The Only People Denying Climate Change Are Those Calling Others Climate Change Deniers

Billy, you're like a flat earther demanding proof of the round earth. Nobody cares.

You can keep crying, but until you present a theory of your own, and show that how the testable predictions it makes come true, you'll be ignored.

Do some science, will ya?
Billy, you're like a flat earther demanding proof of the round earth. Nobody cares.

You can keep crying, but until you present a theory of your own, and show that how the testable predictions it makes come true, you'll be ignored.

Do some science, will ya?

Translation: I can't prove my BS so I'll hurl insults
we should hold the warmists to their claims…they say CO2 is a green house gas that must be controlled (by restricting carbon based fuels) because it causes more energy to be trapped in the earths ecosystem causing the average global temperature to go up. Then the leap that a small temperature increase is dangerous or catastrophic.

Then when the temps don’t increase, don’t follow the model, fit the projection, don’t let them morph the issue, make them explain why the original hypothesis (instantiated in the models) was wrong.

If that was wrong why should we listen the the next line of BS explanations so they can redistribute wealth and control the energy of the world !"

Now this is an excellent observation.... Come on Snagletooth, show us the CO2 signal proving MMGW..

Billy, you're like a flat earther demanding proof of the round earth. Nobody cares.

You can keep crying, but until you present a theory of your own, and show that how the testable predictions it makes come true, you'll be ignored.

Do some science, will ya?

Each and every post you make, makes me laugh. You prove Dr Balls assertions with every one. Yet your too ignorant and blind to see it..
Billy, you're like a flat earther demanding proof of the round earth. Nobody cares.

You can keep crying, but until you present a theory of your own, and show that how the testable predictions it makes come true, you'll be ignored.

Do some science, will ya?

Squid ink defense.
Why do we need some great catastrophe looming over us to want to take care of the planet we inhabit? Should we not just want a better place to live for ourselves and those that will come after us?
"Then when the temps don’t increase, don’t follow the model, fit the projection, don’t let them morph the issue, make them explain why the original hypothesis (instantiated in the models) was wrong.

But since the models were right, you now just look more dishonest and ridiculous. You need to understand that those outside of your tiny fringe cult won't fall for your deceptions.

Your years of attempted fraud have gotten you nothing except ridicule. Shouldn't you switch tactics? Again, I suggest doing science.
Why do we need some great catastrophe looming over us to want to take care of the planet we inhabit? Should we not just want a better place to live for ourselves and those that will come after us?

Your computer used fossil fuels in making that post
As soon as I can afford to I will be installing solar panels, I am already learning how to build wind turbines, so while yes right now it does that doesn't mean it has to.
Dr. Tim Ball is considered to be a joke. He's funded by fossil fuel companies and lies about it, and lies about having a Ph.D in climate science (he was a professor of geography).

And Dr. Tim Ball needs to tell everyone what natural factor creates global warming, stratospheric cooling, an increase in backradiation and a decrease in outgoing longwave radiation. You can't just wave your hands around wildly and yell "natural cycles!". You have to demonstrate what's causing the natural cycle, especially since the natural cycles we know of are trying to slowly cool the earth.

Good to see Billy at least admitting the earth is warming, though he'll now flip right back to declaring the earth is cooling.

Address the science he presented you ignorant fool.. It is why I included it int he OP... Show us where the CO2 signal is.. Or is all you got Ad Hom's?

And in just one post every one of Dr Ball's assertions are proven true... Truly funny to say the least..

"ignorant fool..."? Followed by, "Or is all you got Ad Hom's". Truly funny to say the least.
Dr. Tim Ball is considered to be a joke. He's funded by fossil fuel companies and lies about it, and lies about having a Ph.D in climate science (he was a professor of geography).

And Dr. Tim Ball needs to tell everyone what natural factor creates global warming, stratospheric cooling, an increase in backradiation and a decrease in outgoing longwave radiation. You can't just wave your hands around wildly and yell "natural cycles!". You have to demonstrate what's causing the natural cycle, especially since the natural cycles we know of are trying to slowly cool the earth.

Good to see Billy at least admitting the earth is warming, though he'll now flip right back to declaring the earth is cooling.

That's what the earth does, it warms and it cools and it has since the beginning. What's hilarious about "gloBULL warming" is there has been no warming in 17 years. Sort of hard to be claiming it when it isn't happening.

18 years 5 months to be exact... This stop in warming has laid waste to a good majority of all activist papers over the last 35 years. It has shown all CO2 papers false which claim warming is being driven by CO2. It is so bad they have resorted to manipulation of historical records to keep their lie alive. As this is what is driving Obama's policies they will stop at nothing to keep the lie alive.

It's a scam, nothing more and nothing less.

This is true but we must educate the masses about natural variation and how what we see today is not any sort of emergency.

Only a sheep believes this hoax

Baaaaaaaaaa. Sheep are people too, and don't ever forget that sheep are never allowed to vote, they face discrimination because they lack opposable thumbs and vocal cords. Some are much smarter than those who have both, and that could change - so, be careful.
Dr. Tim Ball is considered to be a joke. He's funded by fossil fuel companies and lies about it, and lies about having a Ph.D in climate science (he was a professor of geography).

