The Obama Approved (Nazi)TSA sexual assault of former Miss USA

Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

There was no illegal search...

Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

There was no illegal search...

No of course not Reasonable search always means having your genitals fondled....Forgive me I forgot that's the standard for Responsible Search
Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

There was no illegal search...

No of course not Reasonable search always means having your genitals fondled....Forgive me I forgot that's the standard for Responsible Search

Except she wasn't really fondled... :doubt: She's a not too bright drama queen.
Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

There was no illegal search...


:lol: I really have to wonder if people are just being deliberately dense on this.
Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

I doubt they will be deemed as illegal because individuals are not required to submit to them. They'll just need to choose another form of transportation. (I usually just fly private unless the distance is 2000 miles or more.) But what I find disturbing is that many of the people who complained about, say, the Patriot Act (which includes myself) are not complaining about this. WTH? That is inconsistent and very disheartening. The only explanation that I can come up with is that some of these people hated Bush, but love Obama which makes it okay. :cuckoo: Whatever. Anyway, I will never allow a TSA agent to molest my child. That's just sick.
There was no illegal search...

No of course not Reasonable search always means having your genitals fondled....Forgive me I forgot that's the standard for Responsible Search

Except she wasn't really fondled... :doubt: She's a not too bright drama queen.

Really? You know that for a fact do you or is it that she has a problem with Illegal Unreasonable searches that you find yourself defending the indefensible. Just wondering
That these tactics employed by the TSA continue despite the outcry of many people around the country is just more proof that Republicans don't believe in limited government and Democrats don't really believe in civil liberties.
:lol: You've reached a dead end here, huh?

No, if you fly often you would see for yourself what i am saying. There is no telling you or explaining it to you, as you don't want to listen.

They pick women to search because they look attractive. They let people who i would consider dicey walk right though.

:lol: I have seen for myself and IMO it is no big deal...
Apparently, you enjoy being groped. I do not
Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

I doubt they will be deemed as illegal because individuals are not required to submit to them. They'll just need to choose another form of transportation. (I usually just fly private unless the distance is 2000 miles or more.) But what I find disturbing is that many of the people who complained about, say, the Patriot Act (which includes myself) are not complaining about this. WTH? That is inconsistent and very disheartening. The only explanation that I can come up with is that some of these people hated Bush, but love Obama which makes it okay. :cuckoo: Whatever. Anyway, I will never allow a TSA agent to molest my child. That's just sick.

No they didn't and won't I did and will but then I believe we have rights and will support those right irregardless who is in the WH.

There is not a snowballs chance in hell that any TSA will touch my Children or Grandchildren.

These sick idiots supporting this brown shirt crap have lost any standing to complain about the loss of rights as far as I am concerned.
Seriously, people get way too emotional about this when it's really nothing more than trying to find practical solutions to real problems...

It's sad the way our security gets politicized and undermined when attention seekers with an agenda act as if people don't understand about the 4th amendment and all...

The problem they are attempting to find a solution to is the fact that politicians do not want to look bad if another terrorist gets on a plane and flies it into the UN building. That might be a problem for the politician, and you might even think that it is a problem if politicians look bad, but I do not see that as a problem. I do not give a fuck if a politican looks bad because something that he could not stop happened.

The TSA is about looking good, not preventing terror attacks. The TSA has not prevented a single terror attack in its existence, and never will. They make up procedures to stop the last attack, tell us terrorists are geniuses, and treat us all like idiots. This is theater designed to make people feel good, and you allow them to violate your rights so that you can believe a lie.

What this former Miss USA pulled here is what I would call theater...

Sure it is! Fighting theatrics with theatrics seems fair. TSA procedure is all about making us feel safe while boarding an aircraft.
Careful scrutinization of those that fit the profile of a terrorist rather than groping little girls might just accomplish the goal of providing safety but it would piss off CAIR.
No we dare not offend a group of people responsible for 99% of all terrorist acts. It might incite them to blow up airplanes or something.
No of course not Reasonable search always means having your genitals fondled....Forgive me I forgot that's the standard for Responsible Search

Except she wasn't really fondled... :doubt: She's a not too bright drama queen.

Really? You know that for a fact do you or is it that she has a problem with Illegal Unreasonable searches that you find yourself defending the indefensible. Just wondering

This woman CHOSE to be pat-down just so she could make a YouTube vid to cry how violated she was... So simple for any drama queen to cry wolf and you people buy into it hook line and sinker.

Why do you defend wasting security screeners' time and resources on bogus claims as if there was anything sexual going on?

Defending the indefensible! Groping, molesting, fondling... Please. :eusa_liar:

IF an individual screener actually did something unreasonable during the search then she is free to try and make that claim. Get back to me when and IF it is ever proven that this agent searched this woman in an unreasonable manner.
Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

i know you're really not very bright. but what in your expertise leads you to believe that the search is "illegal"...

(reminding you and the other idiots that the constitution bars UNREASONABLE searches, not all searches).

carry on.

Is it reasonable to grope a 7 year old blond haired blue eyed girl and then let a 27 year old Muslim man through security only walking through the standard metal detector? NO! It's politically correctness taken to the absurd.
Except she wasn't really fondled... :doubt: She's a not too bright drama queen.

Really? You know that for a fact do you or is it that she has a problem with Illegal Unreasonable searches that you find yourself defending the indefensible. Just wondering

This woman CHOSE to be pat-down just so she could make a YouTube vid to cry how violated she was... So simple for any drama queen to cry wolf and you people buy into it hook line and sinker.

