The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance”

And I suppose you believe that these fringe elements represent all conservatives? Would you like me to provide a list of left wing extremists and the atrocities they committed? It would be a much longer than the one you provided.

Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?
And I suppose you believe that these fringe elements represent all conservatives? Would you like me to provide a list of left wing extremists and the atrocities they committed? It would be a much longer than the one you provided.

Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Sorry, no tolerance here either.
You've run out of logical arguments, so you bring up ancient history? Getting desperate, are we?
Are you saying you didn't want witch burning to be tolerated? It's the bible, never suffer a witch. Are you some kind of damned intolerant liberal?
I could go on about how that was Old Testament law that applied only to the Jewish people. there were good reasons for having such laws. If you applied yourself, you might understand what it was all about. But you will hold onto your hate, no matter what. You are to be pitied.
None of the OT applies to Christians? Do they know that?
Just as I suspected. You are not interested in honest debate, let alone the truth. I'd add you to my ignore list, but stupid is funny, and you do it sooooooooo well. Keep it up. I haven't laughed this hard in ages.
Debate? Here's the end of the debate. Liberalism is not anarchy, you can't just do whatever you want and tolerance has its limit, it stops at intolerance.

You would still be burning witches if we hadn't stopped you. You are liberal enough now to ignore your holy book on the matter. All the rest is the same process, tying to get you, often by law, to act like what you aren't by nature, decent people.

Here is a 14 year old FBI report notice how they pinned terror on the right wing in this country.

The FBI divides the terrorist threat facing the United States into two broad categories—domestic and international.

Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States (or its territories) without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

International terrorism involves violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any state, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or any state. Acts are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government, or affect the conduct of a government. These acts transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate, or the locale in which perpetrators operate.
As events during the past several years demonstrate, both domestic and international terrorist organizations represent threats to Americans within the borders of the United States.
During the past decade we have witnessed dramatic changes in the nature of the terrorist threat. In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the country. During the past several years, special interest extremism—as characterized by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF)—has emerged as a serious terrorist threat. The FBI estimates that ALF/ELF have committed approximately 600 criminal acts in the United States since 1996, resulting in damages in excess of 42 million dollars.
Domestic right-wing terrorist groups often adhere to the principles of racial supremacy and embrace antigovernment, antiregulatory beliefs. Generally, extremist right-wing groups engage in activity that is protected by constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. Law enforcement becomes involved when the volatile talk of these groups transgresses into unlawful action.

On the national level, formal right-wing hate groups, such as the National Alliance, the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) and the Aryan Nations, represent a continuing terrorist threat. Although efforts have been made by some extremist groups to reduce openly racist rhetoric in order to appeal to a broader segment of the population and to focus increased attention on antigovernment sentiment, racism-based hatred remains an integral component of these groups’ core orientations.

Right-wing groups continue to represent a serious terrorist threat. Two of the seven planned acts of terrorism prevented in 1999 were potentially large-scale, high-casualty attacks being planned by organized right-wing extremist groups.

Left wing terror doesn't hold a candle to right wing terror.
What, exactly, do you mean by right wing? Be specific.

People who were occupied and engaged in violent extremist activity.
And I suppose you believe that these fringe elements represent all conservatives? Would you like me to provide a list of left wing extremists and the atrocities they committed? It would be a much longer than the one you provided.

Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Ridiculous DHS list: You might be a domestic terrorist if...
And conservatives hate the gheys and want them subjugated back into the closet....Somewhere the fine line will be created that allows both to exist...
Liberals love Muslims who hate gays, but liberals hate Americans who hate Muslim who hate gays. Conservatives don't hate gays or else we would abort them like liberals abort gays.

How many liberals are Muslims ?
Why do liberals love muslims, when muslim kill homos, honor kill their women, denigrate women, and worship a pedophile?
Liberal IFF transpoonders are FUBAR...
What, exactly, do you mean by right wing? Be specific.

People who were occupied and engaged in violent extremist activity.
And I suppose you believe that these fringe elements represent all conservatives? Would you like me to provide a list of left wing extremists and the atrocities they committed? It would be a much longer than the one you provided.

Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Exclusive: Here is the New Homeland Security Report on 'Sovereign Citizen Extremist' Violence
Homegrown Extremism: Analysis | The International Security Program
People who were occupied and engaged in violent extremist activity.
And I suppose you believe that these fringe elements represent all conservatives? Would you like me to provide a list of left wing extremists and the atrocities they committed? It would be a much longer than the one you provided.

Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Ridiculous DHS list: You might be a domestic terrorist if...

Maybe you didn't understand, the comma was not an either/or request. Proof is what you need to provide and a link is the usual method. 1 out of 2 doesn't count.
Conservatives tend to inculcate their children with religion like the Taliban or other religious groups.
If conservatives actually practiced what Jesus taught , or who is standing beside them in the bathroom or in the stall next door, and instead the soup kitchens would be fully manned, people wouldn't be sleeping on the street.
Such logical fallacy in your rhetoric. Conservatives are not confusing their children about which public lavatory to release. Liberals complain about war on poverty but the good Samaritan hypocrite dare not relinquish space in their humble abode or divide their meals with the homeless inviting them to dinner, neither provide a carpool ride for the ghettos. They speak a good game about socialism dividing among the poor for equality, but are not practicing what they preach in order to be an example. Instead, they rather retain other people money and resources so they will avoid the responsibilities. Jesus hated hypocrites

Consider Jesus' treatment of the Scribes and Pharisees—excellent examples from his time of much of what modern liberalism stands for. Also, the moneychangers in the temple.

