The MO State Senator who posted "I hope Trump is assassinated" on Facebook should resign

How many years should she be imprisoned (max is 20)

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Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
I agree and have written about this too angus, but what absolutely astounds me is that republicans can't even rally around the president if for no other reason than principles. Do the lot of these worthless losers think it is alright to advocate for the assassination of a president of the us? They would probably trample democrats to get to the microphone to decry a republican office holder doing the same thing, especially if it was obama. Trump should call them out right now as the as the honorless, disloyal, spineless, gutless, sorry excuses for men that they are. You don't have to agree with trump but how about some respect for the office. Republicans are so dumb. This is an event all citizens could galvanize around but republicans are so racist-whipped their brains don't even function. I should replace Steve Bannon
Hopefully most of the electorate isn't stupid enough to be fooled by this bloodless coup attempt by the left power structure.

They pissed away $1.2 Billion on an unlikable robotic alcoholic pill addict brain damaged criminal candidate and they are really pissed off.

This is the attempt to save their "investment" in their own financial and political interests.

There will be no sincere disavowing of bad behavior of the left by those on the left. Not a chance in hell.
More than that...Facebook banned dozens for insulting Leslie Jones. Not threatening her...insulting her. Their terms of service are much more flexible when it comes to leftists it seems. Lets dont pretend pointing it out to them is worthwhile. Accept that Zuckerberg feels the same way and be done with it.

Terms of Service
I believe they are forcing her out. I saw an article where she was told to resign by September or they would do it for her.
the gov tweeted that either she resign or she will be removed

she should be under investigation as well
More than that...Facebook banned dozens for insulting Leslie Jones. Not threatening her...insulting her. Their terms of service are much more flexible when it comes to leftists it seems. Lets dont pretend pointing it out to them is worthwhile. Accept that Zuckerberg feels the same way and be done with it.

Terms of Service
yes that is true
Actually there should be no immediate requirement that she resign. Only be put on trial and, after execution for treason, there would be no need for a resignation. It's sorta automatic.
Appalling incitement. It is time to begin holding folks like this accountable for such dangerous incitement rhetoric. How many Manchurian Candidate nutjobs have the Democrats created since Election Day? Scary thought, huh? This kind of stuff has to end.
Indeed the low IQ, racist savage should be indicted. By implication she is hoping all Whitey folks suffer the same as The Donald.
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government

Shall be .... imprisoned ... twenty years.... ineligible for employment by the United States ... five years next following ... conviction.

‘I hope Trump is assassinated’: A Missouri lawmaker faces mounting calls to resign after Facebook comment

A Missouri lawmaker is under mounting pressure to resign after she said on social media she hopes President Trump is assassinated

I posted on this subject a couple of days ago saying she needs to go. But there is no political will from DEM or GOP apparently to do the right thing and force her stupid ass out. Like Moonglow said, I think the only thing they can do Constitutionally is censure her in the Senate.

That is far different than what SHOULD happen to the so called Senator.
She should probably resign, jail time though? Give me a break.

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