The major news story just before 9/11


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Gary Condit and his involment with a young womans dissapearence in DC.
Turns out Condit totally innocent ..........

Some sex-pervert in apark murdered the woman

But Condit did have an affair with the woman which was pretty sleezy
I remember it well. Seems the Condit thing started in April or May and news idiots pounded on it daily, right up to the initial report that a plane, possibly a commercial one, had flown into one of the Twin Towers. And that was pretty much the end of Gary Condit and Chandra Levy stories.
Gary Condit and his involment with a young womans dissapearence in DC.

What I recall most on that story was the original slant. It was vague, but there was a lot of under current that he had done it and speculation that he was a suspect.

It also shows the trivial of the media.

And where is that kind of attention to "fast and Furious? I guy has to be a private detective on that story....

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