The Millionaires Little Backwoods Getaway...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
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Podunk, WI
I'll tell ya... must be nice. This is what a millionaire considers his little cabin in the woods. A brand new, two story house with a full finished basement, a massive garage/shop, a machine shed, an old refurbished milk shack that's been turned into a sauna/ hot tub room, all sitting on 225 acres out in the middle of nowhere, back woods, Wisconsin. So what does a millionaire do with something like this? Any freakin' thing he wants, that's what. The pictures of the terraced back yard with all the new rock patio work, the outdoor bar and grill and all the high and low voltage wiring is what we've been working on for the last three weeks. Almost finished up today.

I'd give my left NUT to be able to afford something like this, and to this guy, it's just his little weekend getaway, play pen. Fuck.... must be nice to be RICH...






Probably some citiot from Chicago or Minnenoplace.

Where in Wisco?

They live in Madison, and the guy got in on the ground floor long ago in the insurance biz. I can only imagine what their house in Mad Town looks like if this place is their "cabin."

I can't say exactly where this is other than south west Wisconsin.
I know the feeling, try having that person be your brother. :lol:
My brother has a theatre room and wine cellar, of course he owns his own contruction company and he gets a lot of things free from suppliers. Like for instance he got one of those natural gas fire pits in his back yard for a free so he can recommend it to the people he builds houses for.
Probably some citiot from Chicago or Minnenoplace.

Where in Wisco?

They live in Madison, and the guy got in on the ground floor long ago in the insurance biz. I can only imagine what their house in Mad Town looks like if this place is their "cabin."

I can't say exactly where this is other than south west Wisconsin.
Fair 'nuf.

Safe to say we have more than our share of those types up in Capone country. ;)
Probably some citiot from Chicago or Minnenoplace.

Where in Wisco?

They live in Madison, and the guy got in on the ground floor long ago in the insurance biz. I can only imagine what their house in Mad Town looks like if this place is their "cabin."

I can't say exactly where this is other than south west Wisconsin.
Fair 'nuf.

Safe to say we have more than our share of those types up in Capone country. ;)

It's pretty well hidden. You can't see it from the road. It's a long, snaky driveway up to it. I love it back up in those hills. Everything is so quite. Just the wind, birds, rustling leaves... ya... one of these days... AFTER I WIN THE LOTTERY... :lol:
I don't see anything wrong with it. If you've figured out how to make the money I say good for you. At least construction of it gave people work.

I plan to be very rich before I'm done with this life and I won't apologize to anyone for it.
I wish I was rich enough to afford a chimenia.
I've got it beat.

My sister has an inground, heated, olympic sized pool, With underwater lights. Deep end is 10 feet deep on a shallow day. Shallow end is 4 feet.

It is fenced, with a circular slide, with water piped down it, and a dive board.

Then there's the courtyard. Brick, with a natural gas grill, comlete with grill, a fireplace. Surrounded with landscaped beauty...rosebushes, a crabapple tree, a trumpet vine, mini roses, a couple of huge sage bushes (the herbal sort), petunias, etc.

the house surrounds it, all three bedrooms and the den on the main floor have doors out onto the surrounding concrete deck, and there's another natural gas barbecue outsde the den, for your casual daily barbecue.

The living room has a fireplace, hardwood floors, and a whole wall of ceiling high (think 10 feet) windows which look out across the entire town.

The kitchen has two ovens, a convection and normal oven, an island, and a morning room with bay windows. The floors are granite, the counters are marble.

There's a bathroom between the kitchen and the den, a bathroom (a.k.a "cabana") off the pool.

Then there's a full formal dining room, with an antique hardwood queen anne table and embroidered chairs which seats 12, with sideboard and credenza.

A full bathroom with jacuzzi tub and glass & marble shower off the master suite (with a door onto the courtyard) and another full bathroom between the two other bedrooms on the main floor.

Full laundry room, the size of most ppl's living rooms, but with more storage space.

then t here's the basement. That's where my son and his family live.

Huge living room, the entire length of the house, fully carpeted, ceilinged (8 ft ceilings here) and finished. A complete kitchen, which was originally a cold room for dressing recreational hunting loot...complete with cupboards, refridgerator, marble sideboards. A large bedroom with queen sized bed, full sized closet. A full bathroom. A huge storage room between the kitchen and bedroom, and at the end of the living room, past the bedroom, another bedroom, then another storage room.

Let's compare to my rental home:

I have a 3 bedroom monstrosity. One bathroom, with no windows and no vents as far as I know.

It's uneven, to the point that my portable dishwasher races downhill at me when I move it to my sink, which is about 3 feet away. I think the slant is roughly 45 degrees.

In the winter, invariably a water pipe breaks and floods my entire back yard with water in about -15 degrees farenheight weather. i don't know it, because I don't go back there, and don't notice until my washing machine, which is also situated at a tilt, ceases to work and I hear water running in my bathroom....when no water is running.

I have about 4 square feet of counter space (that's counting my portable dishwahser) in my kitchen. My refrigerator makes loud and frightening noises 3/4 of the time. Louder when you open the freezer.

Which works great. it takes 36 hours to defrose 1/2 lb of hamburger.

And that's just the s hit that comes from the bottom of the refridgerator. If I want to defrost stuff from my freezer, it takes approximately 2 weeks per lb. Ice freezes in about 8 minutes, in regular ice trays. If you want to eat ice cream, take it out an hour before service.