Jesus was about love and forgiveness, and repentance. What's the last thing he's recorded as having said to the woman taken in adultery, after he rescued her from those who wanted to put her to death? Did he tell her that it was OK for her to keep sleeping around with men other than her husband? No. he told her to repent. He told her to go and sin no more. Modern liberals, cast into that time, would have condemned him as a judgmental, hateful bigot, for expressing disapproval of sexual sin.
People who were occupied and engaged in violent extremist activity.
And I suppose you believe that these fringe elements represent all conservatives? Would you like me to provide a list of left wing extremists and the atrocities they committed? It would be a much longer than the one you provided.

Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Exclusive: Here is the New Homeland Security Report on 'Sovereign Citizen Extremist' Violence
Homegrown Extremism: Analysis | The International Security Program

Reason tv, really? Hell at least it provided more information than the wingnut who face planted on the challenge.
And I suppose you believe that these fringe elements represent all conservatives? Would you like me to provide a list of left wing extremists and the atrocities they committed? It would be a much longer than the one you provided.

Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Ridiculous DHS list: You might be a domestic terrorist if...

Maybe you didn't understand, the comma was not an either/or request. Proof is what you need to provide and a link is the usual method. 1 out of 2 doesn't count.
I provided links to the subject I was discussing. You might read the links before you raise an objection it just makes you look uninvolved and confused.
Of course. If I recall there is even a Department of Homeland Security report on right wing violence in America and just how great the threat actually is to our Democracy.

Sure, we can compare lists all day long. You won't be happy in the end though.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Ridiculous DHS list: You might be a domestic terrorist if...

Maybe you didn't understand, the comma was not an either/or request. Proof is what you need to provide and a link is the usual method. 1 out of 2 doesn't count.
I provided links to the subject I was discussing. You might read the links before you raise an objection it just makes you look uninvolved and confused.

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm on your second link. I just have a natural repulsion to Reason. That said, I couldn't agree with you more in this thread.
Have you seen the list of activities that DHS considers to be subversive? Things like a belief in limited government, or that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land? Are those the terrorists activities you are referring to?

Link, proof is needed here.
Ridiculous DHS list: You might be a domestic terrorist if...

Maybe you didn't understand, the comma was not an either/or request. Proof is what you need to provide and a link is the usual method. 1 out of 2 doesn't count.
I provided links to the subject I was discussing. You might read the links before you raise an objection it just makes you look uninvolved and confused.

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm on your second link. I just have a natural repulsion to Reason. That said, I couldn't agree with you more in this thread.

Thank you, Too bad the right wing in this country is where true intolerance exists, so much so that the government has been watching them since the early 90's.
Liberals keep showing that they are intolerant of any kind of opposing view.

If someone does not believe in global warming / climate change. You're a denier. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support Obama and his policies, they play the race card. You're a racist. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support gay marriage. You're a bigot. :cuckoo:

And they will play the gender card if the corrupt old hag gets in the WH and if you don't like her or her policies. You're a sexist. :cuckoo:
Last edited:
Jesus was about love and forgiveness, and repentance. Did he tell her that it was OK for her to keep sleeping around with men other than her husband? No. he told her to repent. He told her to go and sin no more. Modern liberals, cast into that time, would have condemned him as a judgmental,
Modern libs would have let the Muslims stone her and allow them into America as doing a good deed.
Liberals keep showing that they are intolerant of any kind of opposing view.

If someone does not believe in global warming / climate change. You're a denier. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support Obama and his policies, they play the race card. You're a racist. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support gay marriage. You're a bigot. :cuckoo:

And they will play the gender card if the corrupt old hag gets in the WH and if you don't like her or her policies. You're a sexist. :cuckoo:

I'm intolerant of people who don't know that you can be tolerant and disagree at the same fucking time.
Liberals keep showing that they are intolerant of any kind of opposing view.

If someone does not believe in global warming / climate change. You're a denier. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support Obama and his policies, they play the race card. You're a racist. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support gay marriage. You're a bigot. :cuckoo:

And they will play the gender card if the corrupt old hag gets in the WH and if you don't like her or her policies. You're a sexist. :cuckoo:

I'm intolerant of people who don't know that you can be tolerant and disagree at the same fucking time.
It's a congenital defect. They always perceive any disagreement as intolerance. These people will not be happy until everyone agrees with everything they say.
Paul G. Kengor

I’ve said it before, and I’m hardly alone. Many have observed it. Liberals revere tolerance. They practically worship it. It’s like a religion to them. Well, now comes a study that supports the point.

A new survey by Pew Research finds that when it comes to teaching children, liberals place a far higher priority on teaching “tolerance” than teaching religion. That liberals do this in schools is abundantly clear, but they apparently do it in their homes as well.

