The Man Responsible For 'Working A Miracle' Resigns At Biden's Request


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request
U.S.19 mins ago
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request

Several Days Ago It Was Reported Biden Rebuked His Own COVID-19 Relief Team
for 'underperforming' so far....but he asked the man responsible for doing what the Democrats said would take a 'miracle' for his resignation.

Brilliant....just brilliant.

"As you know, I'm very supportive of this upcoming administration and, really, of course, the operation and its mission," Slaoui told CNBC on Tuesday. "And I will be doing everything I can to help them succeed. As part of that process, which I understand, they have asked me to resign from my role as ... chief scientific adviser."

"As I had said, actually, early in December, prior to any approval of vaccines, that once two vaccines would be approved and two medicines would be approved ... it would probably be time for me to move on and go back to my private life and private business," Slaoui said."

Biden and the Democrats said 'it would take a miracle' for the Trump administration to have a vaccine ready to be administered by the end of Trump's administration. (Of course he also said having a clean articulate black man be picked as a Presidential candidate was a 'fairytale'...). President Trump and Dr. Slaoui did not just deliver 1 vaccine, they delivered 2...

.....and the Democrats are attempting to eliminate 1 as a political threat through a second bogus Impeachment and just demanded the other resign.

I'm sure Biden's team, who he just rebuked for incompetence and lack of ability to do the job, has 'got this'....and if they don't, Biden can always claim he 'inherited' s mess from President Trump and Dr. Slaoui.

Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request's request
U.S.19 mins ago
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request

Several Days Ago It Was Reported Biden Rebuked His Own COVID-19 Relief Team
for 'underperforming' so far....but he asked the man responsible for doing what the Democrats said would take a 'miracle' for his resignation.

Brilliant....just brilliant.

"As you know, I'm very supportive of this upcoming administration and, really, of course, the operation and its mission," Slaoui told CNBC on Tuesday. "And I will be doing everything I can to help them succeed. As part of that process, which I understand, they have asked me to resign from my role as ... chief scientific adviser."

"As I had said, actually, early in December, prior to any approval of vaccines, that once two vaccines would be approved and two medicines would be approved ... it would probably be time for me to move on and go back to my private life and private business," Slaoui said."

Biden and the Democrats said 'it would take a miracle' for the Trump administration to have a vaccine ready to be administered by the end of Trump's administration. (Of course he also said having a clean articulate black man be picked as a Presidential candidate was a 'fairytale'...). President Trump and Dr. Slaoui did not just deliver 1 vaccine, they delivered 2...

.....and the Democrats are attempting to eliminate 1 as a political threat through a second bogus Impeachment and just demanded the other resign.

I'm sure Biden's team, who he just rebuked for incompetence and lack of ability to do the job, has 'got this'....and if they don't, Biden can always claim he 'inherited' s mess from President Trump and Dr. Slaoui.

Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine. He never attended a single meeting of Warp Speed. He was busy tweeting.
Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine.

Every time you 'open your mouth' you prove you are a complete idiot. President Trump put together the team, eliminated the 'red tape', and made it possible to research, develop, test, distribute, and begin giving not 1 but 2 separate vaccines in less than a year when before it took YEARS! this is historic, as it has never been done before.

Your 'Orange man Bad' irrational hatred is not justification for you to be stupid /say stupid things.
Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine.

Every time you 'open your mouth' you prove you are a complete idiot. President Trump put together the team, eliminated the 'red tape', and made it possible to research, develop, test, distribute, and begin giving not 1 but 2 separate vaccines in less than a year when before it took YEARS! this is historic, as it has never been done before.

Your 'Orange man Bad' irrational hatred is not justification for you to be stupid /say stupid things.

He did nothing of the sort. Pfizer isn't a US company.

The FDA approved Moderna

Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request's request
U.S.19 mins ago
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request

Several Days Ago It Was Reported Biden Rebuked His Own COVID-19 Relief Team
for 'underperforming' so far....but he asked the man responsible for doing what the Democrats said would take a 'miracle' for his resignation.

