The Masks Are Off: The New Right's Full Frontal Embrace Of Nazism

They had sex.
Actually, I think Kanye and Fuentes have a thing for each other.

It's been a pet theory of mine for a while now that West is gay, but his psyche can't handle it.

This self-repression is literally driving him insane. I mean, we have a black man running with a white supremacist, for chrissakes!

There's a video of incel Fuentes doing some really bizarre mental twists trying to prove he's not gay. I'll see if I can find it.

Tried to rein in Ye. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

West has been blasting his anti-semitism and mental illness all over the planet for MONTHS.

He showed up wearing a stocking over his head.

And you think Alex Jones giving him an audience was "trying to rein him in."

Oh, man. That is priceless.

You apparently didn’t even bother to listen to any part of the dopey show.

Why let those pesky fact things interfere with your always stupid mindless ignorant screeds? You’re a worthless little troll.
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President Trump did a great deal of good for Israel, yeah some Nazi he is. Brilliant!!! So, Ye being a complete and total imbecile for embracing nazis and Hitler is an excuse to paint everyone who is slightly to the right of Karl Marx as nazis???

Keep in mind that in 1933 when the nazis came to power in Germany, prior to that, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The nazis abolished these rights and multiple other civil rights and in 1934, it was illegal to criticize the nazi goverment, even cracking jokes about them was illegal. Controlling was news appeared on the radio and in the newspapers was in full force. De-humanizing any and all perceived enemies.

So, it is the radical left democrats and their superpacs (also known as the fake news media), the vast majority of big tech, all part of the radical left - between them, the news is being controlled in favor of the current radical left-wing, tyrannical dictatorship we are currently suffering under. We are rapidly moving towards where certain things can't be said without possible legal ramifications - because it might offend the left. Like the nazis in Germany de-humanized the Jewish people, the democrats and the left do that to anyone on the right, Hitlery Clinton did it by referring to Trump voters as "deplorables", this is just one of many examples.

Keep in mind, nazi is "national socialist", fascism is a form of socialism, the founder of fascism, Giovanni Gentile who was a hard-core socialist and was highly inspired by Karl Marx. This is all left-wing ideology, the right-winger is pro-capitalist. Adolf Hitler quoted on May 1, 1927: "We are socialists, we are the enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitations of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions". You won't hear that kind of talk from Trump or the left. Sounds like if Hitler was alive today, he would be a top contender for the democrat party presidential candidate.
Actually, I did.

But you see, tard, there never should have been a show to begin with.

All caught up now?
Well then you just lied, you retarded twat.

Caught in the web of your own imbecility. Hard to avoid for a scumbag liar such as you.

And now everyone is caught up!
President Trump did a great deal of good for Israel, yeah some Nazi he is.
No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story—Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.! U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel—Before it is too late! - Donald Trump

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA @ "white power" gesture.

Bless your heart.

He likes being shitted on obviously...

Obama's white power gesture looks a lil weak.

He should practice.

Alleged child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is a GOP member of the House Judiciary Committee.

Pedophile enabler Gym Jordan is the ranking member.
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For some time now, Kanye West has been exhibiting signs of mental illness.

Rather than encouraging West to seek help, the New Right has been inviting him on the air to share his deranged thoughts, and to dinner.

This is because Kanye says the things out loud the New Right wishes they could say.

When Kanye declared open war on the Jews, Tucker Carlson could not move fast enough to get this Nazi wannabe on his show.

If you want to see how a propagandist manipulates what their viewers see, check out these parts of the Carlson/Kanye interview which Tucker edited out: The Kanye West Tucker Carlson didn’t want his audience to see.

Having established himself as a very vocal anti-Semite, Donald Trump couldn’t wait to invite West to his dinner table.

Kanye brought along a renowned Nazi who is beloved by the New Right, Nick Fuentes.

Nick Fuentes made his bones at the Charlottesville, Virginia Nazi orgy. He’s one of the very fine people Trump defended after the bloodfest there.

After vaulting to the top of the Nazi name recognition list, the New Right began embracing Nick Fuentes.

Before we get to that, let’s take a look at some of the views Fuentes espouses.

In 2020, Fuentes created a Political Action Committee. The America First PAC.

Yeah, the America First PAC. How could Trump not appreciate this homage?

In 2021, several prominent New Right politicos attended to swap spit with Fuentes. Michelle Malkin, Steve King, and Paul Gosar were among them.

Here’s Marjorie Taylor Greene arriving to toss his salad:


This is what Fuentes said by way of introducing MTG:

Incredibly, we have people on this forum who deny MTG is Putin’s useful idiot.

“We need a dictatorship. We need to take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe.”

No wonder MTG, Paul Gosar, Steve King, and Donald Trump love this guy!


Alleged child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is a GOP member of the House Judiciary Committee.

But what do you think of that picture of Obama showing off the ole white power gesture?


That's Michelle Malkin making the White Power gesture in that photo.


US Congressmen Paul Gosar and Steve King, Nick Fuentes, Town Hall propagandist Michelle Malkin, The Blaze's propagandist Jon Miller, and white supremacist Vincent James Foxx.
Trying to associate folks with letting others speak freely and espouse their views, and then, pigeon hole those same folks as, "endorsing," those views, simply because they give folks a platform to share those views, is NOT the same thing.

I am surprised I have to explain this to you.

On top of all of this. . . I am still waiting for you to name a single ELECTED OFFICIAL who still, becoming aware of this person's rhetoric, stands with him?


Alex Jones has embraced Nazis Kanye and Fuentes and brought them on his show to share his unhinged views.

I don't supposed the fact Kanye wore a stocking over his head the entire time is any clue this man needs help.

I actually wondered, and pondered about that, and wondered on the reason for this.

You do know, the whole thing, could just sit in the culture and marinate a few weeks. .. . and then BAM!

Ye could just come out, and say Jones faked the whole thing, and it was never him.

With the state of technology, he COULD do that if he wanted to. You DO know what Deep Fakes are, don't you? And of course, having only to do it with voice, and the amount of Ye library of just voice out there? It would be an incredibly easy thing to do.

So. . . . ???

Would the public's need to repudiate and hate on Jones, or call everything Ye is doing and saying, as crazy, be more compelling?


There would, of course, be no proof, either way, which is. . . the ultimate mind fuck.
The op is a fascist, and all Nazi's were/are fascists, all democrats are fascists, which means all democrats are Nazi's, those who allow such as the op who is a Nazi, get their goat over these totally full of shit trolling extravaganza's, are literally idiots!

All democrats are fascists, the base which as in case of the op, is oblivious to this indisputable fact, they are the intellectually aborted product of the fascists public school system, they literally don't know any better, but their masters do, the op is a Nazi, for real! :wink:

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