In this, Pew finds, liberals are the opposite of conservatives. “The starkest ideological differences [between liberals and conservatives] are over the importance of teaching religious faith,” reports Pew. “Among those who have consistently conservative attitudes across a range of political values, 81 percent think it is especially important for children to be taught religious faith…. Among those with consistently liberal views, just 26 percent rate the teaching of religious faith as especially important, and only 11 percent regard it as among the most important child-rearing qualities.”

Moreover, finds the survey, a staggering 88 percent of “consistently liberal” Americans list tolerance as their most important value in teaching their children.

While this data is significant, it’s also limited. It depends first and foremost on how one defines “tolerance,” and especially how liberals professing tolerance define tolerance.

I believe, in general, that liberals are not actually tolerant. Liberals tolerate only what they what want to tolerate. They tolerate things they agree with—which, of course, isn’t tolerance. Tolerance is about accepting the often-difficult differences between you and someone you strongly disagree with, and respecting that person’s right to an opposing point of view. Obviously, that’s not liberalism. This could be demonstrated multiple ways, but consider two salient examples pervasive in daily headlines: liberals’ behavior regarding same-sex marriage and abortion.

Liberals are relentless in denouncing, demonizing, boycotting, attacking, picketing, prosecuting, suing, fining, and even threatening to jail people who disagree with them on same-sex marriage. If your family owns a barn in New York (or elsewhere) and declines to rent it to a gay couple for a wedding ceremony, because such an arrangement violates your religious beliefs and freedom, liberals will fine you $13,000. If you’re Elaine Photography in New Mexico and beg not to photograph a same-sex wedding, liberals will sue you. If you are the Kleins in Oregon and plead not to make a cake for a same-sex ceremony, you will be picketed, hauled before state commissions, and have your livelihood ruined by liberals. If you are Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, or a florist in any number of states, who likewise prefers not to service same-sex events, you will be threatened with imprisonment. If you are the owner of Chick-fil-A or other businesses, and you dare admit that you’re against redefining marriage because you believe your God says you can’t, liberals literally will assert at your death that Jesus is going to send you to hell. I could go on and on with such examples: Mozilla, Craig James, the owner of Barilla pasta, the governor of Arizona, etc., etc., etc.

Liberals refuse to tolerate those who refuse to redefine marriage.

As for abortion, liberals not only refuse to respect your opposition; they insist you pay for their abortions. From Hobby Lobby to the Little Sisters of the Poor, they’re making you pay. If you don’t, you will be fined mightily.

I could go on and on with other examples from other issues. Look at how liberals run the universities, the training grounds for their missionaries of diversity. The faculty at these colleges are 80-90 percent liberal, and conservatives are not only marginalized but often barred from speaking on campus or angrily protested by these self-professing champions of free speech and open-mindedness.

All of this tells us much about liberals, but it especially reveals the phoniness of their claims to “tolerance.”

In truth, what liberals really practice is a selective “tolerance.” And when that selective tolerance doesn’t extend to you and your viewpoint, they tell you that you’re against tolerance, that you’re against diversity, and that you “hate.”

All of which brings me back to the Pew survey. I think it reveals something even deeper. Many liberals have left religion because it doesn’t accord to their definition of what religion (or God) should be. They’ve jettisoned Christianity because certain aspects don’t accord to their worldview. Their Christianity is, at best, a kind of cafeteria Christianity, where they pick and choose the elements of the faith they like and discard those they don’t. It’s a selective Christianity.

Liberals are instead embracing the faith of tolerance. But here, too, it’s a selective faith.

And most ironic, this selective tolerance often excludes the religious—or at least the religious that liberals disagree with.

- See more at: The Liberal Religion of “Tolerance” | The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College Center for Vision and Values - A conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom.

View attachment 76790

Hey, I have written something like that in the past!

Damn me and my Liberal views...
Liberals keep showing that they are intolerant of any kind of opposing view.

If someone does not believe in global warming / climate change. You're a denier. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support Obama and his policies, they play the race card. You're a racist. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support gay marriage. You're a bigot. :cuckoo:

And they will play the gender card if the corrupt old hag gets in the WH and if you don't like her or her policies. You're a sexist. :cuckoo:

I'm intolerant of people who don't know that you can be tolerant and disagree at the same fucking time.
It's a congenital defect. They always perceive any disagreement as intolerance. These people will not be happy until everyone agrees with everything they say.

Who is they?
Liberals keep showing that they are intolerant of any kind of opposing view.

If someone does not believe in global warming / climate change. You're a denier. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support Obama and his policies, they play the race card. You're a racist. :cuckoo:

If someone does not like or support gay marriage. You're a bigot. :cuckoo:

And they will play the gender card if the corrupt old hag gets in the WH and if you don't like her or her policies. You're a sexist. :cuckoo:

I'm intolerant of people who don't know that you can be tolerant and disagree at the same fucking time.
It's a congenital defect. They always perceive any disagreement as intolerance. These people will not be happy until everyone agrees with everything they say.

Who is they?

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