bush claimed there were nuclear and biological weapons. There weren't. A weapon that can only spread damage over an acre and is easily foiled with a gas mask just isn't that scary. And most of what was found was expired, outdated or impotent.


Watching you get your ass handed to you with facts is comical. You're getting owned worse than I have ever seen on USMB (and that is saying a lot). You're direct quote from post #347:

"Guy, Bush made two presenations to the American people.

1) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (he didn't.)"

Chemical weapons are WMD's ass-hat. And you've very own radical left-wing MSNBC reported on them! :lmao:

"Guy" all you do is spit the same angry rhetoric over and over. And when I own you with facts, you move the goal posts. You're a crying, whining bitch. There's a reason you've spent your life as a loser. Because that's what you are. You've been fired over and over because your useless and lazy. Which is why you cry about insurance companies but won't start your own to show the people how one "should" be run... :eusa_whistle:

No, guy, as much as you misrepresent things (Sorry, only fired once, and that was after they paid me a "please don't sue us" bribe), the fact is, people don't consider chemical to be a WMD. No one is going to send his son off to die over mustard gas. If they did, Obama would have his declaration of war against Syria by now.

Bush and his cronies said there were nukes. They saidthere was anthrax. They said there was Sarin.

Expired cannisters of mustard gas aren't the same thing.

History wlll neve forgive Bush or think that Iraq ws a good idea.
Most of the world, doctors are not compensated as well as they are in the US. They are actually in it because they want to heal the sick.

So one more time, are you willing to let a poor child die because her parents can't pay for treatment?

Again I have to ask - how old are you? Because you are as naive as a wide-eyed philosophical freshman with acne... :lol:

First of all, how is this immature utopian philosophy working out in Cuba? How is the healthcare down there? Do they have world-class facilities with the finest physicians and state-of-the-art technology? No? Really? Mmmm...gee...I wonder why that is? This is just so puzzling...

(Hint: when you remove motivation, you remove results - something everyone except an immature naive communist knows)

Cuba's got a better infant mortality rate than we do. And if the only way you can defend your system is to say, "Well. well, we're better off than a third world country we've been punishing for half a century for rejecting us"...

Compare us to Japan, or Germany, or Canada, or the UK, and we don't come off so good.

JoeB. "logic" at its finest here folks. First of all, chemical weapons of today are "cutting edge". Claiming they are "not scary" weapons from 1914 is as retarded as claiming that nuclear bombs of 1940 are "not scary". Both have been drastically upgraded.

Furthermore, claiming that chemical weapons are "easily foiled with a gas mask" is hilarious considering you specifically cite biological weapons as "scary WMD's" and those are more "easily foiled with a gas mask". :lmao:

(Hell, chemical weapons can burn the skin - biological weapons must make their way internally in some capacity before they can cause any harm).

Watching you stumble, mumble, and bumble your way over facts in your quest to support you uneducated, misinformed position is worth the price of admission alone!

Guy, I've taken NBC Training.

While some chemical weapons we have today are more advanced, that's not what we 'found' in Iraq. In Iraq, we found a few rounds of Mustard gas, which had lost potency because they were manufactured back in the 1980's.

As for biological weapon, to foil those, you need to usally go to full MOPP status, covering evey inch of your body in protective gear. And also take innoculations.

Now, I know you guys need to justify the war we never, ever should have fought, but the fact is, Bush lied, people died, and the GOP was over after they did that.
If you are so concerned about the 'poor children' whose parents cant pay, then by all means. YOU PAY FOR it since you are Joe Concerned. But leave us that DO NOT want to pay out of it.

Sounds fair to me

yeah, when you get a racist jury tryng a white man for murdering a black child, that's the result you get. Just ask Emmett Till.

Except that George Zimmerman wasn't white you lying jack-ass. He was 100% hispanic. Any more lies you want to embarrass yourself with?

His father was German his mother was Peruvian.

Hispanic isn't a "race", it's a "culture".
If you are so concerned about the 'poor children' whose parents cant pay, then by all means. YOU PAY FOR it since you are Joe Concerned. But leave us that DO NOT want to pay out of it.

Sounds fair to me


Guy, you are ALREADY paying for it.

If you have insurance, you are ALREADY paying for those poor people who show up at emergency rooms.

The problem isn't that there's not enough money. We spend more than any nation on Earth.

It's the problem that we spend it inefficiently with too many people making a profit off of it

The real question is, how old are you Joe? Listening to this guys communist rhetoric that the state is the most pure, honest, benevolent, loving entity known to man is just creepy.

It's also hilarious considering he has cried, pissed, and moaned about George Bush and the Republicans being "evil" and "liars" :lmao:

Under the free market, insurance companies are forced do what they promised. That's why there is a contract, stupid. And if you have a problem with how they handled something, you have the CHOICE to go somewhere else. When the "evil" Republicans are running things, where are you going to go Joe? :eusa_whistle:

Guy, I deal with contracts all day.

Contracts exist to protect the wealthy from the rest of us.

