Give that the middle class is tapped, it falls to the affluent to spend spend spend!
The more they spend the more middle class people work.
Jesus Christ bless you, drooling idiot.
My sister left our very dysfunctional and desperately poor family at 16 and started college. She turned 17 in November of the first quarter (or maybe the beginning of the second one).
She put herself through college and then law school, on scholarships, and a few loans which she paid back quickly.
She married a Viet Nam vet, who attended West Point but DROPPED OUT SO HE COULD SERVE MORE QUICKLY as a company clerk for an engineer unit ( you know, the guys who build bridges on the OTHER side of enemy lines) , and together they went bankrupt trying to run his family's farm. They then both became district attorneys, then he went to work for what ultimately became Smith Barney, and she worked as a deputy DA for 8 years for the county, for 8 years as a private attorney, and untold years as a TRIBAL attorney, primarily a prosecutor.
In the meantime, she served on a variety of boards, including EQC, that Environmental Quality Commission, a position to which she was nominated and appointed to by the governor. Eventually she was chariwoman of that board, served her term, and is now back to working solely for the tribe.
Let's talk some more about people who don't deserve what they have worked their hearts and their lives out for. My sister and brother in law have contributed tens of thousands to charities and their church, and rarely miss a day of work.
He continues to work his ass off for Smith Barney, despite heart and blood pressure issues, and she is the Attorney Director for the Child Support Unit for the tribes, despite her own health issues, because they are dedicated to putting their own two children through school on their own. My brother in law's parents, one a math teacher, the other a stock broker, were able to fund his schooling, my own family contributed nothing to my sisiter's education, and they feel obligated to repay the loans their children are taking out. My niece starts her residency in 2010, and owes $600,000 in loans which my sister and her husband will pay for her.
So fuck you when you blab about the upper crust and the way they take advantage. My sister and her husband have worked their lives away to provide for their families so that they wouldn't be a burden on society. They have withheld nothing for themselves. They are downsizing and selling their lovely home to better provide, so they are beholden to no one.
Just because you are dependent upon others, or have never had to provide anything for yourself, don't you dare disparage those who work their asses and their lives away to provide a decent life for their children. You're a piece of shit if you t hink we should all live in the gutter, just because you don't have what it takes to accomplish anything remotely akin to success on your own.