The Netherlands today stepped up to the plate in the Ukraine's defense, January, 20, 2023


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
This is happy news for the Ukraine, and Mr. Putin better high-tail it because the Dutch are a determined people as Anne Frank was saved by a Dutch family under the temporary dictatorship of Hitler's Nazis who threatened to kill families hiding Jews, not to mention what they'd do to the Jews they were covering for. The Dutch are a beautiful, caring group of men and women who protect the innocent and are willing to go all-out for people who are being bullied by dictatorial societies like Russia. I'm sorry Putin put so many of Russia's young men and women into harm's way when he decided to ignore his neighbors and go for Ukraine in the same way Russia killed millions of Ukrainians from the 1930's to the end of WWII. Why do the Russian people put up with dictators who are so cruel? I don't know, but I read that Putin has only 25% of the Russian people behind him. That they're still murdering civilians is something I don't understand. That apartment hightower they hit with a widowmaker missile the other day now has a count of 44, with 5 children murdered. Why the hell is Russia putting up with the murder of infants? Russia has attacked over 100 Ukrainian grade schools, as many libraries, theaters, and supermarkets where youngsters frequent, but this has to be the last straw. Shooting missiles that indiscriminately murder babies. Putin has sunk to a new low. When are the Russian people going to get rid of that over-ambitious, criminal creep Putin has turned himself into the baby murderer. I'm gravely discouraged that Putin is somehow deranged in his brain, because he's thinking only of himself, and not the thousands of soldiers whose Russian families entrusted to his dervish care. He's responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of his own Russian soldiers in this evil war. How could they let Putin turn Russian young men and women into damned pedophiles? :cranky:

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This happens in war, even US has had it happen in recent wars
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This happens in war, even to US has had it happen in recent wars
There's a difference, MOTS. The US helps the abused good people, fights for them, and when they win, they turn the government to the people who were used badly by dictators, they teach how to avoid becoming a dictatorship by teaching them to be fair to their own people, work hard for peace on the home front, and when we're satisfied they can make it without killing a lot of their own people, go back home. Most of the time, the new leaders have a disenchantment with unfairness and strive to do good by the people of their own country, and follow the panaceas of healing their nation.

Russia wants power over the Ukrainians, and they have a history that dates back well over a hundred years of abusing and committing genocide on the Ukraine. All I can question is "why did Putin repeat that sorry history Russia had long forgotten about?" It looks like greed, it smells like greed, walks and talks like greed, and they've bullied the Ukraine enough. Well, that's my opinion, but I can't abide killing innocent children on a daily basis for months on end. And I'm really mad about their destruction of schools and libraries. It's pure madness, IMHO.
There's a difference, MOTS. The US helps the abused good people, fights for them, and when they win, they turn the government to the people who were used badly by dictators, they teach how to avoid becoming a dictatorship by teaching them to be fair to their own people, work hard for peace on the home front, and when we're satisfied they can make it without killing a lot of their own people, go back home. Most of the time, the new leaders have a disenchantment with unfairness and strive to do good by the people of their own country, and follow the panaceas of healing their nation.

Russia wants power over the Ukrainians, and they have a history that dates back well over a hundred years of abusing and committing genocide on the Ukraine. All I can question is "why did Putin repeat that sorry history Russia had long forgotten about?" It looks like greed, it smells like greed, walks and talks like greed, and they've bullied the Ukraine enough. Well, that's my opinion, but I can't abide killing innocent children on a daily basis for months on end. And I'm really mad about their destruction of schools and libraries. It's pure madness, IMHO.
Thats a rosie picture that doesnt stand up to recent history in middle east and the one or two they did are reverting to form
Thats a rosie picture that doesnt stand up to recent history in middle east and the one or two they did are reverting to form
You're right. I was thinking back to the days the national debt wasn't stuck on over thirty trillion dollars bracket due to political mischief. What was I thinking? :oops:
The narrative is falling apart, Speaking in an interview with political analyst Yuri Romanenko, Arestovich said that “if everyone thinks that we are guaranteed to win the war, it seems very unlikely.”

I wish Russia would get off the Ukraine's back. The only thing I can see is a war over Russia's greed for power over people in countries they have harassed for almost an entire century. The strikes are brutal, and they've taken out 100 schools in the Ukraine, which is cruelty to innocent kids. I just hate the situation they have put the very young and the very old in the Ukraine. They've destroyed too much over this covetous leaning Putin and his partners in insanity are inflicting on the innocent who can't take care of themselves, and the truth comes out from sinister pictures of elderly Ukrainian people freezing inside of their own bedrooms and it is both pathetic and heartbreaking what the Russians are doing to young and old in the Ukraine. May God have mercy on the innocent people the Russian have killed. Don't the Russian people believe in God anymore?

Opulent Churches in Russia


The teeming poverty of Ukrainians whose hones were destroyed by Russian missiles, a reflection of Putin's covetousness:


(school building--one of several hundreds according to official claims)

70,000-110,000 orphans in the Ukraine

When are the Russians going to stop killing children in schools and killing Ukrainians of childbearing years that has resulted in too much sorrow for their surviving children.
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Russian missiles, which will soon be installed in Nicaragua and Venezuela,
will not be directed against the United States,
they serve only to combat maritime piracy in Mongolia.

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