Brilliant....just brilliant.

"As you know, I'm very supportive of this upcoming administration and, really, of course, the operation and its mission," Slaoui told CNBC on Tuesday. "And I will be doing everything I can to help them succeed. As part of that process, which I understand, they have asked me to resign from my role as ... chief scientific adviser."

"As I had said, actually, early in December, prior to any approval of vaccines, that once two vaccines would be approved and two medicines would be approved ... it would probably be time for me to move on and go back to my private life and private business," Slaoui said."

Biden and the Democrats said 'it would take a miracle' for the Trump administration to have a vaccine ready to be administered by the end of Trump's administration. (Of course he also said having a clean articulate black man be picked as a Presidential candidate was a 'fairytale'...). President Trump and Dr. Slaoui did not just deliver 1 vaccine, they delivered 2...

.....and the Democrats are attempting to eliminate 1 as a political threat through a second bogus Impeachment and just demanded the other resign.

I'm sure Biden's team, who he just rebuked for incompetence and lack of ability to do the job, has 'got this'....and if they don't, Biden can always claim he 'inherited' s mess from President Trump and Dr. Slaoui.

As always with you right wingers, you only tell half the story. First off Slaoui was not Biden's guy. Second, Biden's consternation with his team was due to the fact they are fighting an uphill battle because surprise, surprise, what they are inheriting from Trump's pretty much an abortion. Color me shocked.

Biden reportedly confronted COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients and his deputy to tell them "their team was underperforming," Politico says. Transition officials blame a "lack of long-term planning" by the Trump administration, which didn't come close to meeting its goal of vaccinating 20 million Americans by the end of 2020, as the vaccine rollout got off to a far slower-than-expected start in the United States.

"They're inheriting a mess," former Obama administration acting Medicare and Medicaid chief Andy Slavitt told Politico. "I think they're uncovering how bad it is."

This whole disaster of a response they are inheriting from Trump's team won't be the only mess they uncover when they finally take the reins. Again, it will be years to recover from the mess of incompetence that Trump and his merry band of d-bags have visited on us.
Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine.

Every time you 'open your mouth' you prove you are a complete idiot. President Trump put together the team, eliminated the 'red tape', and made it possible to research, develop, test, distribute, and begin giving not 1 but 2 separate vaccines in less than a year when before it took YEARS! this is historic, as it has never been done before.

Your 'Orange man Bad' irrational hatred is not justification for you to be stupid /say stupid things.
I agree with the first sentence
"They're inheriting a mess," former Obama administration acting Medicare and Medicaid chief Andy Slavitt told Politico. "I think they're uncovering how bad it is."
For 8 years Barry falsely claimed he inherited a mess from Bush, and now the Trump administration is claiming again 4 years later his former VP is again inheriting a mess from a Republican.


The mess Barry inherited was left to him by his fellow Democrats who Controlled Congress Bush's last 2 years and controlled Congress his 1st 2 years in office.

Biden was right in rebuking his team for being incompetent and not qualified to do the job - the team HE picked. Asking for the 'Miracle Worker's' resignation was classic Biden - STUPID!

Democrats are frightened by competence. They don't understand it.
They understand it. It's white supremacy.
So is math.

So are advanced classes in school

Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request's request's request's request
U.S.19 mins ago
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request

Several Days Ago It Was Reported Biden Rebuked His Own COVID-19 Relief Team
for 'underperforming' so far....but he asked the man responsible for doing what the Democrats said would take a 'miracle' for his resignation.

Brilliant....just brilliant.

"As you know, I'm very supportive of this upcoming administration and, really, of course, the operation and its mission," Slaoui told CNBC on Tuesday. "And I will be doing everything I can to help them succeed. As part of that process, which I understand, they have asked me to resign from my role as ... chief scientific adviser."

