The ONLY Race That Matters: Mike Pence Vs Tim Kaine...'It's Not A Fair Fight'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Who is more qualified to be elected President of the United States is not nearly as important as the question of who, Pence or Kaine, is more qualified to be Vice President.

ACTUALLY the BETTER, more IMPORTANT question than even that is which one is more qualified to be PRESIDENT?!

If Hillary wins she will keel over within a year due to frail, faltering physical strength / stamina and her declining health....Libs, supported by the 'party traitorous' Washington Establishment GOP, will almost immediately begin Impeachment proceedings...leaving the nation to be run by one of these 2 candidates' Vice Presidents.

Mike Pence Or Tim Kaine....It's not even a fair 'fight':

Vice Presidential Debate: Mike Pence vs. Tim Kaine Not a Fair Fight - Breitbart

"Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate in Farmville, Virginia between Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine is not a fair fight. Pence will dominate — while the country will worry anew about Hillary Clinton’s health, given her replacement."

"Pence has rocked the campaign trail, while Kaine has been a wet rag. While Pence has played to packed houses across the country, Kaine has struggled to draw anyone at all, even in swing states where the contest is closest."

'PROPAGANDA BOY': "Kaine’s only noteworthy contributions to his side’s efforts have been his repeated, shrill
accusations that Donald Trump is associated with the Ku Klux Klan, and his lies defending Clinton on her mis-handling of classified information."

"Overall, Pence has been a net positive for the Trump campaign, reassuring the public that Trump will a) appoint competent people to high posts, and b) be replaced by a capable leader, should the worst happen.

By contrast, Kaine has been a net negative for the Clinton campaign. He seems to have been chosen for the sole reason that he would not overshadow her on stage. In fact, when they appear together, she seems more likely to lose. It is difficult to imagine Kaine running the country."
Pence already proved he is willing to bend over and take one for the team.
It is hilarious seeing the same people who said Trump would dominate Clinton now say Pence will dominate Kaine.
When Pence was asked what his role would be in a Trump admin he didnt know.

That tells you everything you need to know.

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