The level of Trumpbots & their ass kissing on this board is both

Why doesn't anybody on the left kiss the ass of the abused wife of the former president or the 80 year old ass of the old commie? Why did this become a one sided issue where the radical left pretends that they have two angels running for president?
The level of animosity against those who choose to support a non politician is both hysterical and alarming.

It's like the negative ad bonanza of the political elites. And it's just not working anymore.

Thread after thread of personal attacks.

If this is the best you've got, best go back to the drawing board.
Are you a Trump ass kisser? Yes or no.

If you are not this thread does not apply to you. Either way if you're so thin skinned that my criticism bothers you FIND THE IGNORE BUTTON.

What constitutes a Trump ass kisser? Because the vagueness of the statement makes it sound like you are referencing all Trump supporters, of which I am one.

So, please clarify so it is completely transparent to whom this statement is targeting.
Well let's see...

In the last few weeks because I oppose Trump I have been called a liberal, a traitor and several other absurd things. In the last few weeks I have created threads that detail Trump's liberal positions that are not distant memories. One week Trump talks about tariffs and when confronted bold face lies about it. In every single debate his own words from previous interviews are brought up & he flat out denies he ever said those things or that the interviews never happened.
When all of that is brought up it is either completely ignored or excused away all the while the above insults are slung.

This thread is about those people. People that will excuse away anything because he's TRUMP. Just like the Obamabots
Least qualified? What are the qualifications Gramps?

Empty headed no specific plan bloviating is the least of the qualifications.

" I will make America great again" is no more of a solution to America's problems than "Yes we can"

Trump has offered nothing of substance but rather hot air & talking points full of red meat.

Have you gone to his website and read his proposals?

He provides as much (or more) detail as any candidate running.
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Least qualified? What are the qualifications Gramps?
Hey Zander! I just caught on to the 'optical illusion' post-it on your posts. I slap mt forehead with my palm that it took so long while I marvel at the cleverness. Kudos
Least qualified? What are the qualifications Gramps?

Empty headed no specific plan bloviating is the least of the qualifications.

" I will make America great again" is no more of a solution to America's problems than "Yes we can"

Trump has offered nothing of substance but rather hot air & talking points full of red meat.

Have you gone to his website and read his proposals?

He provides as much or more details of than any candidate running.
Not since he released his tax plan. I find it very hard to reconcile his narcissism. Reminds me too much of Obama and has completely turned me off. A bit shallow I know but after 8 years I've had enough of it
Trump supporters are naïve and delusional, they harbor this childish, sophomoric notion that the 'outsider candidate' devoid of experience or ability is capable of being president, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
I haven't met many folks opposed to Trump that present rational reasons for their hate. They just "don't like him", or "he's arrogant". or "he's a clown".

At least Grampa has a rationale for his opposition. I respect that, even though I disagree with him.

I only weighed in on this thread because I object being called a Trumpbot, I am an Trumpeter!!

Least qualified? What are the qualifications Gramps?
Hey Zander! I just caught on to the 'optical illusion' post-it on your posts. I slap mt forehead with my palm that it took so long while I marvel at the cleverness. Kudos

Thank you! I find it to be very clever.

do you see the arrow in the FedEx logo?

Well let's see...

In the last few weeks because I oppose Trump I have been called a liberal, a traitor and several other absurd things. In the last few weeks I have created threads that detail Trump's liberal positions that are not distant memories. One week Trump talks about tariffs and when confronted bold face lies about it. In every single debate his own words from previous interviews are brought up & he flat out denies he ever said those things or that the interviews never happened.
When all of that is brought up it is either completely ignored or excused away all the while the above insults are slung.

This thread is about those people. People that will excuse away anything because he's TRUMP. Just like the Obamabots

Ah...I see.

Well, those kind of threads are kinda the same negative attack ads. And folks take it personally.

I haven't started a single thread about a candidate I don't like...and I really don't like Bush, Christie and Kasich.

I have had nothing but good thing to say about Cruz and mostly good things to say about Rubio and Rand Paul.

I think it tears up personal relationships to attack each other.

I like Cruz...if he is the nominee, I'll be happy. But the pragmatist in me says he can't win. Pennsylvania ain't Missouri. Michigan ain't Missouri. Virginia ain't Missouri. Colorado ain't Missouri.

Sure Cruz can win here...but we are in a electoral pickle.