"As I had said, actually, early in December, prior to any approval of vaccines, that once two vaccines would be approved and two medicines would be approved ... it would probably be time for me to move on and go back to my private life and private business," Slaoui said."

Biden and the Democrats said 'it would take a miracle' for the Trump administration to have a vaccine ready to be administered by the end of Trump's administration. (Of course he also said having a clean articulate black man be picked as a Presidential candidate was a 'fairytale'...). President Trump and Dr. Slaoui did not just deliver 1 vaccine, they delivered 2...

.....and the Democrats are attempting to eliminate 1 as a political threat through a second bogus Impeachment and just demanded the other resign.

I'm sure Biden's team, who he just rebuked for incompetence and lack of ability to do the job, has 'got this'....and if they don't, Biden can always claim he 'inherited' s mess from President Trump and Dr. Slaoui.

As always with you right wingers, you only tell half the story. First off Slaoui was not Biden's guy. Second, Biden's consternation with his team was due to the fact they are fighting an uphill battle because surprise, surprise, what they are inheriting from Trump's pretty much an abortion. Color me shocked.

Biden reportedly confronted COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients and his deputy to tell them "their team was underperforming," Politico says. Transition officials blame a "lack of long-term planning" by the Trump administration, which didn't come close to meeting its goal of vaccinating 20 million Americans by the end of 2020, as the vaccine rollout got off to a far slower-than-expected start in the United States.

"They're inheriting a mess," former Obama administration acting Medicare and Medicaid chief Andy Slavitt told Politico. "I think they're uncovering how bad it is."

This whole disaster of a response they are inheriting from Trump's team won't be the only mess they uncover when they finally take the reins. Again, it will be years to recover from the mess of incompetence that Trump and his merry band of d-bags have visited on us.
For the next 4 years, you morons will be blaming Trump for all of Biden's incompetence and corruption. Guaranteed.
Democrats are frightened by competence. They don't understand it.
They understand it. It's white supremacy.
So is math.

So are advanced classes in school

View attachment 442365
White leftists insist black people are stupid. Black leftists agree with them.

Well, according to Joe Biden, "poor kids are just as bright as white kids"

Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request
U.S.19 mins ago
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request

Several Days Ago It Was Reported Biden Rebuked His Own COVID-19 Relief Team
for 'underperforming' so far....but he asked the man responsible for doing what the Democrats said would take a 'miracle' for his resignation.

Brilliant....just brilliant.

"As you know, I'm very supportive of this upcoming administration and, really, of course, the operation and its mission," Slaoui told CNBC on Tuesday. "And I will be doing everything I can to help them succeed. As part of that process, which I understand, they have asked me to resign from my role as ... chief scientific adviser."

"As I had said, actually, early in December, prior to any approval of vaccines, that once two vaccines would be approved and two medicines would be approved ... it would probably be time for me to move on and go back to my private life and private business," Slaoui said."

Biden and the Democrats said 'it would take a miracle' for the Trump administration to have a vaccine ready to be administered by the end of Trump's administration. (Of course he also said having a clean articulate black man be picked as a Presidential candidate was a 'fairytale'...). President Trump and Dr. Slaoui did not just deliver 1 vaccine, they delivered 2...

.....and the Democrats are attempting to eliminate 1 as a political threat through a second bogus Impeachment and just demanded the other resign.

I'm sure Biden's team, who he just rebuked for incompetence and lack of ability to do the job, has 'got this'....and if they don't, Biden can always claim he 'inherited' s mess from President Trump and Dr. Slaoui.

As always with you right wingers, you only tell half the story. First off Slaoui was not Biden's guy. Second, Biden's consternation with his team was due to the fact they are fighting an uphill battle because surprise, surprise, what they are inheriting from Trump's pretty much an abortion. Color me shocked.

Biden reportedly confronted COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients and his deputy to tell them "their team was underperforming," Politico says. Transition officials blame a "lack of long-term planning" by the Trump administration, which didn't come close to meeting its goal of vaccinating 20 million Americans by the end of 2020, as the vaccine rollout got off to a far slower-than-expected start in the United States.

