The Obama Administration is a 'Seinfeld' Episode


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
Gulf of Mexico Coast, Texas
I think she has something...

...Joe Biden is Cosmo Kramer, Jerry Seinfeld’s awkward, and tactless
but loveable neighbor, whose mouth is constantly getting Jerry into

First, there are the obvious, superficial similarities – bizarre
hairstyle, kooky grin, a close relationship with their mother, a soft
spot for public transportation. Kramer even runs for president in one
episode. True, it’s Del Boca Vista condo board president, but still,
his ambition, like Joe’s, is inarguable. (See “Kramerica Industries,”
the make-your-own-pizza-pie business, and his oil bladder invention.)

But the parallels run far deeper.

Kramer, like Biden, says the things you’re just not supposed to say.
When Biden told a wheelchair-bound Missouri state senator to “stand
up,” it was no different than Kramer telling George’s girlfriend she
needs a nose job. When Biden said that FDR went on television in 1929
to talk about the stock market crash, it was the same as Kramer
telling some tourists that Central Park was designed in 1850 by Joe
Pepitone. When Biden said “J-O-B-S” is a three-letter word, it was
like Kramer saying, “It’s like a sauna in here.” As he’s entering a

There’s also the lack of sensitivity to what’s appropriate and what
isn’t. When Kramer fails to understand why Jerry is uncomfortable
living in the same apartment building as his ex-girlfriend, Jerry
suggests Kramer might be an alien. “You see, you're not normal. You're
a great guy, I love you, but you're a pod. I, on the other hand, am a
human being. I sometimes feel awkward, uncomfortable, even inhibited
in certain situations with the other human beings. You wouldn't

For the Biden-as-Kramer comparison to work, the show itself also needs
to align – and it does. Jerry is of course, Barack Obama, easy-going,
cool-as-a-cucumber, risk-averse and hesitant to commit to much of
anything. Elaine Benes is Hillary Clinton, a smart, but elitist, post-
feminist academic who is often a casualty of her own myopia. George “T-
bone” Costanza is Rahm “Rahmbo” Emanuel, manipulative and crafty,
disliked and mistrusted. One can almost imagine Emanuel saying, “It’s
not a lie, if you believe it.” The Obama administration is a
“Seinfeld” episode, a quirky cast of characters whose inglorious
flaws, idiosyncrasies and mistakes aren’t just dismissed, they’re

Jerry’s immaturity, Elaine’s apathy, George’s penchant for deception,
and Kramer’s lack of social graces don’t constitute the tragedies in
their lives, but the heroic comedies. Similarly, Barack Obama’s lack
of experience isn’t his downfall for the left, it’s his bona fides!
Hillary Clinton’s past failures as a political operative don’t make
her unsuccessful, they make her qualified! Rahm Emanuel’s reputation
for being a brute and a jerk isn’t a turn off, it’s an entrée! And Joe
Biden’s lack of filter doesn’t make him a detriment, it just makes him

Whether they were waiting for a table at a Chinese restaurant, looking
for their car in a mall parking garage, or complaining about their
folks, “Seinfeld” examined the banality of life, irreverently refusing
to tie up loose ends, tug at the heart strings or deal with anything
of real substance. It was unabashedly superficial. It was truly a show
about nothing.

The Obama administration thus far has likewise been more style than
substance. Where does the president stand on Iran? What will become of
North Korea? Is President Obama a gay advocate or not? If he rejects
the Bush policies, why is he implementing so many of them? So many
questions yet unanswered. But the administration has renamed the war
on terror. It has appointed czars. It does infomericals and glossy
townhalls with pre-screened questions. It has spent a ton of money,
but on what, exactly, we’re not sure.

In the end, of course, there’s far more at stake for the Obama
administration than there was for Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer.
But in trying to solve the particular peculiarity that is Joe Biden,
the analogy is helpful. As is the case with Obama and Biden, Kramer
doesn’t ever pay for the things he says, Jerry does. Only time will
tell if Biden is merely just a nuisance, comic relief, the Kramer to
Obama’s Jerry. Or if he’s a guy who legitimately holds the president
back, one gaffe away from a major meltdown, one security breach away
from catastrophe. Stay tuned…. - The Obama Administration is a &#39Seinfeld&#39 Episode

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