The number one cause of death of black males under the age of 45 is homicide !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016
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if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

Shush. You're making too much sense. Someone might actually listen and change their mind.
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

How long has it been the case? I heard the same stat in 2000.
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

How long has it been the case? I heard the same stat in 2000.
its still the leading cause today.
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

How long has it been the case? I heard the same stat in 2000.
its still the leading cause today.
So would you say conventional policing has worked?
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

How long has it been the case? I heard the same stat in 2000.
its still the leading cause today.
So would you say conventional policing has worked?
no ! they need to double the cops in those neighborhoods...
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

How long has it been the case? I heard the same stat in 2000.
its still the leading cause today.
So would you say conventional policing has worked?
no ! they need to double the cops in those neighborhoods...
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

I am not even slightly enraged that a home invader who was sky high died in the hands of police. There are real tragedies to think about, this isn't it. The story is just a cover for the leftists to end the police and let criminals go free as they want. Without the media that pushes its far left agenda you or I would never even have heard about it.

More blacks die by falling from the bed than in the hands of the cops when unarmed.
if black males are being unfairly targeted by police for crimes they dont commit why is homicide the number one cause of death among black males under the age of 45 ! the entire country is rightly outraged over the murder of George Floyd ! what was done to that man was cruel and wrong ! the problem that is dividing the country is the accusation that racist cops are intentionally going out and killing unarmed blacks in droves ....if you listen to the left blm and many black leaders they would have us believe that its open season on young black men from racist whites and bad cops ! make no mistake that is an absolute shameless lie ! the truth is a young black man has a very low chance of being killed by the police even when in the act of committing a crime ! nope the number one thing black men have to worry about is being killed by another black man ! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder ! no other ethnic group suffers from this ... as a matter of fact it doesnt rank anywhere near the top cause of death in other races ,only the black community suffers from this !and its not other races or cops that are to blame for those facts its other blacks if the left gets their way and limits policing in the inner cities and black neighborhoods dont be surprised when black murder skyrockets by the thousands ! in the second graph it breaks down the leading cause of death by age .. From the CDC-Leading Causes of Death-Non-Hispanic Black Males 2016

I am not even slightly enraged that a home invader who was sky high died in the hands of police. There are real tragedies to think about, this isn't it. The story is just a cover for the leftists to end the police and let criminals go free as they want. Without the media that pushes its far left agenda you or I would never even have heard about it.

More blacks die by falling from the bed than in the hands of the cops when unarmed.
what happened to MR Floyd was wrong and should never happen again ! the point im making is that cops are not a threat to black men like the left claims they are. without cops many many more blacks would be killed.
! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder
So otherwise the young black men surveyed appear to be healthy, responsible, safety-conscious individuals — no reason they shouldn't live to 45, middle age and beyond — and it doesn't sound like they should be murdered or incarcerated at such and such rates, and it doesn't sound like they are the type to be committing all the murders of which they are accused.
! in fact according to the cdc the #1 cause of death among black males under the age of 45 is homicide ! not disease ,not accidents ,not overdoses but murder
So otherwise the young black men surveyed appear to be healthy, responsible, safety-conscious individuals — no reason they shouldn't live to 45, middle age and beyond — and it doesn't sound like they should be murdered or incarcerated at such and such rates, and it doesn't sound like they are the type to be committing all the murders of which they are accused.
of course most young black men arent criminals ! my point is if you defund or abolish the police more much much more young black men will be killed !
my point is if you defund or abolish the police more much much more young black men will be killed
Probably true, as former cops they would still be armed, and without official employment, they would be free to join lynch parties, form a posse comitatus and kill more black people at will. At the same time, I would imagine that the young black men are less than happy with the general standards of police conduct on the beat in any given city, suburban, or rural district. I would also think there is very good reason for their displeasure, and the solution is not to keep paying the cops their full wages and benefits plus COLA and defined-benefit retirement for poor work and declining standards of conduct, while the rest of us are left to suffer the financial hardships of a Corona virus ravaged economy with enhanced extended due diligence background checks for hiring at all the major corporations.
my point is if you defund or abolish the police more much much more young black men will be killed
Probably true, as former cops they would still be armed, and without official employment, they would be free to join lynch parties, form a posse comitatus and kill more black people at will. At the same time, I would imagine that the young black men are less than happy with the general standards of police conduct on the beat in any given city, suburban, or rural district. I would also think there is very good reason for their displeasure, and the solution is not to keep paying the cops their full wages and benefits plus COLA and defined-benefit retirement for poor work and declining standards of conduct, while the rest of us are left to suffer the financial hardships of a Corona virus ravaged economy with enhanced extended due diligence background checks for hiring at all the major corporations.
if cops are defunded black men will be killed by other criminal blacks ...... and the killings will skyrocket . i agree with getting rid of bad cops and punishing them for their crimes but to defund the police would cost many people their lives because of the rise in violent crime robberies rape street gangs and such . only a racist that hated inner city blacks would want to defund the police.
black men will be killed by other criminal blacks ...... and the killings will skyrocket .
Blacks simply are not the ones in possession of the firearms or whatever other weapons are involved in the murders. They aren't even allowed to own firearms for peaceful recreational purposes, let alone have "access" to firearms under the Democrats' stringent gun control laws and gun control policies enforced as law. There's an all-white Swiss Guard even at the Vatican — some pope or another made a deal of forcible disarmament for "peace in our time" — and all his Cardinals and bishops preach international gun control and disarmament "treaties" as infallible church doctrine.
black men will be killed by other criminal blacks ...... and the killings will skyrocket .
Blacks simply are not the ones in possession of the firearms or whatever other weapons are involved in the murders. They aren't even allowed to own firearms for peaceful recreational purposes, let alone have "access" to firearms under the Democrats' stringent gun control laws and gun control policies enforced as law. There's an all-white Swiss Guard even at the Vatican — some pope or another made a deal of forcible disarmament for "peace in our time" — and all his Cardinals and bishops preach international gun control and disarmament "treaties" as infallible church doctrine.
are you actually trying to say that black street gangs dont have guns.....insane ....
black men will be killed by other criminal blacks ...... and the killings will skyrocket .
Blacks simply are not the ones in possession of the firearms or whatever other weapons are involved in the murders. They aren't even allowed to own firearms for peaceful recreational purposes, let alone have "access" to firearms under the Democrats' stringent gun control laws and gun control policies enforced as law. There's an all-white Swiss Guard even at the Vatican — some pope or another made a deal of forcible disarmament for "peace in our time" — and all his Cardinals and bishops preach international gun control and disarmament "treaties" as infallible church doctrine.
Why are well-dressed able-bodied women graduating from high school without any obvious signs of injury have filing so many sex-related charges in court, and making so many unsubstantiated insinuations of "violence?"

Why do the pimps, prosecutors, judges, and public defenders entertain and enforce such frivolous nonsense as if it were law?

I was not treated well by the girl gang at high school. I have no good memories, and there is nothing I can treasure or value from that time period of my life.

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