The Main Qualifications of more as 60% of The West - European MS 'politicians'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
How can you be qualified for the office of a 'politician'

First of all you shall be good for nothing and a notorious liar. Moreover a membership in a Freemason loge with anti-christian penchant and a love for bribes would be very appreciate by puppeteers.
Some level of insanity, ten divorces, sexual deviations and affinity to BDSM almost guaranties the place in West-European parliaments. If someone is a snitch, traitor, hater of sanity, traditional Moral and values presstitutes will repeat your name 24/7 without interruption.

Question: who still needs this rotten system which enslaved peoples, imposed scamdemic, crazy masks, lockdowns, zero interests and now lead humans in the satanic dystopian sadistic surveillance 'state'?

Here are your 'rulers' folks!
The same situation is almost in any West - European 'parliament'


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