The new "Purge," movie, like the other ones, present a left wing America, not a Right wing America.....John Nolte...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I noticed this from the beginning of the series......John Nolte highlights the truth of this series...that the world they create shows a world created by left wing beliefs, not American conservative beliefs....

DeMonaco is obviously a woketard leftist, but the very premise of his exhausted franchise is, without question, one of the most pro-Donald Trump things to ever come out of modern-day Hollywood.

For those who donā€™t know, the premise is thisā€¦

Americaā€™s Founding Fathers werenā€™t good enough for voters, so the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) were voted into power, and every year the NFFA stages The Purge, a 12-hour period where all crime, including murder, is legal and the police are ordered to stand down. The movieā€™s Purgers, as theyā€™re called, worship the government with a bizarre prayer about Blessed be the New Founding Fathersā€¦ and in chapter two, 2014ā€™s Purge: Anarchy, we discover the NFFA uses Purge Night to wage war against its less desirable citizens to decrease the tax burden.

For the politically illiterate (like DeMonaco), allow me to walk you through thisā€¦.

Is it the right or left out toppling statues of the Founding Fathers and eager to replace them with an overbearing centralized federal government headed by old, white guys who look just like Joe Biden?

Is it the right or left creating de facto Forever Purges by emptying the prisons and defunding the police?

Is it the right or left who worship the government like a god?

Is it the right or left looking to Death Panel undesirables who are a drain on the treasury?

And now we come to my personal favoriteā€¦

What we have here is a major Hollywood franchise where the government not only doesnā€™t protect you but wages war against you. So I ask youā€¦ In the history of entertainment, has there ever been a stronger or more persuasive case for the importance of the Second Amendment? The Purge franchise is an NRA fever dream come to life, and to pretend itā€™s not, DeMonaco, especially in the last few installments, canā€™t stop making a fool of himself.

In the third chapter, 2016ā€™s The Purge: Election Year (my favorite), DeMonaco comes right out and attacks the NRA, which is laughable in a franchise where everything the NRA warns about comes true: the government wonā€™t protect you, the governmentā€™s waging war on you.

Gee, you think maybe I should run out and buy some firearms?

DeMonacoā€™s frustration really got the best of him in part four, the openly racist First Purge, which demeans black people more than any movie in recent memory. In a laughable effort to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement, white DeMonaco crafted a movie where black Americans, who are not starving, not homeless, but who do have iPhones and flat-screen TVs, greedily accept $5,000 from the government to voluntarily allow the ā€œFirst Purgeā€ to be staged in their own neighborhood. Other than a condescending left-wing racist, who would exploit and portray black people in such a hideous and mercenary way?

Nolte also points this out....

But once again, and as hard as DeMonaco tries, all he ends up doing is 1) making a case for why the Democratā€™s push to de-fund the police is insane, 2) once again crafts a pro-NRA ad about the necessity of owning a shitload of guns, and 3) tells a story about the vital importance of border security.

You see, in this movie, Mexico is the haven our heroes (including two illegal aliens) are desperate to get to.

But get thisā€¦

Because of all the violence and chaos in America, Mexico uses rigorous BORDER ENFORCEMENT to ensure no bad hombres are allowed into Mexico.

Wait, wait, wait, it gets betterā€¦.

After only opening up for a few hours, Mexico CLOSES ITS BORDER ENTIRELY to protect its country from being flooded with migrants.

DeMonacoā€™s script (he didnā€™t direct parts four and five) takes shots at Trumpā€™s border wall, butā€“ LOL ā€” itā€™s Trumpā€™s border wall that allows Mexico to remain a haven. Were it not for that big, beautiful wall, the closing of the Southern border, and strict border enforcement, DeMonacoā€™s precious Mexico would look like our Southern border today ā€” pure chaos.

In other words, DeMonaco portrays Mexico as idyllic, but just like Wakanda, itā€™s only idyllic because it adapted Donald Trumpā€™s border policies and is protected by Donald Trumpā€™s ā€œracistā€ wall.

Oh, and DeMonaco has so twisted himself into ideological knots, the fascist, left-wing NFFA is portrayed as the good guys, as the cavalry that might put an end to the Forever Purge.

Listen, when it comes to grindhouse movies, part of the fun is the ham-handed political dialogue. Unfortunately, Forever Purge is so ham-handed that even great actors like Will Patton and Zahn McClaron look embarrassed, spouting their talking points. But the real problem is that itā€™s dull and episodic. This is supposed to be a horror movie, but with the concept gone, itā€™s basically a chase movie, most of it set under a bright Texas sun.

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