"They're inheriting a mess," former Obama administration acting Medicare and Medicaid chief Andy Slavitt told Politico. "I think they're uncovering how bad it is."

This whole disaster of a response they are inheriting from Trump's team won't be the only mess they uncover when they finally take the reins. Again, it will be years to recover from the mess of incompetence that Trump and his merry band of d-bags have visited on us.
For the next 4 years, you morons will be blaming Trump for all of Biden's incompetence and corruption. Guaranteed. least for the near future. He is the most incompetent individual we've ever had the misfortune of electing as President. I expect Biden will find a complete mess when his team gets in there. And we don't even know the half of it. And you know what, I'm not gonna care if they blame Trump. He's to blame. Don't like it? Too bad.
Democrats are frightened by competence. They don't understand it.
They understand it. It's white supremacy.
So is math.

So are advanced classes in school

View attachment 442365
White leftists insist black people are stupid. Black leftists agree with them.

Well, according to Joe Biden, "poor kids are just as bright as white kids"

Biden is a racist. His supporters refuse to see it.

His supporters are morons.
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request's request
U.S.19 mins ago
Operation Warp Speed director resigns at Biden's request

Several Days Ago It Was Reported Biden Rebuked His Own COVID-19 Relief Team
for 'underperforming' so far....but he asked the man responsible for doing what the Democrats said would take a 'miracle' for his resignation.

Brilliant....just brilliant.

"As you know, I'm very supportive of this upcoming administration and, really, of course, the operation and its mission," Slaoui told CNBC on Tuesday. "And I will be doing everything I can to help them succeed. As part of that process, which I understand, they have asked me to resign from my role as ... chief scientific adviser."

"As I had said, actually, early in December, prior to any approval of vaccines, that once two vaccines would be approved and two medicines would be approved ... it would probably be time for me to move on and go back to my private life and private business," Slaoui said."

Biden and the Democrats said 'it would take a miracle' for the Trump administration to have a vaccine ready to be administered by the end of Trump's administration. (Of course he also said having a clean articulate black man be picked as a Presidential candidate was a 'fairytale'...). President Trump and Dr. Slaoui did not just deliver 1 vaccine, they delivered 2...

.....and the Democrats are attempting to eliminate 1 as a political threat through a second bogus Impeachment and just demanded the other resign.

I'm sure Biden's team, who he just rebuked for incompetence and lack of ability to do the job, has 'got this'....and if they don't, Biden can always claim he 'inherited' s mess from President Trump and Dr. Slaoui.

As always with you right wingers, you only tell half the story. First off Slaoui was not Biden's guy. Second, Biden's consternation with his team was due to the fact they are fighting an uphill battle because surprise, surprise, what they are inheriting from Trump's pretty much an abortion. Color me shocked.

Biden reportedly confronted COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients and his deputy to tell them "their team was underperforming," Politico says. Transition officials blame a "lack of long-term planning" by the Trump administration, which didn't come close to meeting its goal of vaccinating 20 million Americans by the end of 2020, as the vaccine rollout got off to a far slower-than-expected start in the United States.

"They're inheriting a mess," former Obama administration acting Medicare and Medicaid chief Andy Slavitt told Politico. "I think they're uncovering how bad it is."

This whole disaster of a response they are inheriting from Trump's team won't be the only mess they uncover when they finally take the reins. Again, it will be years to recover from the mess of incompetence that Trump and his merry band of d-bags have visited on us.
For the next 4 years, you morons will be blaming Trump for all of Biden's incompetence and corruption. Guaranteed. least for the near future. He is the most incompetent individual we've ever had the misfortune of electing as President. I expect Biden will find a complete mess when his team gets in there. And we don't even know the half of it. And you know what, I'm not gonna care if they blame Trump. He's to blame. Don't like it? Too bad.
It's sure easier than thinking for yourself, or committing the sin of Criticizing A Democrat.

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