And Dr. Tim Ball needs to tell everyone what natural factor creates global warming, stratospheric cooling, an increase in backradiation and a decrease in outgoing longwave radiation. You can't just wave your hands around wildly and yell "natural cycles!". You have to demonstrate what's causing the natural cycle, especially since the natural cycles we know of are trying to slowly cool the earth.

Good to see Billy at least admitting the earth is warming, though he'll now flip right back to declaring the earth is cooling.

Address the science he presented you ignorant fool.. It is why I included it int he OP... Show us where the CO2 signal is.. Or is all you got Ad Hom's?

And in just one post every one of Dr Ball's assertions are proven true... Truly funny to say the least..

"ignorant fool..."? Followed by, "Or is all you got Ad Hom's". Truly funny to say the least.

SO why dont you take a stab at where the CO2 signal is?
"Then when the temps don’t increase, don’t follow the model, fit the projection, don’t let them morph the issue, make them explain why the original hypothesis (instantiated in the models) was wrong.

But since the models were right, you now just look more dishonest and ridiculous. You need to understand that those outside of your tiny fringe cult won't fall for your deceptions.

Your years of attempted fraud have gotten you nothing except ridicule. Shouldn't you switch tactics? Again, I suggest doing science.

Your models failed... 100% of the time.. I know that you like to post the lies from SKS as truth but it still doesn't change the fact that all of the models failed..
cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png
Great. Frank is back on his kick to make everyone live in caves.

That's the AGWCult wish for the US economy. I wish you cultists were really serious and would direct your efforts towards the planets biggest polluters: the Chinese. Until then I can't take you seriously
That's what the earth does, it warms and it cools and it has since the beginning. What's hilarious about "gloBULL warming" is there has been no warming in 17 years. Sort of hard to be claiming it when it isn't happening.

18 years 5 months to be exact... This stop in warming has laid waste to a good majority of all activist papers over the last 35 years. It has shown all CO2 papers false which claim warming is being driven by CO2. It is so bad they have resorted to manipulation of historical records to keep their lie alive. As this is what is driving Obama's policies they will stop at nothing to keep the lie alive.

It's a scam, nothing more and nothing less.

This is true but we must educate the masses about natural variation and how what we see today is not any sort of emergency.

Only a sheep believes this hoax

Baaaaaaaaaa. Sheep are people too, and don't ever forget that sheep are never allowed to vote, they face discrimination because they lack opposable thumbs and vocal cords. Some are much smarter than those who have both, and that could change - so, be careful.

You got a point there. Go with that hope..
It will make all of those awkward positions you take a little less painful. Mass ignorance gaining popularity and momentum is your best bet. Like the threads in this forum equating "pollution" to Global Warming. Makes public indoctrination easier than mass executions and incarcerations.

When kids believe that severe thunderstorms are clear evidence of Global Warming -- I guess sheep will FLY to the polls...
Billy, how many times do I have to tell you that repeating your fraud doesn't make it any less of a fraud?

Your models failed... 100% of the time.. I know that you like to post the lies from SKS as truth but it still doesn't change the fact that all of the models failed..

Some more fine Cook Derangement Syndrome, which many deniers are afflicted with. They just spontaneously have these meltdowns about John Cook and his website, even when it's not remotely related to the discussion.
Billy, how many times do I have to tell you that repeating your fraud doesn't make it any less of a fraud?

Your models failed... 100% of the time.. I know that you like to post the lies from SKS as truth but it still doesn't change the fact that all of the models failed..

Some more fine Cook Derangement Syndrome, which many deniers are afflicted with. They just spontaneously have these meltdowns about John Cook and his website, even when it's not remotely related to the discussion.

This reminds me of a sock-puppet that can't answer simple questions... Where is the CO2 signal.. provide your evidence. Funny thing is, Empirical evidence has shown your models failed... but you insist on relying on them... Fool!
That's what the earth does, it warms and it cools and it has since the beginning.

Didn't I just tell you that waving your hands around wildly and yelling "natural cycles" was not an explanation?

Your superstition that it must be natural is not science. Your superstition does not explain the stratospheric cooling, decrease in outgoing longwave radiation or the increase in backradiation. That directly observed evidence says your superstition is nonsense.

What's hilarious about "gloBULL warming" is there has been no warming in 17 years. Sort of hard to be claiming it when it isn't happening.

Yeah, that crazy lie again. It's sort of a mantra the cultists chant to each other to demonstrate their loyalty to the cult, much like an islamicist yelling "Allahu Ahkbar!".

Remember, the world is not actually plotting against you. You're just a paranoid kook of limited intelligence who is being played.

Here's your globull warming, turd:

Billy, you're like a flat earther demanding proof of the round earth. Nobody cares.

You can keep crying, but until you present a theory of your own, and show that how the testable predictions it makes come true, you'll be ignored.

Do some science, will ya?

The difference is proof that the Earth is round can be provided in a thousand different forms. No one has yet provided any convincing evidence that CO2 causes the climate to warm.

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