Let's not talk about the spiders. I set out traps, but they avoid them, and hang out in the many corners above our heads, and frequently drop on visitors...particularly those who are paranoid about spiders, like my SON who is going to IRAQ where he's going to have to deal with sand spiders. He insists they are just scorpions, which for some reason, are not so scary to him, despite the size.

And yet my sister and her husband, who has lived a life of luxury, love to come to my house. What's up with that? I don't do dishes for a week, my kids are afraid to sleep in their own beds, but all my relatives love to come here. Can anyone explain that to me?
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Oh, wait, I forgot, I'm about a mile from the dump. So all day on Saturdays, everyone with their trash speed by my house.

I have a fenced yard and a manic Parson russell terrier, who barks incessantly and attacks any animal within reach, and snuggles up to anyone who hates dog, shedding vigorously the whole time.

Anyone want to visit?
Give that the middle class is tapped, it falls to the affluent to spend spend spend!

The more they spend the more middle class people work.
Jesus Christ

this has got to be one of the whiniest displays of petty jealousy I have seen here.
Give that the middle class is tapped, it falls to the affluent to spend spend spend!

The more they spend the more middle class people work.

Jesus Christ bless you, drooling idiot.

My sister left our very dysfunctional and desperately poor family at 16 and started college. She turned 17 in November of the first quarter (or maybe the beginning of the second one).

She put herself through college and then law school, on scholarships, and a few loans which she paid back quickly.

She married a Viet Nam vet, who attended West Point but DROPPED OUT SO HE COULD SERVE MORE QUICKLY as a company clerk for an engineer unit ( you know, the guys who build bridges on the OTHER side of enemy lines) , and together they went bankrupt trying to run his family's farm. They then both became district attorneys, then he went to work for what ultimately became Smith Barney, and she worked as a deputy DA for 8 years for the county, for 8 years as a private attorney, and untold years as a TRIBAL attorney, primarily a prosecutor.

In the meantime, she served on a variety of boards, including EQC, that Environmental Quality Commission, a position to which she was nominated and appointed to by the governor. Eventually she was chariwoman of that board, served her term, and is now back to working solely for the tribe.

Let's talk some more about people who don't deserve what they have worked their hearts and their lives out for. My sister and brother in law have contributed tens of thousands to charities and their church, and rarely miss a day of work.

He continues to work his ass off for Smith Barney, despite heart and blood pressure issues, and she is the Attorney Director for the Child Support Unit for the tribes, despite her own health issues, because they are dedicated to putting their own two children through school on their own. My brother in law's parents, one a math teacher, the other a stock broker, were able to fund his schooling, my own family contributed nothing to my sisiter's education, and they feel obligated to repay the loans their children are taking out. My niece starts her residency in 2010, and owes $600,000 in loans which my sister and her husband will pay for her.

So fuck you when you blab about the upper crust and the way they take advantage. My sister and her husband have worked their lives away to provide for their families so that they wouldn't be a burden on society. They have withheld nothing for themselves. They are downsizing and selling their lovely home to better provide, so they are beholden to no one.

Just because you are dependent upon others, or have never had to provide anything for yourself, don't you dare disparage those who work their asses and their lives away to provide a decent life for their children. You're a piece of shit if you t hink we should all live in the gutter, just because you don't have what it takes to accomplish anything remotely akin to success on your own.

Rich and opulent are relative terms. Y'all can't impress me with million-dollar retreats and mediocre outdoor patios. The craftsmanship is fine, but I've seen trailer parks dressed up better than this.

...and I could show you a sparsely done setting that is far more attractive to me than some of the overdone getaways I've seen bragged about lately...but I don't want you to know where it is!
The first pic looks a lot like my place. I don't have all the stonework though and instead of a pergola out back I have a screened in pool. Now shut down for the winter. Costs too much to heat in the winter.
Yeah I don't have any bad feelings towards anyone with money. This guy and his wife worked hard and long for what they have, and I say more power to them. They had us out to do the wiring and they pay up for what we've done ON THE SPOT. And to go further, they are very nice people. The wife cooked lunch every day for all the workers that were there each day, and in my book, that's good people. I may be envious of what they have, but I think that's normal. Does it bother me? Hell no. All I have to do is walk out in my own garage and eye up all the toys I have, and then I feel very fortunate, because although I don't have as much as the millionaires do, I have a hell of lot more than many others. Be happy with what you have, but don't let that stop you from striving to be better, or furthering your position in life, IF that's what you want.

But, BUT, if all you want to do is sit back and belly ache about what all the rich people have and you don't, but you're not willing to do anything about it, then please, STFU.

Just for the record, I didn't see anyone "whining" in this thread about someone having more than them. Commenting on it, yes. Whining about it, NO.
Nice house but the outdoor kitchen is what caught my eye. I approved the plans for the one I'm having built for my husband just last week and it should be done by spring hopefully. Our house is nothing special but I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world. It's home. But the outdoor kitchen thing is something the light of my life wants and I can afford to do it NOW so I figured I'd get it done before I could no longer afford it. We spend most of our time outside in spring and summer anyway. we're like you Pale, just gotta walk out where the "two legged horses" live and we're happy. Though I'm selling mine. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh

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