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This is it:
It's my new clarion call.
Dump all the fucking liberal Democratics from Congress that we possibly can get removed in 2010. Get a HOLD of the reins of power and for once in the lives of the GOP politiicians, fuck the concern about constantly getting re-elected. concentrate on JUST doing what's right. If you GOP politician-shitheads will JUST focus on doing THAT, re-election might come of its own volition.
Once we get rid of the Marxist filth whom we call those liberoidal Democratics, booting them but-good from the halls of power, the SOLE actions of the new majority should be to undo all of the damage the Democrat Parody controlled Congress is inflicting on America with the active Marxist help of the Obama Administration.
REPEAL this Health Bill about to be crammed down our unwilling throats.
REPEAL the stimulus crap.
REPEAL ALL the shit the Obama Administration is doing.
REPEAL all of their tax increases.
REPEAL the Attorney General.
REPEAL any authorization or funding for any prosecution of any of the Islamoscum now scheduled to be "tried" for some "crimes" in NYC.
REPEAL "criminal [sic] prosecutions [sic]" of terrorists.
REPEAL the closing of GITMO.
Impeach the Marxist-in-Chief.
But, of course, I'll settle for REPEAL!
It's my new clarion call.
Dump all the fucking liberal Democratics from Congress that we possibly can get removed in 2010. Get a HOLD of the reins of power and for once in the lives of the GOP politiicians, fuck the concern about constantly getting re-elected. concentrate on JUST doing what's right. If you GOP politician-shitheads will JUST focus on doing THAT, re-election might come of its own volition.
Once we get rid of the Marxist filth whom we call those liberoidal Democratics, booting them but-good from the halls of power, the SOLE actions of the new majority should be to undo all of the damage the Democrat Parody controlled Congress is inflicting on America with the active Marxist help of the Obama Administration.
REPEAL this Health Bill about to be crammed down our unwilling throats.
REPEAL the stimulus crap.
REPEAL ALL the shit the Obama Administration is doing.
REPEAL all of their tax increases.
REPEAL the Attorney General.
REPEAL any authorization or funding for any prosecution of any of the Islamoscum now scheduled to be "tried" for some "crimes" in NYC.
REPEAL "criminal [sic] prosecutions [sic]" of terrorists.
REPEAL the closing of GITMO.
Impeach the Marxist-in-Chief.
But, of course, I'll settle for REPEAL!