Trump can expand the electoral map for Republicans...Cruz cannot. Cruz will win the Red states, Trump will win the red states. Then Cruz MUST win Florida, Virginia, Ohio and North Carolina. He's not going t be competitive in Jersey, or Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Pennsylvania, or New Hampshire. just not going to happen. You see the nominally Republican governors of Ohio and New Jersey.

Trump is going to be competitive in all those states...and, instead of being pulled to the right in the debates...he just went to war with Fox News.

I could go on and on...but this post is already too long.

Look at the interactive electoral map on RCP. You'll understand where I am coming from.
Least qualified? What are the qualifications Gramps?

Empty headed no specific plan bloviating is the least of the qualifications.

" I will make America great again" is no more of a solution to America's problems than "Yes we can"

Trump has offered nothing of substance but rather hot air & talking points full of red meat.

Have you gone to his website and read his proposals?

He provides as much or more details of than any candidate running.
Not since he released his tax plan. I find it very hard to reconcile his narcissism. Reminds me too much of Obama and has completely turned me off. A bit shallow I know but after 8 years I've had enough of it
Don't confuse his ability to generate publicity and attention with shallow narcissism.He has a reason for doing what he does, and it works incredibly well.

He's a good man with a good family. He's a serious candidate with very good plans.

I agree with him on all of the big issues: We need to control our borders. We need to renegotiate trade deals that have destroyed our manufacturing jobs and factories. We need to take care of our veterans and reform the VA. We need to fix our tax code so that it is fair and simple. We need to protect the 2nd amendment.
Least qualified? What are the qualifications Gramps?

Empty headed no specific plan bloviating is the least of the qualifications.

" I will make America great again" is no more of a solution to America's problems than "Yes we can"

Trump has offered nothing of substance but rather hot air & talking points full of red meat.

Have you gone to his website and read his proposals?

He provides as much or more details of than any candidate running.
Not since he released his tax plan. I find it very hard to reconcile his narcissism. Reminds me too much of Obama and has completely turned me off. A bit shallow I know but after 8 years I've had enough of it
Don't confuse his ability to generate publicity and attention with shallow narcissism.He has a reason for doing what he does, and it works incredibly well.

He's a good man with a good family. He's a serious candidate with very good plans.

I agree with him on all of the big issues: We need to control our borders. We need to renegotiate trade deals that have destroyed our manufacturing jobs and factories. We need to take care of our veterans and reform the VA. We need to fix our tax code so that it is fair and simple. We need to protect the 2nd amendment.
I ment shallow on my part.
Hysterical & alarming

One of the least qualified people to run in decades
It is completely a cult of personality. There are just some people who are ready to follow a deep voiced dictator with great hair no matter what.
It reminds me of the Obamabots that defend him at any cost.

I believe some are supporting Trump to punish those that voted for President Obama... There is no damn way a true Conservative would support that New York Conservative which is just another liberal by another name!
Hysterical & alarming

One of the least qualified people to run in decades

Enjoy it, the GOP has been pandering to no nothings for over a decade, they've earned it.
It's "Know-Nothings" moron.
and the Democrats are the biggest panderers out there. "The Republican proposal is to die quiickly." "Throw grandma off a cliff" etc etc.
The GOP has the biggest stable of younger qualified people in some time. The Democrats have tired old white geriatrics who are out of touch with reality.
Trump supporters are naïve and delusional, they harbor this childish, sophomoric notion that the 'outsider candidate' devoid of experience or ability is capable of being president, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Anyone who supported Obama in his first campaign has zero grounds to talk here.
Least qualified? What are the qualifications Gramps?
Hey Zander! I just caught on to the 'optical illusion' post-it on your posts. I slap mt forehead with my palm that it took so long while I marvel at the cleverness. Kudos

Thank you! I find it to be very clever.

do you see the arrow in the FedEx log
Zander, I see the arrow, but withhold the answer so others can ponder it.
Hysterical & alarming

One of the least qualified people to run in decades

Enjoy it, the GOP has been pandering to no nothings for over a decade, they've earned it.
It's "Know-Nothings" moron.
and the Democrats are the biggest panderers out there. "The Republican proposal is to die quiickly." "Throw grandma off a cliff" etc etc.
The GOP has the biggest stable of younger qualified people in some time. The Democrats have tired old white geriatrics who are out of touch with reality.

So you think the younger a person is, the more qualified he is?

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