The Moral Decline of America is exemplified by two different A-B commercials, 20 years apart

Your assertion is just an attempt to dodge the question at hand, i.e. a nominal "blue collar" beer doing something to insult their base in the name of DEI.

Wrong again.

I stated that an alcohol producer and its commercials are not an indicator of anyone's morality. IDGAF who is a spokesperson.

And really all you people who are outraged today will have a new outrage tomorrow and people will who are all outraged today will be buying Bud Light again tomorrow or next week
Well this thread is about Budweiser and the alcohol in question is marketed as a recreational drug so it's up to you to prove that the recreational use of alcohol is a "lifesaver" not me.
No, I said it can be beneficial depending on how it's used and in what quantities. I didn't say anything about recreational use. Here's just one example. In the Middle Ages, monks referred to beer as "liquid bread". It was certainly more of a benefit than a detriment because it provided them a relatively safe source of liquid refreshment and much needed calories, especially in the winter months. Now, it's on you to tell us how that was the most dangerous thing they could have done.

How does that negate the fact that alcohol is the most destructive drug used by humans?

Oh yeah it doesn't and then there are people who disagree with the :Some alcohol is better than no alcohol" sales pitch

Wrong again.

I stated that an alcohol producer and its commercials are not an indicator of anyone's morality. IDGAF who is a spokesperson.

And really all you people who are outraged today will have a new outrage tomorrow and people will who are all outraged today will be buying Bud Light again tomorrow or next week

I prefer Busch, and only when I am camping or at large outdoor events.

It may not be an indicator of YOURS, but they are certainly virtue signaling with this, and it's a virtue their customer base doesn't like.

You respond to this like a Friend of Bill, mad at the rest of us because we can drink responsibly (or semi-responsibly) and aren't alcoholics who can't control themselves, through no fault, or fault of their own.
You’re incorrect of course.

The Marketing Director of BUD, brainwashed by Harvard, is more focused on “wokeism” and concerned primarily with showing how BUD welcomes cross-dressing gays than in bringing in business.

It is VERY likely that the top honchos of the corporation did not know about the commercial. Now they do.
What silly person thought that showing that Bud Light was inclusive would be a good idea.........
2002: The most touching, memorable commercial I can recall was the Super Bowl commercial shortly after 9/11, when beautiful Clydesdale horses trotted through the gorgeous American countryside at dawn, to eventually arrive at NYC, and, with no words spoken by a narrator, bowed their hands in homage to the innocent victims of Islamic terrorists.

2023: Some weird gay guy dressed up like a woman.

Note to mods: there is no link because this is an original thought. Not everything has to be a mimic of someone else’s opinion, I hope.
I do not need to check with Madison Avenue's beer-peddling confections before I register nation's moral decline.

Horse Sense: After over two hundred and twenty years of respect for democracy symbolized by peaceful transfers of power, a lying loser's goons attacking outnumbered police at the Capitol tells patriots we have a problem.
After over two hundred and twenty years of respect for democracy symbolized by peaceful transfers of power, a lying loser's goons attacking outnumbered police at the Capitol tells patriots we have a problem.
Good job staying on topic.
A-B has lost 6 billion to date and are now putting a freeze on all advertising.

LOL.....Can you even imagine making a 6 billion dollar fuckup at work?

I'd fire myself out of shame but we are talking a Harvard educated leftist woman here....They have no sense of shame nor will they take personal responsibility for anything.

Indeed, if A-B's balls drop in Belgium and they do fire her sorry ass she will be seen as a "victim", reenter the ivy league pipeline, and go on to plague the country someone else.
Progressive true believers have a tendency to fail upwards.
I am asking you since you say it is possible.
Obviously the claim that there is a gay gene ( if wrong LBG comm needs to speak up) is false since democrats are going all in on indoctrinating kids before they hit puberty into picking their gender and going on puberty blockers.

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