Not that I am worried about the Republicans ever getting back into power. If the cast of clown you ran last time, your party doesn't evenknow it's dead yet.
Uh, served for 11 years. Five as a reservist, six active duty. Got out at the rank of E-6, MOS 76y30. But I did get out after the first Gulf War because I was disgusted by the whole thing.

"Guy", what aren't you "disgusted" by? There is nothing about the U.S. you don't bitch about. The military? Disgusted. Capitalism? Disgusted. The U.S. Constitution? Disgusted. Politicians? Disgusted. Your job? Disgusted. Your health insurance plan? Disgusted.

You're just a hateful little loser who won't get off his fat, lazy ass and improve his life. Frankly, everybody on USMB is tired of listening to your incessant bitching.

Fighting a war against a third world country because the Zionists were oooo, sooo scared of what he might do with his 1914 vintage weapons?

Tanks the Soviets stopped using in the 60's?

Not to worry, guy, the Zionists just gave Boehner his marching orders. They want to get Assad because that would set a precedent to go after Iran.

So yeah, the GOP won't fix the economy or health care, but the Zionists scream "Jump" and the GOP asks "How High?"
If you are so concerned about the 'poor children' whose parents cant pay, then by all means. YOU PAY FOR it since you are Joe Concerned. But leave us that DO NOT want to pay out of it.

Sounds fair to me


Guy, you are ALREADY paying for it.

If you have insurance, you are ALREADY paying for those poor people who show up at emergency rooms.

The problem isn't that there's not enough money. We spend more than any nation on Earth.

It's the problem that we spend it inefficiently with too many people making a profit off of it

Then what are you complaining about if the poor little children are already being paid for?

The system was working just fine in my book. But for all the unhappy folks like yourself who are worried about the kids? You pay for the additoinal cost at reduced quality

You folks are messing up a good thing


Then what are you complaining about if the poor little children are already being paid for?

The system was working just fine in my book. But for all the unhappy folks like yourself who are worried about the kids? You pay for the additoinal cost at reduced quality

You folks are messing up a good thing


No, we're fixing a fucked up thing. Because, we have the worst life-expectency, infant mortality and medical bankruptcy figures in the Industrialized world for all our spending.

Clearly, waiting until a child is SO sick you have to take him to an emergency room and then incurring a bunch of debt you will never be able to pay off is NOT a good system.
Or, and get this... paying more money into a broken system doesn't fix the system, dipshit.

Wait, wait, wait...did you seriously just say that?!?! :lmao:

Mmm...lets see...Medicare - broke system. Medicaid - broke system. And you're answer is to expand them via Obamacare?!? Bwahahahahahahahha! :lmao:

Yes Joe, for once you are right, paying more money into a broken system doesn't fix the system... :eusa_whistle:

Medicare works just fine, guy.

Besides you don't understand the difference between "broken" (not working) and "Broke" (out of money), Medicare is hardly "broke". It is taking in enough money to pay expenses. It runs out of money in the 2040's, if we don't raise taxes, which we will probably end up doing.

Realistically, the current private system will have probably broken down by then and we'll have gone to a single payer by then, anyway.

Just like every other industrialized country has done.
Here's the thing, as I explained to you the last time you tried to pass this shit off. Nobody was going to war over the cutting edge weapon of 1914. Bush claimed there were nuclear and biological weapons. There weren't. A weapon that can only spread damage over an acre and is easily foiled with a gas mask just isn't that scary. And most of what was found was expired, outdated or impotent.


Watching you get your ass handed to you with facts is comical. You're getting owned worse than I have ever seen on USMB (and that is saying a lot). You're direct quote from post #347:

"Guy, Bush made two presenations to the American people.

1) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (he didn't.)"

Chemical weapons are WMD's ass-hat. And you've very own radical left-wing MSNBC reported on them! :lmao:

"Guy" all you do is spit the same angry rhetoric over and over. And when I own you with facts, you move the goal posts. You're a crying, whining bitch. There's a reason you've spent your life as a loser. Because that's what you are. You've been fired over and over because your useless and lazy. Which is why you cry about insurance companies but won't start your own to show the people how one "should" be run... :eusa_whistle:

No, guy, as much as you misrepresent things (Sorry, only fired once, and that was after they paid me a "please don't sue us" bribe), the fact is, people don't consider chemical to be a WMD. No one is going to send his son off to die over mustard gas. If they did, Obama would have his declaration of war against Syria by now.

Bush and his cronies said there were nukes. They saidthere was anthrax. They said there was Sarin.

Expired cannisters of mustard gas aren't the same thing.

History wlll neve forgive Bush or think that Iraq ws a good idea.

(Uh...Joe? Psssst.....Joe! Perhaps....just should have clicked on the link in post #349 before commenting on it? See - the article was about Sarin Gas in Iraq and it was from none other than radical left-wing MSNBC)

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Watching you get your ass handed to you with facts is comical. You're getting owned worse than I have ever seen on USMB (and that is saying a lot). You're direct quote from post #347:

"Guy, Bush made two presenations to the American people.

1) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (he didn't.)"