Why do you defend wasting security screeners' time and resources on bogus claims as if there was anything sexual going on?

Defending the indefensible! Groping, molesting, fondling... Please. :eusa_liar:

IF an individual screener actually did something unreasonable during the search then she is free to try and make that claim. Get back to me when and IF it is ever proven that this agent searched this woman in an unreasonable manner.

This woman CHOSE to be pat-down just so she could make a YouTube vid to cry how violated she was... So simple for any drama queen to cry wolf and you people buy into it hook line and sinker.

Again you know this for a fact? I'm simply amazed how you can make an accusation against this individual with absolutely no evidence to support the contention.

The Simple fact of the matter is the TSA have proven themselves to be nothing more the thugs dressed in blue shirts there are far to many instances where inappropriate actions have taken place against private citizens and children who's only Guilt is that of needing to fly someplace.

How a person can make the statements you've made is completely and utterly beyond me. I would have thought that some protection against these brown shirts who do not seem to have any control would be in order instead we see an Federal organization who hired people off the street with absolutely no background or training in security matters let alone people who have the slightest idea how to deal with the public. This I do know for a fact as I do know several individuals that work for the TSA whom I wouldn't hire to clean my toilet let alone grope my children.

Perhaps you can show us some other Nation who uses these Tactics against its own population, Does Israel if anyone would have a need it would be that nation but No not there.
Russia ...again no not there
Britain... well crap stuck out three times now Nope not there.
Maybe she shouldn't fly

She had a choice of the scanner or the pat down and chose the pat down. Millions go through it every year us the tears
Really? You know that for a fact do you or is it that she has a problem with Illegal Unreasonable searches that you find yourself defending the indefensible. Just wondering

This woman CHOSE to be pat-down just so she could make a YouTube vid to cry how violated she was... So simple for any drama queen to cry wolf and you people buy into it hook line and sinker.

Why do you defend wasting security screeners' time and resources on bogus claims as if there was anything sexual going on?

Defending the indefensible! Groping, molesting, fondling... Please. :eusa_liar:

IF an individual screener actually did something unreasonable during the search then she is free to try and make that claim. Get back to me when and IF it is ever proven that this agent searched this woman in an unreasonable manner.

This woman CHOSE to be pat-down just so she could make a YouTube vid to cry how violated she was... So simple for any drama queen to cry wolf and you people buy into it hook line and sinker.

Again you know this for a fact? I'm simply amazed how you can make an accusation against this individual with absolutely no evidence to support the contention.

The Simple fact of the matter is the TSA have proven themselves to be nothing more the thugs dressed in blue shirts there are far to many instances where inappropriate actions have taken place against private citizens and children who's only Guilt is that of needing to fly someplace.

How a person can make the statements you've made is completely and utterly beyond me. I would have thought that some protection against these brown shirts who do not seem to have any control would be in order instead we see an Federal organization who hired people off the street with absolutely no background or training in security matters let alone people who have the slightest idea how to deal with the public. This I do know for a fact as I do know several individuals that work for the TSA whom I wouldn't hire to clean my toilet let alone grope my children.

Perhaps you can show us some other Nation who uses these Tactics against its own population, Does Israel if anyone would have a need it would be that nation but No not there.
Russia ...again no not there
Britain... well crap stuck out three times now Nope not there.

Yes, it is a fact that she opted for the pat-down and then whipped out her camera!

Castillo explains to her viewers on her self-filmed video shot at the airport that she intentionally opted to stand in the line that avoided the full-body scanners ...

After she was told by a TSA agent that if she opted out of a scan then she would have to submit to a full-body patdown, she said she was "violated" as a female TSA agent touched her vagina four times.

In the video, Castillo says, "I'm crying because I'm really upset that as an American, I have to go through this. I do feel violated ... I completely feel violated." Castillo took to her blog to discuss the incident because, in the words of Gandhi (yup), she's hoping to "be the change [she] hopes to see in the world."

The former beauty queen writes: "What bothered me most was when she ran the back of her hands down my behind, felt around my breasts, and even came in contact with my vagina!"

Drama queen! :cuckoo:
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Hmmm so are these supporters of this Illegal Search not the same ones who screamed bloody murder about the supposed rights they lost with the previous administration.

So now we have an administration who really is taking peoples rights and these same people support the actions simply really I'm shocked

I doubt they will be deemed as illegal because individuals are not required to submit to them. They'll just need to choose another form of transportation. (I usually just fly private unless the distance is 2000 miles or more.) But what I find disturbing is that many of the people who complained about, say, the Patriot Act (which includes myself) are not complaining about this. WTH? That is inconsistent and very disheartening. The only explanation that I can come up with is that some of these people hated Bush, but love Obama which makes it okay. :cuckoo: Whatever. Anyway, I will never allow a TSA agent to molest my child. That's just sick.

No they didn't and won't I did and will but then I believe we have rights and will support those right irregardless who is in the WH.

There is not a snowballs chance in hell that any TSA will touch my Children or Grandchildren.

These sick idiots supporting this brown shirt crap have lost any standing to complain about the loss of rights as far as I am concerned.

Agreed. This is just another Big Brother tactic used to condition the populace. Those who choose to ignore it are, well, sheep. And I have nothing against sheep. I love lamb chops.

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