Chemical weapons are WMD's ass-hat. And you've very own radical left-wing MSNBC reported on them! :lmao:

"Guy" all you do is spit the same angry rhetoric over and over. And when I own you with facts, you move the goal posts. You're a crying, whining bitch. There's a reason you've spent your life as a loser. Because that's what you are. You've been fired over and over because your useless and lazy. Which is why you cry about insurance companies but won't start your own to show the people how one "should" be run... :eusa_whistle:

No, guy, as much as you misrepresent things (Sorry, only fired once, and that was after they paid me a "please don't sue us" bribe), the fact is, people don't consider chemical to be a WMD. No one is going to send his son off to die over mustard gas. If they did, Obama would have his declaration of war against Syria by now.

Bush and his cronies said there were nukes. They saidthere was anthrax. They said there was Sarin.

Expired cannisters of mustard gas aren't the same thing.

History wlll neve forgive Bush or think that Iraq ws a good idea.

(Uh...Joe? Psssst.....Joe! Perhaps....just should have clicked on the link in post #349 before commenting on it? See - the article was about Sarin Gas in Iraq and it was from none other than radical left-wing MSNBC)

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nobody speaks from a place of ignorance more than JoeB. But God Bless him, that never stops him from speaking anyway....


Watching you get your ass handed to you with facts is comical. You're getting owned worse than I have ever seen on USMB (and that is saying a lot). You're direct quote from post #347:

"Guy, Bush made two presenations to the American people.

1) Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (he didn't.)"

Chemical weapons are WMD's ass-hat. And you've very own radical left-wing MSNBC reported on them! :lmao:

"Guy" all you do is spit the same angry rhetoric over and over. And when I own you with facts, you move the goal posts. You're a crying, whining bitch. There's a reason you've spent your life as a loser. Because that's what you are. You've been fired over and over because your useless and lazy. Which is why you cry about insurance companies but won't start your own to show the people how one "should" be run... :eusa_whistle:

No, guy, as much as you misrepresent things (Sorry, only fired once, and that was after they paid me a "please don't sue us" bribe), the fact is, people don't consider chemical to be a WMD. No one is going to send his son off to die over mustard gas. If they did, Obama would have his declaration of war against Syria by now.

Bush and his cronies said there were nukes. They saidthere was anthrax. They said there was Sarin.

Expired cannisters of mustard gas aren't the same thing.

History wlll neve forgive Bush or think that Iraq ws a good idea.

(Uh...Joe? Psssst.....Joe! Perhaps....just should have clicked on the link in post #349 before commenting on it? See - the article was about Sarin Gas in Iraq and it was from none other than radical left-wing MSNBC)

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

What's really funny is that you don't even have to actually click on the link to see that it's about SARIN GAS.... :lmao:
Most of the world, doctors are not compensated as well as they are in the US. They are actually in it because they want to heal the sick.

So one more time, are you willing to let a poor child die because her parents can't pay for treatment?

Again I have to ask - how old are you? Because you are as naive as a wide-eyed philosophical freshman with acne... :lol:

First of all, how is this immature utopian philosophy working out in Cuba? How is the healthcare down there? Do they have world-class facilities with the finest physicians and state-of-the-art technology? No? Really? Mmmm...gee...I wonder why that is? This is just so puzzling...

(Hint: when you remove motivation, you remove results - something everyone except an immature naive communist knows)

Cuba's got a better infant mortality rate than we do. And if the only way you can defend your system is to say, "Well. well, we're better off than a third world country we've been punishing for half a century for rejecting us"...

Compare us to Japan, or Germany, or Canada, or the UK, and we don't come off so good.

Ok - lets compare us to Canada. If there system is so great, why do their elite come to the U.S. for life saving surgery? :eusa_whistle:

Does Canada have world-class facilities with the finest physicians and state-of-the-art technology? No? Really? Mmmm...gee...I wonder why that is? This is just so puzzling...
If you are so concerned about the 'poor children' whose parents cant pay, then by all means. YOU PAY FOR it since you are Joe Concerned. But leave us that DO NOT want to pay out of it.

Sounds fair to me


Guy, you are ALREADY paying for it.

If you have insurance, you are ALREADY paying for those poor people who show up at emergency rooms.

The problem isn't that there's not enough money. We spend more than any nation on Earth.

It's the problem that we spend it inefficiently with too many people making a profit off of it

Then what are you complaining about if the poor little children are already being paid for?

The system was working just fine in my book. But for all the unhappy folks like yourself who are worried about the kids? You pay for the additoinal cost at reduced quality

You folks are messing up a good thing


See what I mean about this guy stumbling, bumbling, mumbling over himself to support his position? The more he tries to act like he's educated and informed on this issue, the more he contradicts himself. The funny thing is, in another debate on healthcare, he admitted he was a communist. I don't know why he just can't admit that he believes in communism and stop trying to back up his communism with facts that don't exist (like how "wonderful" his vision for healthcare is working in Cuba :cuckoo:)
yeah, when you get a racist jury tryng a white man for murdering a black child, that's the result you get. Just ask Emmett Till.

Except that George Zimmerman wasn't white you lying jack-ass. He was 100% hispanic. Any more lies you want to embarrass yourself with?

His father was German his mother was Peruvian.

Hispanic isn't a "race", it's a "culture".

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Then why under RACE is there an option for HISPANIC on ANY form?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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